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1、 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park,message, take a message, could, back, problem


① —How's the weather in Beijing?

—It's sunny.

② —Can I take a message for him?

—Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?

—Sure, no problem.

2) 能用所学的知识描述天气情况。


2、 情感态度价值观目标:



1、 教学重点:

1) The vocabulary and useful expressions.

2) —How’s the weather?

—It's raining/ windy.

3) —What are you doing?

—I'm playing basketball.

2、 教学难点:



Ⅰ。 Warming-up and Lead in

1、 Greet the Ss and check the homework.

2、 Watch a video program about the weather.

Ⅱ。 Presentation

1、 (Show some pictures of the weather)

Let Ss look at the pictures and ask them how the weather is.

Ss learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures.

2、 Look at the pictures in 1a. Then read the new words on the right. Ask the Ss to match the words with pictures.

3、 Check the answers.

Ⅲ。 Game (How's the weather?)

1、 (Showing some pictures on the big screen.) Ask Ss "How's the weather?"

2、 Ss guess and answer the question.

Ⅳ。 Listening

1、 Now let's look at the city names in the box in 1b. Please read after me.

Ss read the cities after the teacher.

2、 Now, We’ll hear four conversations. Listen carefully, point out each city in the picture as it comes upon the tape. Play the recording a second time. Ask Ss to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather.

3、 Check the answers.

Ⅴ。 Pair work

1、 Tell the Ss: If you are in one of the places in the picture above. Talk about the weather

with your friends in another city on the phone.

2、 Make a model with a student like this:

T: Hi! How's the weather in Beijing?

S1: It's sunny.

3、 Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the weather in the cities.

Ⅵ。 Listening

1、 Work on 2a.

Let's see what Joe's families are doing. Point to the 4 pictures.

2、 Ask Ss tell each person is doing in each picture. More attentions should be paid

to the correct use of the Present Progressive Tense.

3、 Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures [1-4]。

4、 Play the tape for Ss to check the answers.

5、 With the whole picture, get some Ss to tell the story of it.

6、 Brainstorming

Play the tape for another time. Then do a memory test.

Ask Ss: What's Uncle Joe/Jeff/Mary/Aunt Sarah doing?

What're Scott and Lucy doing?

Is Jeff watching TV? etc.

7、 Let Ss match the names with the activities in 2b.

Play the recording for the Ss to check the answers.

Ⅶ。 Pair work

1、 Look at the pictures and talk about the people in 2a with a partner.

2、 Ask a student the questions as a model:

T: What's Uncle Joe doing?

S1: He's playing basketball.

3、 Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the pictures.

Ⅷ。 Role-play

1、 Ask Ss to read the conversation and answer the questions:

① What's Steve doing?

② What's Rick's brother doing?

Ss read the conversations and answer the questions. Then check the answers together.

2、 Let Ss role-play the conversation in pairs.

IX. Language points.

X. Exercises





Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Ⅰ。Analyis of teaching material

topic of this unit is about free time actmties。Suchtopicisrelated to students’daily life. So it is helpful toraise learning interest of students. If students can learn this unit well,it will be helpful to make students learn the the rest of this book.

2 。Teaching Aims and Demands

(1) Knowledge Obj ect

In this unit students learn to talk about how often they do things.

(2)Ability Objects

To improve students’ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.

(3)Moral Objects

To help students form a good eating habit.

To do exercise every day and keep fit.

3 。Teaching Key Point

To master the key vocabularyand the target language presented in this unit.

4 。Teaching Difficult Point

To train students how to use the key vocabulary and the target language by reading and writing.

5 。Studying Ways

Teach students how to use context.

Teach students how to do a survey.

Ⅱ。Language Function

Talk about how often you do things.

Ⅲ。Target Language

What do you usually do on weekends?

I sometimes go to the beach.。

How often do you eat vegetables?

Every day.

Most of the students do homework every day.



What do…?

How often…?

Adverbs of frequency


V 。Vocabulary

always,usually,often,sometimeshardly,ever,never, exercising,shopping,skateboarding once,twice,three times a week,month, every day, milk,junk,food, drink


reading,watching TV,go to the movies, fruit,vegetables

Ⅶ。Learning strategies

Using context.

Transforming information.

Ⅷ。Teaching times

Six periods

Period One

Teaching Aims:

1、 Learn to talk about how often do you do things

2、 To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.

Teaching Difficulties:

: exercise, skateboard, hardly, ever, shop, once, twice, time, surf, internet, program.

:how often, on weekends, go to the movies, exercise, go skateboarding, always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes 。

patterns: What does she /he do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies 。How often do you shop ? Once a week / Twice a week ••• 。

Teaching Aids: Tape recorder;Multi-Media.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 :Greeting.

1、 Teacher: Summer vacation is over. I think you had a wonderful vacation, am I right? Did you enjoy your summer vacation? Could you please tell us what you did in your summer vacation?

2、 Encourage students to share their holidays with the whole class.

Step 2 :Leading – in

Teacher: Oh, you had a happy and colorful vacation. Today we will talk about more activities on weekends. First, let’s think about what we can do on weekends. (Ask some questions and let students think it over)。

Teacher: I often sing on weekends, what do you usually do on weekends?

S1: I often take piano lessons.

Teacher: What does she usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)

S2: She often takes piano lessons.

Teacher: What about you? (Ask S2)

S2: I often play basketball

Teacher: What does he usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)

S3: He often plays basketball.

(Ask more students in the same way)

Step 3:1a Look at the screen. Make a list of the different weekend activities.

First let students list different activities, then

Teacher: Now work in pairs, ask and answer

---What does he/she do on weekends?

--- She goes shopping. / She reads books. / He exercises. / He watches TV. / She goes skateboarding.

Step 4:1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below.

Get students to focus on the six adverbs in activity 1b and help students to understand:

Always-100% usually- 90% often-80% sometimes-50% hardly ever-10% never-0%

Step 5:Lead-in:

Teacher: I always read English books on weekends.

I usually exercise on weekends.

I often go to visit my grandparents.

I sometimes go shopping on weekends.

I hardly ever play computer games on weekends.

I never play cards on weekends.

What does your English teacher do on weekends?

(Help students to say)

Students: Our English teacher always reads English books on weekends. She usually exercises on weekends…。.

Teacher: I exercise every day. I go shopping once a week. I watch TV twice a week. I go dancing three times a month…

How often does your English teacher exercise/ go shopping / watch TV / go dancing?

Students: Our English teacher exercises every day…。

Step 6: Listening (2a and 2b)

Teacher: My friend Cheng is talking about something about his different activities, let’s listen and number the activities you hear.

Teacher: Listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above?

(Help students to finish 2a and 2b)

Step 7:。Do a survey:

Activities How often

Take a shower

Wash your hair


Clean your room

Ask and answer: How often do you take a shower?

How often does he / she take a shower?

Let Ss ask and answer in pairs, using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever or never.


任务:My favourite sport



语言技能:Reading and writing



1、 必备词汇与句型

(1) football, basketball, volleyball, ping

pong, tennis,…

(2) What is my favourite sport, do you kno


(3) It’s from England. It is round. Many

people like it…

2、 扩展词汇与句型

Sports: badminton, bowling, boxing, horse riding, jogging, shot-put, golf, cycling, shooting, hikin


Seasons: in spring, in summer, in autumn, in wint


Place: inside the door (indoor sports), outside the door (outdoor sports), on the playground, in th

e sports field,…

Style: teamwork, in pairs, individual, …

Sports change with the season.

People play diferebt games in different seasons.



(1) 学生自由组合成3-4人小组,讨论确定小组


(2) 教师制作如下表格,复印若干份,分发给


(3) 各小组利用课余时间,上网或去图书馆查阅所喜欢的运动项目的相关资料,并根据要求填写表格;

(4) 小组成员合作根据表格填写的内容编写一则谜语,然后叫给教师,由教师作一些必要的修改。例如:

The ground must be 26 metres long and 14 metres wide. There can be ten players in a team but not more than five players in team may play at one time. To score a point a player must throw the ball, but they must not carry it. There are four twelve-minute periods for the match. What is my favour

fa sports,

do you know?

(5) 把谜语张贴在教室橱窗内,供其他组成员




Unit 6 The Story of Rain (Period 3) A. Let’s Read C. Pronunciation 一、教学目标 1.能够简单,叙述小水滴的“旅行经历”,并通过阅读进一步熟悉水循环的过程。 2.能够认读C部分 Pronunciation的音标/э: /, /э/,/ ts /,/ dz /,/ tr /,/ dr / 并能朗读例词,完成Read and match 的练习。 3.能跟着录音说Let’s chant部分的内容,能力强的学生能自己说。 4.培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强环保和节约用水的意识。


教学重点: 1.阅读Let’s read部分,进一步理解水循环的过程。 2.了解字母组合的发音,认读音标/э:/, /э/,/ts/,/dz/,/tr/,/dr/。 3.说唱Let’s chant部分的歌谣。

教学难点: ’s read部分是让学生通过阅读进一步理解水循环的过程,内容比较复杂也比较抽象,而且容量大,难点多,如:cooler, higher等。 2.音标/э:/, /э/,/ts/,/dz/,/tr/,/dr/ 的认读和字母组合的发音比较难以掌握,教师要让学生通过感悟发音和体会发音的方法反复练习。


Step 1:Warm up / Review


(1)给学生时间,展示自己的口语水平。内容可以是自我介绍也可以是对话表演讲解。 例:I am a boy. I’m in Beijing Primary School. I come from Beijing, China. I like green. The grass is green. The trees are green. The leaves are green. I like them all.

(2)其他学生根据刚才口语展示同学所说内容进行问答练习。如: What colour does she/he like? Where does he/she come from? How old is he/she?


(1)教师依次出示Let’s start 和A Let’s learn 部分的单词卡片sun,river,sea,snow,stream,cloud,vapour,rain学生齐读后张贴在黑板上。

(2)教师迅速拿走一张卡片,如:sun,让学生说说被拿走卡片的内容并拼读单词。 看字知英


Let’s try

Listen and number

Think and say


Cloud, cloud, where does the cloud come from?

It comes from the vapour.

Vapour, vapour, where does the cloud come from?

It comes from the Stream.

Stream, stream, where does the stream come from?

It comes from the rain,

Rain, rain, where does the rain come from?

It comes form the clouds.



out the dialogue 教师请几组学生表演A Let’s talk 部分的对话。

’s chant (呈现PPT)自编节奏 Cloud, cloud, where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour. Vapour, vapour, where does the vapour come from? It comes from the Stream. Stream, stream, where does the stream come from? It comes from the rain, Rain, rain, where does the rain come from? It comes form the clouds.

Step 2:Presentation / Practice

1、 Let’s read

(1)教师拿出准备好的头饰,戴上小水滴的头饰,说:Hello, I am little Water Drop. Nice to meet you. 教师与学生打招呼,引导学生用Hello, little Water Drop. 应答。

然后教师请一名学生上台,让她/他闭上眼睛,给她/他戴上风先生的头饰,让他睁开眼睛,教师对他/她说: Hello, Mr Wind. 然后,请该学生走到同学中间,让其他学生用Hello. Mr. Wind. 同他/她打招呼。

(2)教师表现出很热的动作,说:Little Water Drop is very hot. 然后教师出示本部分的课件,分别指着小水滴和风先生问:Who is he? 引导学生回答。

教师说:Little Water Drop takes a trip. Where does he go? How is his trip? Does he have a lot of fun? Let’s listen.(呈现PPT)

(3)教师播放A Let’s read部分的录音,让学生认真听两遍。

(4)回答以下问题:(呈现PPT) Does Little water drop take a trip? Where does he go? How is his trip? Does he have a lot of fun?


(6)逐段听整篇录音,带领学生理解大意。可以让学生听后翻译大义,重点词语教师要提示学生中文意思。如:cooler, higher。

(7)教师再次播放A Let’s read 部分的录音,每播放一句,教师按一下暂停,学生逐句跟读。


(9)活动:看谁说得多 教师出示A Let’s read部分的图片,指一幅插图请学生描述,要求每名学生重复前面学生说过的句子,同时再说一句话。如果前面的学生说:It’s a sunny day. 后面的学生就要说:It’s a sunny day. Little Water Drop sleeps in a river.


(10)教师播放A Let’s read 部分的录音,学生跟着录音以讲故事的语气再次复述对话(不能看书)。

in the blanks.

’s act





Step 3:Consolidation and extension

(1)教师出示含有字母o 和字母组合or, tr, dr, ts, ds 的单词:hot, clock, orange, port, fork, tree, try, train, driver, drop, dry, ants, pants, hands, cards,让学生读一读这些单词。


(3)教师出示shorts, drop, boards, draw, tropic 等新单词,让学生试着跟录音朗读。



(6)Read and match

Step 4:Homework

and say

Where does it come from? Rain Snow Cloud It comes from…

2、分小组根据上述的课外拓展The story of snow自编对话,下节


Step 5:Blackboard writing Where does … come from? It comes from…

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