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2)通过情境会话,学会运用“I like French fries. Have some French fries. Here you are.”要求模仿正确,语调自然








能听读并认读cake等12个有关食物的单词,掌握“What do you like? I like.。”的句型。能在日常生活中运用;能灵活运用重点句型并清楚其运用的场合和语气;能模仿本问对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际。难点是在一定的场合得体运用所学的语言知识,chicken,,bread和French fries的三个单词的发音。




Step1:warm up

T:How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine too.。


the game“Listen , say and do”

Ss chant together “I have a book. Me too. I have a ruler. Me too…”


Step2: presentation

showed a box and asked:” what’s in the box?” Teacher leaded the S1 said “bread” (通过猜谜语的方式引出新单词,调动学生的积极性)

2、教师出示卡片bread,并问”Do you like bread?” ,学生边说,老师板书该单词,。进行小组操练,开火车等方式快速认读单词。教师出示有关食物的卡片(hamburger, cake, hot dog, bread ,chicken and French fries)让学生认读。


: What’s missing?


: Guessing(呈现课件,显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成 hot dog)

T : Guess, what’s this?(显示屏上只出现一些碎片)

Ss; A cake?

T: Is it a cake? No. Look carefully again.(碎片渐渐扩大)

Ss; Oh,it's a hot dog.

T: Yes ,it's a hot dog.


Step3: Dialogue teaching and patter drills

1、 趣味操练:教师拿出食物卡片,让学生读出单词并将图片贴在黑板上,请一位同学上讲台和教师一起完成。

T:A hot dog.

S1: This is a hot dog. I like hot dogs.

Ss: Me too.(喜欢吃热狗的同学边说边举手)(用相同的方法操练其他有关食物的单词)


T: What do you like?

S1: I like hot dogs.

T: Here you are.(教师把hot dog 的卡片送给说的正确的学生) (Have Ss say here you are)

S1:Thank you.

T: I’m sorry , no food left. But don’t worry, let's go to the restaurant. You can choose whatever you like.(显示平出现真实餐馆情景)

3、模拟情境交际。(pair work and act it out)

Step4:Play the game (roller game)

T1: I like chicken.

T2: I like chicken , bread.

T3: I like chicken, bread and French fries.


Step5:让学生拿出食物卡片,边听Let’s do 部分的录音边用卡片做动作。教师用动作演示并讲解pass,cut,eat,smell 和make的意思。 分小组比赛说做let’s do 部分的指令语。做得准确,说得清楚为胜。采用教师评和小组互评结合的方法。


Step6: Dialogue practice

1、 学生操练课文的对话。首先屏幕上出现课文对话并跟读,然后分角色朗读,然后教师放课件对话,最后让三人一组表演Let's talk 中的对话。

2、 学生三人一组,模仿用各自所带的食物编出本组的会话练习,在半晌进行表演。


Step6:Summing up

Evaluate the students’ performance in class.




2.句型:Its time to do sth.






2.放课文第一段录音,教师先提一个问题:Whats the time? 放一遍录音,学生回答教师的问题。再放录音,学生跟读两遍。

教师解释对话中 Its time to… 这一句话,并板书以下时间和动词短语:

7∶30 go to school 8∶00 go to the classroom

4∶00 play games 5∶00 go home 10∶00 go to bed


S1:Its 7∶30 now.

S2:Oh, its time to go to school.

S1:OK, lets go!

S2:Yes, lets.


3.利用准备好的图片(如果没有,可利用课本中插图),教本课词汇。在学生基本会读以后,教师解释rice,tea等不可数名词在使用中的注意事项,并借助事先准备好的茶杯等实物,引导出 cups of tea等短语,借助图片,引导出 some rice等,以增加直观效果。




Ss:Some rice


Ss:three cups of tea (four, five etc.)







a cup of tea 一杯茶

tea, milk, orange, water等词是不可数名词,本身没有复数形式。要表示它的量的多少,可借助 a cup/bottle/glass of等短语。如果是两杯茶,三瓶牛奶,可将cup, bottle等词变为复数形式。例如:

two cups of tea 两杯茶

five bottles of milk 五瓶牛奶


Unit 19 Food and drink

Lesson 73

Its time to…

food: rice bread meat cake

drink: tea milk juice water

tea,three cups of tea

rice, some rice



A:Excuse me. What time is it ?

B:It’s 3 o’clock. What do you want to do?

A:I want to go to the classroom 。

B:Oh, yes. It’s time to clean the windows 。

A:Let’s go!


1、 知识目标

① 掌握并能运用单词 “o’clock”及句型 “ What time is it? ”、 “ It’s …”、 “ It’s time to… ”。

② 认读并理解单词“what”。

2、 能力目标


3、 情感目标





1、 重点: what time is it? “ It’s …”、“ It’s time to …”

2、 难点: 熟练地运用三个句型参与交际


1、 “o’clock 、want”单词卡片及“What time is it?”、“It’s…”、“ It’s time to…”等句型卡片;

3、 挂钟一个;

4、 模拟钟一个(可任意调整时间);

5、 30只小型模拟钟(可任意调整时间)。


O’clock What time is it?

Want It’s…

It’s time to…


Step 1 Free talk

T: Boys and girls , nice to meet you.

Ss:Nice to meet you, too.

分别与单个学生对话:Hello! /How do you do? /How are you? /What’s your name? /How old are you? /

Is this your book ?

What’s this? (学生的笔、橡皮、铅笔盒…… )

T:What’s this?(黑板上方悬挂的时钟)


Step 2 Warming up

带领学生用一只手模仿时针转圈,同时count from 1 to 12。

Step 3Presentation (1)

the new word: o’clock

① 继而count from 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock。

② 利用“教具钟”认读钟点。

the sentence pattern: What time is it?

T:I have many many clocks. Do you want to see them?

OK, let’s go!


T:Wow, so many beautiful clocks! Do you want to know what time every clock tells us?OK. If we want to know , we can ask ,“What time is it? ”


the sentence pattern:It’s …

T: By which clock do you want to know what time itis?


Step 4 Drill

1、 出示(10:00、 8:20 、9:35)进行操练:

A:Excuse me. What time is it?

B:It’s …

2、 出示:各种钟面设置游戏(抢答竞赛):

What time is it?

It’s …


T:What time is it?

Ss:It’s 7 o’clock.

(点按,钟面缩小,同时出现情景画面 )

T:It’s time to go to school.

Step 5 Presentation (2)

1、 Learn the sentence pattern: It’s time to …

(根据挂图出示的动作说句子:It’s time to…

go to school / watch TV / feed ducks / do sports / ……clean the windows)

2、 用“It’s time to …”句型造句

Step 6Practice (Pairwork: Make dialogues)

1、 老师就挂钟提问

T:What time is it?

Ss:It’s …

T:Oh, yes. It’s time to practice making dialogues.


出示情景画面( 3点钟,classroom扫教室,引出It’s time to cstean the windows) 及小对话

A:What time is it?

B:It’s 3 o’clock.

A:It’s time to clean the windows.

(Read the dialogue in the CAI.)

3、 Act the dialogue.

① 自编对话

T:Now please take out your clocks 。 Then, make dialogues in pairs (according to the time by your clocks)。 Please ask and answer.

② 自导、自演对话

T:Now, let’s act dialogues with your partners.

T:Who wants to act the dialogue for us? Please come to the front.

③ 三人小组对话


④ 活动竞赛


Step 7Presentation (3)

T:Now let’s look at the pictureand listen to a dialogue.

① 第一遍:课文的对话与图片

② 第二遍:课文的文字显示与对话

③ 呈现两个句子:

What do you want to do?

I want to go to the classroom.

Step 8Homework


Step 9Consolidation

1 。Sing the song《 What time is it? 》

2 。Say“Goodbye! ”

T: What time is it? (看挂钟)Oh, It’s …It’s time to stop our class. OK?Goodbye, boys and girls!

Ss:Goodbye, Miss Jiang!


②Presentation---- 自主探究,合作交流(12--13m)

(细读)the story and underline the strange words.

A:Self -study: (2m)

T: Please scan (细读)the story and underline the strange words. Ss: try to read the text by themselves and underline the strange words.

B. Group-work:(3m)

T: You can help each other in your groups,if you still have some questions,please ask me or your partners.

C. Solve the questions:(7-8m)

T:Ok,stop ’s read the text and get the meanings ,at the same time,pay attention to correcting our pronunciation of the strange words.(CHECK OT TEACH)At last, listen to recording and follow twice (设计意图:这些活动的设计体现以生为本中“先学后教”教学理念。这样有利于学生在学习过程中自己去吃糖,符合学生勇于尝新的心理,也利于学生主体的发挥。当然,对于陌生的词句,教师的有效指导和讲解是必须的,体现教师的示范引领作用。)



T:’s read the text together,after that we’ll take part in reading match between the the match,look is a mountain, you can choose the see animals you’d like to ’ll have a climbing mountain match according to the points,who get to the top first,you’ll be the ,let’s begin.

: Please skim the text, and answer the questions on


④Production------检测训练,拓展延伸(6- 8m)

the right answers:

1) 1/4 is.

A) A quarterB) one quarterC)one fourth

2) Rose is one of flowers.

A) beautifulB) more beautifulC)the more beautiful

3) You can find many,whales, dolphins, starfish and sea horses in the oceans.

A) streams B) sharks C)animals

4) We must stop football in the classroom.

A) play B)to play C)playing

5) We must keep our faces every day.

A) clean B) to cleanC)cleaning

to fill in the blanks and learn to retell the story.

Water covers almost of the Earth. There is water in streams,rivers,,seas and 。 You can find whales, dolphins

and in oceans. Dolphins are the most intelligent animals. Starfish and are beautiful sea animals. The oceans are important to 。 We must stop polluting oceans.

T help Ss to check the answers.


⑤Summary--------反思小结,布置作业 (3-5m)

A. T and Students summarize the contents.

B. Homework supermarket.

1) Listen to the tape three times. (MUST be done)

2) Read the story three times.(MUST be done)

3) Retell or rewrite the story. (CHOOSE ONE to do )



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