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How do you make a banana milk shake?

Peel three bananas.

Cut up the bananas.

Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.

Pour the milk into the blender.

Turn on the blender.

Drink the milk shake.





first , next , then , finally ,shake , milk shake , blender , turn on , cut , cut up ,peel , pour , into , pour into


a.巩固祈使句的用法 b. 描述做某件事过程的词: first , then , next , finally

5、语言功能 描述制作食物的过程。

6、跨学科学习 社会实践:制作食物


采用多媒体教学, 小组讨论法 , 实物 操作法

四。Teaching procedures:

Step one. Lead in Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Using “ Did you ever eat dumplings? Did you drink ever fruit juice?” Who makes them for you? Now you should learn to make them by yourself. Today we are learning to make a milk shake。 It’s a banana milk shake. Let’s learn Unit Seven How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1c can teach you how to make a banana milk shake.

Step two. First, we are learning new words. Work in groups to pronounce new words. After students learn to pronounce new words of Section A 1a-1c. The teacher asks a few students to read these words. The teacher teaches students to read them.

Step three. Next, what ingredients do we need? Please look at the MicrosoftPowerPoint4,5,6and7. Read them three times.

Step four. Now we know what we need. Then how to use them. Let’s learn 1a, work in groups to finish the teaching of 1a. Look at the Microsoft PowerPoint10 and check the answers.

Step five 。 Let’s learn 1b to know the correct instructions of how to make a banana milk shake. There are six instructions in making a banana milk shake. Listen to the tape and put the instructions in the correct order. Students look at Picture 3 on Microsoft PowerPoint and check their own answers.

Step six Let’s go over how to make a banana milk shake.

Look at Microsoft PowerPoint10 ,11,12,13,14and15 and read them three times.

Step seven 。 Ask two students make a banana milk shake by themselves, other students look at the pictures16,17,18,19,20and21 to give the instructions and watch the process 。 After the two students make a banana milk shake, ask a few students to taste it and ask “How do you like a banana milk shake? or What do you think of a banana milk shake?”

Step eight Sum up the process of making a banana milk shake.

1、 first , next , then , finally

2、 ingredients: bananas milk ice cream blender

3、 important words: peel cut up put…in/into pour… into turn on drink

4、 总结祈使句

Step nine. Work in groups to write down the process of how to make a banana milk shake on a paper and report their results, finish the teaching of 1c.

Step ten. Homework:

Our parents are busy working hard every day, they are too tired every day. Make a banana milk shake for your parents this weekend, and write down the process in your exercise book.



Module 8 Book 5 的主题是“School”,“ Unit 1 What time does school start?”的语言功能是描述学校生活;学习任务为“What time does school start? What time do you get up?”





1、能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea.

2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:What time does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven.


能口头运用“What time does school start?”这类语句询问发生的时

间,并能口头运用“My school starts at 9 o’clock.”这类语句回答。





1.单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的认读。

2.运用“What time … ?”来询问事情发生的时间。


能够在真实的语境中正确运用“What time … ?”询问事情发生的时间。




Step 1 Warming-up

1、 Chant:《I like coffee, I like tea.》(第二册中M3 U2 4)

教师一手拿coffee 一手拿tea的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说Chant,并教授单词:coffee, tea。(教授单词时尽量提供一些学过的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。)

Step 2 Presentation

1、 Leading-in.

(1)课件出示学校的图片介绍说:This is our school. Do you read a book in your classroom?


T: What are they doing? They are skipping. Do you skip in the playground?

They are doing morning exercises.

(3)课件出示学校作息时间表引出句型:What time does our

school start? 及回答:My school starts at eight o’clock.

T:We know the school life in China, how about the children in England? Today,let’s go and visit their school with Amy.


2、 Text.

(1)Listen to the tape.

T: Our school starts at 8:00. What time does Amy’s school

start? Do you know? Let’s listen to the tape and answer the question:

What time does Amy’s school start?

设计意图由学校生活自然要谈到几点上课的问题,学生对此问题的提出不会感到唐突。由教师对Our school starts at 8:00.的讲解,孩子们也一定急于知道英国学生的上课时间,从而初步感知课文内容,了解课文大意。

(2)Listen to the tape again.

T: I get up at 5:30. What time do you get up?

T: You get up at … And you go to school by schoolbus or walk to school and so on. How about Amy? Let’s listen again and answer the following questions:

① What time does Amy go to school?

② How does Amy go to school?

A. She walks to school. B. She goes to school by schoolbus.


(3)Look and say.

课件出示get up/watch TV/go to bed/have English/read a book/go to school的图片让学生进行交流。

A: What time do you get up?

B: I get up at





Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A

The main activities are 1 and 2a.

Ⅰ。 Teaching aims and demands.

1、(1)Learn days of the week:

(2)Learn subjects:

2、 Review present continuous.

3、 Talk about subjects and timetable:

Ⅱ。 Teaching aids教具


Step 1 Review


T: Let’s chant “What are you doing?”

What are you doing now?

I’m singing now.

What are you doing now?

I’m dancing now.

What are you doing now?

I’m walking now.

What are you doing now?

I’m playing now



T: What class are we having? Ss: We are having an English class.

T: Do you have an English class every day?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: What time does the class begin?

Ss: At ten to eight.

T: What time does the class finish?

Ss:At twenty-five to nine.


T: Look at the blackboard, answer my questions. Do you have a math class every day?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: What time does the class begin?


T:What time does the class finish?

Ss: At.。.

T: Now I give you two minutes to practice these sentences.


T: Do you have a Chinese class today?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: What day is it today?

Ss: It is Monday.

T: What

class do we have on Tuesday?

Ss: History.

(板书:Monday Tuesday Wednesday?

Step 2 Presentation


day is it today?

2、 What class are they having

3、 What time does the class begin?

time does it finish?

Wednesday—have a music class—begin-finish 将关键词写在黑板上,为表演打基础

Step 3 Consolidation

1、(老师放录音1,示范让学生跟读,用铅笔标重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape and draw “up or down” with your pencil like this.


T: You are Jane. Listen to Helen and make a dialog with her.


T: Work in pairs. Look at the blackboard and act the dialog out.

Step 4 Practice

T: Look at the timetable and answer the questions.


Step 5 Project



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