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unit3 hobbies


本单元通过mike 和yang ling 到ben家做客,引出话题,谈论"兴趣爱好"。主要学习一般疑问句do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do. no,i don't. 和主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal, take photos, go shopping和a coin。

2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型do you have any hobbies? do you like …? yes, i do. /no, i don’t. he/she likes… he/she doesn’t.

3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型show us…, please. here they are. can you …?


5、会唱歌曲do you have any hobbies?



2、能正确地听、说、读、写do you have any hobbies?句型及其回答。







read and say(page 22--23)


1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt,uncle.

2. 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组take photos, show us his stamps, they are.

3. 能正确得理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? do you like…?yes, i do.

no, i don’t. he/she likes…

4. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

5. 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。

6. 能初步熟悉英语歌曲《hobbies》




1. 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。

2. 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。


1. 一本邮册,船类和动物类邮票


3. 照相机

4. 录音机和磁带



1. free talk

t: good morning! how are you?

s: fine, thank you, and you?

t: not so good. i’ve got a cold ? what would you like to say to me?

s1: miss zhou, take some medicine, please.

s2: drink some water.

s3: have a lot of rest.

s4: why don’t you go to see the doctor?

2. listen and do

t: i like sports. i like playing table tennis. i like climbing the hill. do you like sports?

ss: yes, we do.

t: now let’s do some exercise. please listen and do.

and practice

1. 学习:go shopping, hobby

t: i like playing table tennis. i like reading books, too. i also like going shopping.(出示图片,学说go shopping)

t: going shopping is my hobby.(学说hobby)

t: going shopping is my hobby. reading books is my hobby. they are my hobbies.(理解学说hobbies)

2. 学习练说句型a: do you have any hobbies?  b: yes, i do. i like…

t: do you have any hobbies? (逐一问)

ss: yes, i do. i like…

师逐一向全班报告:oh! he/she likes…

3. a. 师出示课前准备好的邮册介绍引出what’s this? it’s a stamp.(教读a stamp, 生带读)look! there are many stamps in my book.引出many.

拿出动物邮票:there’s a lion on this stamp. the lion is an animal. this is an animal stamp.让学生理解animal的意思

出示一张船图案的邮票:there’s a ship on the stamp. it’s very nice. it’s beautiful.

学习a ship 一词。  领读单词a stamp, many, a ship, 生跟读。

b. 师继续出示邮册,一边给学生看里面的邮票一边介绍说 i like collecting stamps. look at my stamps. they are beautiful. 出示课前准备的布偶说i like collecting dolls ,too         学习单词collect。

c. 师把布偶放在桌子上,一边拍照一边说i like collecting dolls. i like taking photos. 让学生领会a photo和take a photo的意思,再让学生边说边做take a photo.

step3 read and say

出示read and say部分的挂图并进行句型介绍this is yang ling. she likes making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说this is yang ling. she likes making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing flowers.

师生利用挂图进行问答练习:does yang ling like making clothes? yes, she does. does helen like taking photos? no, she doesn’t.领说句型。

1. look at the pictures, listen to the tape, and try to understand the dialogue.

2. listen to he tape and repeat.

3. read the dialogue by themselves.

4. act out the dialogue in groups.

step4 enjoy a song -----《hobbies》

step5 homework

1. copy the words: collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt, uncle.

2. 听录音,朗读并表演对话。


unit3  hobbies

he likes…                  a stamp   many

she likes…                 a ship  collect

do you like…?              go  shopping

do you have any…?          take a photo



1. look, read and write(page24)

2. sing a song(page29)


1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。

2. 能正确德听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes.

3. 会唱歌曲——《hobbies》


1.  能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。

3. 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes.


1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。

2. 能熟练运用本课所学的词组。


1. 画有b部分词组的动作图片和挂图

2. 录音机和磁带


talk and motivation

1. 用good morning! how are you? nice to see you. do you like …? does he/she like…?等日常生活用语及句型与学生交谈。

2. sing a song----《hobbies》

a. read 《hobbies》, and try to know the meaning.

b. listen to the tape twice.

c. listen and follow it.

d. sing it together and let some ss sing it.

and practice

1. 当歌曲结束时,师问: do you have any hobbies? 复现词组take photos, make clothes collect stamps。学生跟读、自由读。

2. 师做动作让学生猜测:what am i doing? guess!

ss: are you taking photos/making clothes /collecting stamps?

t: yes/no. i’m going shopping/making model ships/growing flowers/making clothes?引出go shopping/make model ships/grow flowers/make clothes?等其他词组。

3. listen to the tape and follow (模仿跟读)

step3 consolidation

1. what’s missing?

师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生:what’s missing? 学生快速说出被抽的词组。

2. look and say

do the actions, and then ss say the phrases as soon as possible.

3. what’s your hobby?

do you like going shopping? yes, i do.

do you like making clothes? no, i don’t.


4. 学生抄写四会词组:take photos, go shopping, collects stamps.


1.  copy the phrases: take photos, go shopping, collects stamps.

2.  make a dialogue in pairs.


unit3  hobbies


take  photos       go  shopping        make model ships

collect stamps        grow  flowers       make clothes



1.  ask and answer

2.  look, read and complete


1. 能进一步掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好的词组。

2. 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.

3. 能用i like…和he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。

4. 能用所学句型进行情景会话和交流。

5. 能演唱英语歌曲《hobbies》


能正确地听、说、读、写句子do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.和 i like…及he/she likes…,too.句型


能正确运用do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.并能在具体情景中以口头或书面的形式进行交流


1.  课前准备有关活动等方面的多媒体课件或图片(如make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes等)

2.  一个话筒

3. 录音机和磁带


step1. warm up

1. sing a song----- 《hobbies》

2. a. 快速呈示图片,复习本单元动作类的词语

b. make sentences: i like…

t: do you have any hobbies?

s1: yes, i do. i like… 选择自己喜欢的活动

and answer


s: do you have any hobbies?

t: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps.

教师手指着一男生说he likes collecting stamps, too.

in groups


a: do you have any hobbies?

b: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps. he likes collecting stamps, too.


do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like…he/she likes…, too.(看谁造的句子多)


a: do you have any hobbies?

b: yes, i do. i like making model ships.

a: (指着另一个男学生)he likes making model ships, too. right?

b: no, he doesn’t. he likes taking photos.

step3. look, read and complete

1. 教师出示d部分的多媒体课件或图片,创设情境,引出话题 this is a picture of su hai’s family. su hai and her family have some hobbies.

2. look at the picture carefully , and then fill the blanks.(学生填空时,教师边巡视边提醒学生注意主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。)

and answer(进一步理解图片内容)

t: do su hai and her family have any hobbies?

ss: yes, they do.

t: su hai likes growing flowers. su yang likes growing flowers, too. right?

ss: no, she doesn’t. she likes making model ships.

t: their mother likes going shopping and their father likes collecting stamps. right?

b: yes. and they all like listening to music and taking photos.



unit 3  hobbies

do you have any hobbies?  i like…

yes, i do.                he/she likes…,too.



1. read and act          2. do a survey

3. listen and repeat


1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。

2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

3. 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do. 和 i like…及he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的活动。

4. 能初步了解字母u 在单词中的读音。


能正确地听、说、读、写句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.和i like…及he/she likes…,too句式。




1. 有关活动方面的多媒体课件或图片。

2. 空白表格

3. 录音机和录音带


talk and revision

t: good morning, class. nice to see you again.

ss: nice to see you.

t: i like growing flowers. do you have any hobbies?

s1: yes, i do. i like making model ships.

t: he likes taking photos. right?

s2: no, he doesn’t. he likes collecting stamps.

t: do you like playing the piano?

s3: yes, i do.

s4; i like playing the piano, too.

step2. do a survey


s5: i like…….

t: what do you like?

s6: i like….

t: your hobbies are different. look, i have a table. let’s do a survey. ask your friend like this. (示范,做记录)

t: do you have any hobbies?

s: yes, i do. i like……

t: do you understand?

s: yes.

t: please do the survey in groups.

s: (六人一组,一人为组长询问,填表格,其余学生回答)

t: ok, can you tell me about your survey?(统计调查结果)

s: yes. five students like taking photos. one student likes making model ships.

and act

:let’s listen to a song. ok?

s: ok. ( listen to the song “hobbies”)

t: (出示e部分的图片)look, who are they?

ss; they are liu tao and wang bing.

t: now, let’s listen to the tape and see: what are wang bing and liu tao’s hobbies?

s: (listen to the dialogue)

t: does liu tao have any hobbies?

s: yes, he does. he likes growing flowers.

t: great! what is he doing?

s: he is watering the trees and flowers.

teach: water 浇水

t: who likes grows flowers, too?

s: wang bing’s aunt.

t: oh, they have the same hobby.

teach: same 相同的

the dialogue after the tape.

the dialogue by themselves

in pairs and act out the dialogue.

and repeat

: ok,well down. let’s play a game.(出示图片)

computer  music  student (快速展示,抽掉一张)

what is missing?

the students read the words together.

: please try to find out the same pronunciation .   s: /ju:/

the phonetic symbol

the words again

6. read the sentence


2.能够熟练并表演read and act.



unit 3  hobbies

图片(活动类)         read and act 图片






2、free talk中,以旧引新,用学过的兴趣爱好swimming等引出生词take photos。教师做动作呈现词组,直观形象,让学生帮老师拍照,一方面拉近师生距离,另一方面激发了学生的好奇心和参与课堂的欲望,给学生以深刻印象。同时让学生提前感知单词hobby。

3、新授collect stamps时,呈现本人的集邮册和部分类别邮票的放大图,使新词组collect stamps直观易懂,使学生对集邮产生好奇心,对新词组正真“愿读”,“想读”,“读来兴趣盎然”,让学生在学习过程中体验轻松和愉快。



思维自惊奇和疑问开始,学生有了问题才会去探索。本课中我设计的四人小组活动任务:询问周边朋友的爱好(do a survey)。使学生进入良好的小组自主学习的氛围:学生在小组调查中,人人有角色,人人有机会运用新句型,交流新词组。在调查之后,增设小组报告环节,更是希望突出本课重点,使优等生有机会展示自己,同时教师能及时从学生那儿获得反馈信息。随后,我结合学生实际应答时的先后顺序,适时出示其余新授词组,再安排听录音,纠正词组的发音并组织认读等。



课内练习是学生巩固知识的必要环节,也是检测教学效果的有效手段,在组际交流后,我运用预先设计好的练习题(look,read and fill in the blank)让学生操练。因为用当堂检测教学效果的方法,反馈迅速,校正有效,有利于提高英语教学质量。在反馈时,我组织学生以同桌分角色问答的形式,这样在检测学生独立思考的同时,又锻炼了二人小组的默契度。我还以邮票为奖品,奖励积极发言或应答正确的同学,以此激发学生集邮的爱好。





以上是我在执教完5b unit 3《hobbies》一课后的些许体会。小学英语课堂教学是一项复杂的工作,只有我们不断努力,不断尝试,才能使我们的英语课堂教学迈上一个新的台阶。


unit 1 our hobbies

lesson 2


1. question n.问题, 疑问    v.询问, 怀疑

2. fifty    adj. n. pron.  -ties 五十

3. popular adj.通俗的, 流行的

4. plant   n.植物, 庄稼, 工厂    v.种植, 栽培


6. a number of 许多,大量的

7. leisure     n.空闲, 闲暇

8. other       adj.其他的,

另外的, pron. 他人, adv.另外地, 不同地

9. classmate  n.同班同学

10. ask    v.问, 要求, 邀请

11. all   adj.全部的, adv.完全, pron.全部

12. most  adj.最多的, 大部分的 adv.最, 最多, 很    n.大多数, 大部分

13. many  n.多数, 群众  adj.许多的  pron.许多人, 许多

14. swimming  n. 游泳;泅水

15. hike  v.远足, 步行

16. some  pron.一些, 若干adj.一些, 少许,

17. free  adj. 自由的, 大方的, 免费的


1. question


n. 1)an expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply.问题, 疑问

you haven’t answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题。

2)the raising of doubt疑问;怀疑;置疑

his honesty is beyond question. 他的诚实无可怀疑。

)to ask questions of 询问

stop questioning me about my personal business!


he was questioned by the police. 他被警察讯问。

2)to express doubt about. 怀疑, 置疑

i do not question his honesty. 我不怀疑他的诚实。

2. fifty    adj. n. pron.  -ties 五十

3. popular


adj. widely liked or appreciated: 通俗的, 流行的

a popular song 一支通俗歌曲

she is popular at school. 她在学校里很受人喜欢。

this dance is popular with young people. 这种舞很受青年人喜爱。

4. plant

)植物, 庄稼

trees and vegetables are plants. 树和蔬菜是植物。

2)a factory 工厂

her father worked in a power plant. 她父亲在一家发电厂工作。

v. to put plants or seeds into (ground or soil)for growing种植, 栽培

have you planted any vegetables yet? 你种蔬菜了吗?

plant ideas in mind把思想灌输到心中

a planted story谎言

5. twenty-eight  二十八

6. a number of 许多,大量的

a number of my classmates work very hard.


the number of the students in this school is increasing.


7. leisure

n. time that is free from work, time in which one can do as one chooses空闲, 闲暇

work and leisure劳逸

have no leisure to do sth. 没有空闲时间去做某事

often used to modify another noun:常用来修饰另一个名词:

leisure travel.空闲时间;休闲的旅行

what do you do in your leisure time? 你空闲时间做些什么?

8. other

adj. being the remaining one of two or more: 剩余的,其他的, 另外的,

where’s my other glove? 我的那只手套在哪儿?

john and the others are here. 约翰和其他人都在这儿。

pron. 他人, 另外一个

do good to others为别人做好事

hold it in this hand, not the other.用这只手握着, 不要用那只手。

adv.另外地, 不同地

i can’t do other than to go. 我只好去。

9. classmate

要点: class + mate

n. a member of the same class at school  同班同学

10. ask


v. 1)to put a question to  询问

ask him a question 向他问个问题

2)to seek an answer to:对……提问:ask a question  问问题

“who are you?” she asked. “你是谁?”她问。

3)to seek information about:问有关……的情况:

asked directions  问方向,询问

they asked me the time. 他们向我打听时间。

4)to make a request of or for要求,索求:

ask her a favor 请她帮个忙

ask her for the money 向她要钱

5)to invite:邀请

ask sb. to a party 请某人赴会

6)to expect or demand: 期待,要求:

ask too much of a child  过分要求孩子

7)to require or call for as a price or condition 索价

he asked £5 for the book. 这本书他索价5英镑。

11. all


adj. the whole amount or number or extent 全部的

don’t eat all that bread! 别把那块面包都吃了!

are all the students here today? 今天所有的学生都到了吗?

adv. entirely, quite 完全地

the road is all covered with snow. 道路全都被大雪覆盖。

he was dressed all in black. 他穿了一身黑。

pron. the entire or total number, amount, or quantity; totality:全体

all are agreed. 全体赞成。

n. the whole of one’s fortune, resources, or energy; everything one has:


he gave all he had. 他倾其所有。

12. most


adj. 1)many; much 的最高级形式: greatest in number:数量上最多的:

won the most votes: 拥有最多数的选票

2)greatest in amount, extent, or degree:数量、范围或程度上最大的

adv. in or to the highest degree or extent. 在最高或最大程度、范围内。


most honest; most impatiently 最诚实的;最不耐心地

n. the greatest amount or degree: 最大的数量或程度:

she has the most to gain. 她可以获得最多的收益。

pron. the greatest part or number:  最多部分或数量:usage: 与单数或复数动词连用

most of the town was destroyed. 大多数城镇被破坏。

most of the books were missing.大多数书都找不着了。

13. many

n. 1)usage: used with a pl. verb: a large, indefinite number:许多,一个大而不确定的数目:

a good many of the workers had the flu. 有许多工人得了流感。

2)the majority of the people; the masses: 大多数人;群众:

“ the many fail, the one succeeds?” (tennyson)“大众失败,一人成功?”(坦尼森)

adj. being one of a large, indefinite number; numerous:

无数的: 一个大而不确定数目的;为数众多的:

were there many people at the play? 看戏的人多不多?

many a child许多孩子; many another day  许多别的日子

pron. usage: used with a pl. verb: a large number of persons or things:许多人或物

many of us were tired.我们当中的许多人都疲倦了。

14. swimming

要点:swim + ing

) 游泳;泅水

he had some swimming lessons, and now he is good at swimming.


go swimming去游泳


i have a swimming in my head.我头晕。


a swimming suit游泳衣

swimming bath (室内)游泳池

15. hike


n. a long walk, especially a cross-country walk taken for pleasure. 远足, 步行

go on a hike [口]作徒步旅行

v. to go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise.远足, 步行

go hiking 去徒步旅行

16. some

adj. 1)being an unspecified number or quantity:一些,少许;不确定的数或量:

some people一些人; some sugar  少许糖

give me some tea. 给我一些茶。

2)unknown or unspecified by name:某一不知名的或名字不特定的:

some man called. 某人打过电话(拜访过)。

he went to some place in africa. 他到非洲某地去了。

pron. an indefinite or unspecified number or portion:


we took some of the books to the auction.

我们把一部分书拿去拍卖了一些, 若干


that was some twenty years ago. 那大约是20年前。

17. free


adj. 1)自由的

the prisoner wished to be free again. 囚犯希望重新获得自由。

you are free to do as you wish. 你想怎么做都可以。


the doctor will be free soon. 医生过一会儿就有空了。


all the books were given away free. 所有的书都免费赠送。



a number of students in the class draw in their leisure time.



课题:unit3 hobbies       总课时:5课时     本课时:第1课时


知识:能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping

技能:能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers,

make clothes

能力:能正确地理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. no, i don’t. he/she likes…



1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping

2、能正确地理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. no, i don’t. he/she likes…




1) free talk

用what day is it today? what lessons do you have in the morning? what subject do you like ? how are you? what’s the matter with you ? 等日常交际用语进行交谈。

2) sing a song: play the tape of the song learnt in unit1 and ask the students to sing the song together .


1、1 present the pictures and say the phrases: take photos, make clothes, collect stamps.

2 、t教师根据多媒体课件或动作图片提问)what’s he doing? he’s going shopping.通过教师自问自答引出make model ships, grow flowers等词组。


1、 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师说出一个词组并请一位学生指出黑板上相对的图片。

2、 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如do you like going shopping? no, i don’t. do you like taking photos? yes, i do.

3、 教师引导学生看图,并用主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时叙述图片内容,如he likes making model ships. she likes making clothes.


1、listen and act or look and say.

2 、play the game: what’s missing?

(教师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生what’s missing?学生说出被抽出图片的动词词组。)

3、 play the game: chinese whisper


4、ask the students to inspect the sentences and the pictures in part c by themselves and try to practice the dialogues with their deskmates.

(五) assign homework

1、 read the phrases and copy the phrases.

2 、make some sentences with the phrases

板书:                 unit3 hobbies

take photos           go shopping

collect stamps         grow flowers

make model ships      make clothes

课题:unit3 hobbies       总课时:5课时     本课时:第2课时



技能:能熟练掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do

能力:能用句型i like…和he/she likes…,too.描述自己或他人的爱好和活动



1、能熟练掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do

2、能用句型i like…和he/she likes…,too.描述自己或他人的爱好和活动




1) free talk

ask the students several questions about their daily life and the learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well master.

2) play the tape of the learnt song in unit one and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning english.

3) ask the students to read the phrases in part b by together and then ask them to review them by themselves and prepare for a dictation of them to check if they have been well mastered.


1、 教师课前准备一些动作图片,一学生到讲台前挑选一种喜欢的动作图片,做图片上动作,其他学生猜他或她喜欢的活动:he/she likes …


present the cai and talk with the students.

eg: s1: do you have any hobbies?

t: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps.

3、practise in groups

1) work in groups.

eg: s1: do you have any hobbies?

s2: yes, i do. i like collecting/…

2) compete in groups.

the students make sentences: do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like…he/she likes…,too.

3) make an interview.

the student interview his classmates with the topic: hobbies.

eg:s1: do you have any hobbies?

s2:yes, i do. i like making model ships/…

s1 point to another student) he likes making model ships, too. right?

s2: yes, he does./ no, he doesn’t. he likes taking photos/…

4、 look,read and complete

1)the teacher present the pictures of partd: this is a picture of su hai’s family. su hai and her family have some hobbies.

2)the students do the exercise.

3) check the answer.

(三)assign homework

1、 read and copy the words and sentences.

2、 make out a new dialogue.

板书:                 unit3 hobbies

a: do you have any hobbies?

b: yes, i do. i like …

he/she likes …, too.

课题:unit3 hobbies       总课时:5课时     本课时:第3课时



技能:能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal

能力:能正确地运用对话中的词组和日常交际用语:take photos, show us his stamps, please



1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal




1、 free talk

what day is it today?    it’s …

what lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?     we have …

what subject do you like? why?

2、 ask the students to read and recite the words in part b by themselves and then do a dictation of them to check if they have been well mastered and see who does a better job in learning these knowledge.

3、 presentation

1) t出示一张印有花卉的邮票)what’s this? it’s a stamp.

drill: stamp

t: look at this stamp. what’s this?

ss: it’s a flower.

t: yes, it’s beautiful.

drill: beautiful

2 ) t(出示一张印有船的邮票)look. there’s a ship on the stamp. it’s a ship stamp.

drill: ship(让随读生朗读ship)

3)  t出示几张印有动物的邮票)what’s this on the stamp?

ss: there’s a dog on the stamp.

t: yes, the dog is an animal. it’s an animal stamp.

t: they are animal stamps.

drill: animal

4)  t请一男生和一女生到班前,教师指着女生对男生说)she’s your classmate.

(指全班学生)they are your classmates.

drill: a classmate

5)  teaching of the sentence patterns.

a. t做游泳的动作)i like swimming. do you like swimming?引导学生用yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like…来回答。

b. 请一学生用i like…句型说出自己喜欢做的运动,教师逐一想全班:he/she likes…领说句型,学生跟读。

5、homework: read and try to recite the former part of the dialogue in part a

review the phrases in this part and prepare for the dictation.

板书:                 unit3 hobbies

ben’s hobby                many beautiful stamps

show … to ….              this ship stamp

show us his stamps

here they are.

课题:unit3 hobbies       总课时:5课时     本课时:第4课时




能力:能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.并能用i like…和he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的爱好和多动




2、能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.并能用i like…和he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的爱好和多动



1、 warming-up

1) ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask them to try to give the correct answers:

what day is it today? it’s …

what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon? we have…

what subject do you like? i like …

2) ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in english

2、 revision

1) ask the students to read and spell the words in part b together and then give the chinese meanings of

ask them to do a group work to read the former part of the dialogue in part a and try to act it out and compete to see who is the best actor or actress.

3、 presentation

1)play the tape of the latter part of the dialogues in part a and ask the students to listen carefully and try to read it after the tape sentence by sentence.

2) ask individual students to read the dialogues and try to translate it into chinese

3) play the tape again and ask the students to read after the tape and check to see if they have read the words correctly.

4) consolidation

a. the students look at the picture and listen to the tape.

b. the students listen to the tape and read after the tape.

c. the students read the dialogue themselves and the teacher gives some help.

d. the students read the dialogue in roles and act out the dialogue.


1)listen and repeat the text and try to recite the whole.

2)review the learnt parts in unit three and do workbook exercises.

板书:                 unit3 hobbies

do you have any hobbies?

yes, i do. i like …

he / she likes …, too.

cook nice food

课题:unit3 hobbies       总课时:5课时     本课时:第5课时



技能:理解并能按要求掌握part e的对话内容





2、理解并能按要求掌握part e的对话内容




1) ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask them to try to give the correct answers and see if they can be well mastered.

2) give the students a topic about the job they will do in the future and ask them to do a group to discuss and try to say something about it


1) ask the students to read and review the learnt parts in this unit and then do a dictation of the learnt words and sentences and check to see if they have been well mastered.

2) ask the students to read and practice the dialogue in part a in groups and ask them to try to act out the whole dialogue


1) t(present the picture) now ,boys and girls. look at the picture. what does liu tao like? can you guess?


(the students listen to the tape.)

2) teach the words: water, every, aunt, carefully with the picture. learn the dialogue.

3) answer the questions (make sure the students understand the dialogue)

eg:1) what is liu tao doing?

2) who likes growing flowers, too?

3) does liu tao water the trees and flowers every day?

4) read the dialogue after the tape and act out the dialogue.

4、listen and repeat.

1)play a game:

教师用多媒体课件快速展示图片,一闪即停,然后问学生:what’s missing?让学生看图后猜单词。

2)the students read the words together.

3) sum up the common pronunciation.

4)present the phonetic symbol and read after the teacher.

5) read the sentence.


1) read and try to recite the dialogues in part e.

2) do exercises presented.

板书:                  unit3 hobbies

(    )1、a. many        b. take       c. basket        d. have

(    )2、a. her          b. nurse      c. shirt         d. worker

(    )3、a. play         b. day        c. monday      d. today

(    )4、a. dog         b. lot         c. what         d. hobby

(    )5、a. chair        b. where      c. there         d. pear

(    )6、a. cough       b. about       c. touch         d. trousers

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