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第一步 引入话题

1. show students the pictures of an abacus, a calculator, a huge computer, a notebook and a pc, ask: “if i am a math teacher, which can help me most?”

2. write the expressions of giving opinions on the blackboard.

giving opinions  i think that...  in my opinion...  i believe that...

3. ask students to give their opinions, remind them of using the expressions of giving opinions.

4. ask students to discuss what these items have in common, and then rank them according to the time of their appearance.

5. ask some of the students to talk about what they know about computers.

6. ask students to discuss “how have computers changed our life?”, and then have some of them give their answers, using the expressions of giving opinions.

第二步 预测文章的内容(个人自由发言)

1. ask students to look at the pictures and guess what the passage might be about.

2. ask one or two students to give their opinions.

第三步 阅读文章 who am i?

students 2 minutes, and ask them to scan or skim for the answers to the following questions:

(before students read the passage, tell them that attention should be paid to the hints of the time.)

(1) what is the main idea of the passage?

(2) what happened to computers in 1642?

(3) what happened to computers in 1936?

(4) what happened to computers in 1970s?

(questions on page 19)

students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions:

(1) who was the first person to describe how the computer was made to work?

(2) what did he make and what did it do?

(3) who was the next important person to design computers?

第四步 学习“拟人化”(小组合作学习)

ask students to go over the passage, in groups discuss who the speaker is in the passage, and on page 18 write down three sentences from the text to support their ideas.

check the answers with the students.(学生可能会找这三个句子时感觉到有困难,因此可以根据实际情况向学生提供必要的提示或者例子)

sum up:

personification means to treat something as if it were human or had human qualities.

personification is one of the most effective ways of using words figuratively.

第五步 学习“时间顺序”(小组合作学习)

1. ask students:“how is the passage organized?”

(if the students can not answer the question, draw their attention to the appearance of different years.)

2. ask students to finish exercise 2 in comprehending on page 19, complete the “timeline”。

3. ask students to ex-change their own answers in groups, and then raise questions if they have any.

4. sum up: chronological writing

chronology means to describe things in order of time.

chronology is often used in recounting an event or describing the life of someone. it is an effective way to make a mass of things clearer.

第六步 口语训练──按时间顺序复述计算机的发展史

1. have students get prepared in 2 or 3 minutes and then retell the development of computers in your own words, using chronology.

2. ask some of the students to retell the text.

第七步 作业布置

go over the text, and try to understand the text.

finish exercise 1 in learning about language on page 19.


period 4  listeningthe general idea of this period:this period includes listening and writing on page 21;listening on page 55 and listening task on page ,the purpose of this period is to train the students’ listening—for information;for comprehension and for ,the students will be trained to express their own opinions after aims: the students to learn about the knowledge of information the students to get the main ideas of the listening important and difficult points: to get the main idea and information in their own opinions after methods: aids: tape procedures:step 1 revisioncheck the students’ the students to work together with their partners to interview each 2 listening and writing (page 21)task 1 listen to a conversationt:class,as we all know,the 21st century is the century of information and we will listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or as we know,each kind of information technology has its own advantages and from this conversation we will listen for the advantages and disadvantages of each before listening let’s first look at the pictures on page 21 and the form on page 22 to make sure what you are going to do while ,let’s students listen to the conversation for the first 2 discussion and fillingt:you can see there are a tv,a cd-rom,a computer,a radio,a dvd and newspaper try to finish filling in the form with the information you have just got from the answers:

type of it




you can both listen and watch

you can’t write to friends


you can find information

it’s very expensive


you can listen to english

you can not watch


you can get information

sometimes it is out-of-datet:now,let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of it in small groups and then decide which type of it is best for you to use,according to the form above and explain the discussing,remember to use the following expressions:i think my opinion...i believe that...i agree because...i disagree because...i’ve decided that...step 3 listening (page 55)t:now come to the listening on page you listening,please read the requirements of that,you will find the three robots from the pictures above on page 55 and number possible number:picture 1—  picture 3—  picture 4—:now please look at these boxes on page 55 before you listen to the tape again,and try to find out the listening more attention to these points and you may make some notes while minutes :now try to fill in the boxes with the information from the listening material,and then check your answers with your answers:

personal robot



35 cm

what it looks like

robot with five arms

what it can do

all homework


50 yuan a day

bird-like android



10 cm

what it looks like

bird-like android

what it can do

sings beautifully


600 yuan

lonely android



2 m

what it looks like

large,energetic robot

what it can do

climbs mountains;plays guitar;sings karaoke

telephone number

room-1234step 4 listening task (page 58)t:now please turn to page 58,and finish the listening we know,computers are used widely and put into look at the pictures are two androids in works as a other works in a car are friends and they were made at the same they are talking about their lives and what it feels like to be ,please listen carefully to their problems and fill in the ’ll play the tape :try to fill in the forms as quickly as you can,and then we will check the answers in answers

sally and brenda’s problems

about their jobs

their programmer decided them

about changing their jobs

they are not able to change jobs

about who decides their future

their programmer does

about how they are different from people

they can not smell,laugh,taste,or eat food

about how they are the same as people

they enjoy footballt:from what we have just listened,we know that sally and brenda have some troubles in their are treated you are going to make a list of the rights that androids should have so that they will be treated can work with your partners and have answers: should be able to choose the work they should have their own should be able to change their should be able to decide their own should be able to taste,smell,feel, 5 assignmentt:class,i really appreciate your good performance in this listening can see that your listening has greatly improved since you came to the senior on your good work!ok,we have no time ’d like to assign you some homework to over the listening and writing on page 21 and get ready for the 6 the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 3  computers

period 4

type of it




you can both listen and watch.

you can’t write to friends.


you can find information.

it’s very expensive.


you can listen to english.

you can not watch.


you can get information.

sometimes it is out-of-date.

personal robot



35 cm

what it looks like

robot with five arms

what it can do

all homework


50 yuan a day

bird-like android



10 cm

what it looks like

bird-like android

what it can do

sings beautifully


600 yuan

lonely android



2 m

what it looks like

large,energetic robot

what it can do

climbs mountains;plays guitar;sings karaoke

telephone number

room-1234step 7 record after teaching


unit 6  i’m going to study computer science知识点整理


1、grow up 长大,

2、every day每天,

3、be sure about对某事确信,

4、make sure 确信/有把握,


6、be able to 能/能够 ,

7、 the meaning of …的意思/含义,

8、 different kinds of 不同种类的,

9、in common通常,

10、 at the beginning of 在…开始的时候,

11、write down写下/记下,

12、 have to do with必须处理某事,

13、take up  开始从事/着手处理/接受,

14、 hardly ever 几乎不,



want to do sth. 想做某事,

be going to + 动词原形:将要做某事,

practice doing sth. 练习做某事,

keep on doing sth.继续做某事,

learn to do sth. 学会做某事,

finish doing sth做完某事,

promise to do sth.答应做某事,

help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事,

remember to do sth. 记住要做某事,

agree to do sth.同意做某事,

love to do sth.喜欢做某事,

be going to 的用法

1)   be going to + 动词原形——表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常与表示将来的tomorrow, next year等时间状语或when 引导的时间状语从句连用。各种句式变换都借助be 动词完成,be随主语有am, is, are 的变换,going to 后接动词原形。

肯定句: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他。he is going to take the bus there.

否定句: 主语 + be not going to + 动词原形 + 其他 i’m not going to see my friends this weekend.

一般疑问句: be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他

肯定回答: yes, 主语 + be.                   否定回答: no, 主语 + be not.

are you going to see your friends this weekend?   yes ,i am.   /    no, i’m not.

特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他?

what is he going to do this weekend?   when are you going to see your friends?

2) 如果表示计划去某地,可直接用 be going to + 地点

we are going to beijing for a holiday.

3) 表示位置移动的动词,如go , come, leave 等常用进行时表示将来。

the bus is coming.              my aunt is leaving for beijing next week.

4) be going to 与 will 的区别:

① 对未来事情的预测用“ will + 动词原形”表达,will 没有人称和数的变化,变否定句要在will 后面加not,

也可用will 后面加 not,或者缩略式won’t, 变一般疑问句将will 提至 句首。

will planes be large in the future?         yes, they will. /  no, they won’t.

②will 常表示说话人相信或希望要发生的事情,而be going to 指某事肯定发生,常表示事情很快就要发生。

i believe lucy will be a great doctor.

③ 陈述将来的某个事实用will.    i will ten years old next year.

④表示现在巨大将来要做的事情用 will.   i’m tired i will go to bed.

⑤ 表示意愿用will.     i’ll tell you the truth.

⑥ 表示计划、打算要做的事情用 be going to, 而不用 will.

i’m going to buy a computer this month.

---let’s discuss the plan, shall we?   ----not now. i ______ to an interview.  a. go  b. went   c. am going  d. was going

------jack is busy packing luggage.   ---yes. he ____for america on vacation.  a. leaves b. left  c. is leaving  d. has been away


what do you want to be when you grow up?                i want to be an engineer.

how are you going to do that?                       i’m going to study math really hard.

where are you going to work?                        i’m going to move to shanghai.

when are you going to start?              i’m going to start when i finish high school and college.


1 pro()mise vt. 保证,许诺。有三种结构:

1)promise to do sth. ——my mother promised to buy a piano for me.

2)promise sb. sth.  ——my aunt promised me a bike.

3)promise + that 从句——tom promises that he can return on time.

promise n. 允诺, 诺言   lily is a dishonest girl. she never keeps a promise.

与 while 的区别:

when 表示“当…时候”,既指时间点,又指一段时间,when 引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性的也可以是延续性的。when the teacher came in, the students were talking.

when she arrives, i’ll call you.

while 表示“当…时候”,仅指一段时间,从句中的动作必须是延续性的,一般强调主从句的动作同时发生, while  还可以作并列连词,意为“ 而、却”,表示对比关系。

lisa was singing while her mother was playing piano.

tom is strong while his younger brother is week.

3. practice vt.  练习, 后接名词,代词或v-ing 作宾语。

your elder sister is practicing the guitar in the room.

常跟v-ing 作宾语的动词有:

考虑建议盼原谅:consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse, pardon.

承认推迟没得想: admit, delay/put off, fancy.

避免错过继续练:avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice.

否认完成能欣赏: deny, finish, enjoy, appreciate.

不禁介意与逃亡: can’t help , mind, escape.

不准冒险凭想象: forbid, risk, imagine.

4. everyday 与 every day 区别

everyday  adj. 每天的   在句中作定语,位于名词前。 this is our everyday homework.

every day  副词短语, 在句中作状语,位于句首或句末。 he reads books every day.



unit5 the broken computer

the 3rd period

teaching aims:

1. the students can read the text and do the exercises.

2. the students like to learn english.

3. the students can be writing and listening

teaching emphasis:

the words and the story.

some reading.

teaching difficulty

1. how to use the words.

2. how to understand the story.

teaching process:


review the story.

t: point to each picture, elicit the story from the children.

s: follow the teacher and retell the story.

t: write the sentences on the blackboard and let the children read each sentences.

s: read the sentences after the teacher.


read and find out

t: have the children read the text and try to find the answer

s: read the text and find the answer.

t: have the children read the text again more carefully and then work in pairs to check the answer.

s: read the text again work in pairs.

t: have one student answer one question.


write the missing words.

t: have the children listen to the tape and try to understand the dialog.

s: listen and try to understand.

t: play the tape again and have the children try to write the missing words.

s: listen and try to write.

t: listen again and check the correct answer.


should quiz.

t: have the children look at the pictures and try to match.

s: try to do it.

t: check the answer.



write more sentences use these structure.

the 4th period

teaching aims:

1. the students can understand the grammar and use them.

2. the students like to learn english.

3. the students can read the story and do some exercise.

teaching emphasis:

the grammar.

some reading and do some exercise..

teaching difficulty

1. how understand the grammar and how to use them.

2. how to read the story and do some exercise.

teaching process:


review the words.


focus the grammar

t: tell the students how to use the grammar and have them do some exercise.

s: try to understand and do them.

t: have the children check the answer with the partner.

s: talk about the answer.

t: ask some students speak out their answers and check them.

s: check the answer correctly.

t: have the children read them loudly.

s: read the sentences.


read and answer

t: have the children look at the picture and ask them some questions.

s: try to answer the question in chinese.

t: have the children read the text and try to answer the questions.

s: read the text and try to find the answer.

t: have the children read the text again and do the exercise.

s: read the story and do exercise.

t: check the answer, ask some students answer the question.

s: check the answer.

t: have the children read the text again and find some words that they don’t understand.

s: read again and find them.

t: explain these words.


have the children read the text again and tell their friends what they know.

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