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也许有人会说他们很� “我想,在所有接受礼物的人当中,他们也是最幸福的。许多人都会羡慕这对夫妻。




The story is: there is a young couple, the family is poor, but they love each other very much. Its almost Christmas time. They want to buy an ideal gift for each other. In order to match Jims gold watch with a matching watch chain, the hostess della wanted to cut off not only her love, but also the sale of the beautiful hair that everyone was envious of. He bought a beautiful chain as a Christmas gift to Jim with the money of her hair. In order to give della Christmas presents, Jim bought a hairpin that matched her hair, and sold the gold watch of her beloved.

In order to give a gift to each other at Christmas, Jim sold his gold watch to buy a set of "pure tortoiseshell, a jewel edge" comb; dela sold his long hair and bought a white gold chain for Jim. The first time I heard this article was heard on the radio. At that time, there was no feeling when I was very young, but there was a perplexity that I could not think about. Why could I not afford to buy the protagonists band and comb in the novel until I saw the original book that it was a jewel comb and a white gold band. At that time, the radio station was used to play this novel for the political needs of the time, so that we could feel the ugliness of the socialistic warm capital class society. Of course, it was gradually understood when they grew up. This novel has always been with me since I came into contact with this original work. From time to time, I would like to take a look at the plot. Although the story is small, it is full of human radiance, warmth, love, loyalty and loyalty. In a difficult environment, a couple who love each other depend on what they cherish most in exchange for each others favorite gifts.

After reading Ohenrys novel, I felt very deeply. In the face of the hard and embarrassing reality, the enthusiasm and courage of their life deeply touched me. Ohenry was famous for his unexpected ending. He was also known as the Manhattan poet, and thought the end of Maggies gift carefully. Cut is reasonable, since dela is willing to sell her most proud hair to Jim for a watch chain. Then why did Jim not sacrifice the gold watch to buy the gorgeous comb for dela? Because love is always interlinked.

Jim and dela, the protagonists of the story, though very unwisely sacrificed their most precious things for each other. But lets say the last word to todays wise men that those two gifts are among the most intelligent. Among all those who give gifts and receive gifts, the two of them are the cleverest. It is a priceless treasure that they give to each other with their beautiful heart. And this priceless treasure is just a gift that no one in the world will ever be wise or wealthy. I think, perhaps this is what the author of the novel wants to tell people.



他们所体现夫妻之间的那种互相关爱,互相付出的情感,更是为我们带来了心灵的震撼。其实,题名中的麦琪并不是主人公中任何一人的名字,而是《圣经》中记载,耶稣出生时从东方来的三个贤人中俄其中之一,他们的礼物带表了尊贵与圣洁。或许有人会觉得� 而丈夫出于同样的目的,卖掉了祖传金表给妻子买了一套发梳,这种做法有些愚蠢,他们都极不明智的出卖了自己最为宝贵的东西。但是尽管彼此的礼物都失去了使用价值,他们却从中获得了无价的情感。

我刚开始读这篇文章,本以为就是最普通的圣诞节互赠礼品而已。但是,文章之后的发展却 欧·亨利独特的结尾更是令人深思。这整个故事似乎太过于巧合,但这篇以悲情为基调的文章,实则体现了人与人之间无价的爱。他们都只想到了对方,却没有考虑到自己,那种无私的付出,使人敬仰,使人钦佩。就如文章结尾做说的不过,让我们对现今的聪明人说最后一句话,在一切馈赠礼品的人当中,那两个人是最聪明的。在一切馈赠又接收礼品的人当中,像他们两个这样的人也是最聪明的。无论在任何地方,他们都是最聪明的人。









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