Women of achievement精编2篇

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Women of achievement1

必修 4  unit 1  women of achievement


1. achievement



achieve v.取得,实现

achieve an aim/a goal达到目标

achieve success 获得成功

he received the nobel prize for his scientific achievements.


flying across the atlantic for the first time was a great achievement. 首次飞越大西洋是一个伟大的功绩。




without the support of the people we can                      .


i have achieved only half of                   i hope to do.


congratulations to you               (介词)                    such a complete victory.

答案: ① achieve nothing   ②what  ③  on achieving

2. behave




behave oneself              使某人自己举止规矩

behave yourself; don’t make a fool of  yourself.

注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。

how is your new car behaving? 你的新车性能如何?


behaviour n. (人的)言行举止,行为;(动物)习性,自学 成才

behaviour towards/to... 对……的态度/行为



①david is quite well             in school. he obeys the teachers and gets as in all his subjects.


a. behaved          b. concerned

c. involved          d. respected

(2)完成句子                                                       (原创)


the parents asked the children to        in front of the guests.


she is pleased with the child’s                 .

解析:(1) 选a。be well behaved为固定搭配,意为“表现优秀”,联系空后的内容可知,a项最佳。

(2) ① behave  well ②good  behaviour

3. worthwhile

adj.值得做的;值得的,可用作表语或定语,其后可加to do/doing。



worth 只能作表语,其后接钱数、名词或及物动词的动名词的主动形式: be worth doing。

worthy可作表语,后接of+名词/动名词的被动形式/不定式的被动形式: be worthy of+n./being done / to be done; 也可作定语,表示“值得……的;有价值的”。

worthwhile可作表语或定语;a worthwhile job 一份值得做的工作。常用结构:it is worthwhile to do/doing做某事是值得的。

a worthy winner   名副其实的赢家

buying the car at this price is not worthwhile.


is it worthwhile making/ to make such an effort?



(1)单项填空                                                        (原创)

it was                 the trouble to settle the problem.

a. worth to take           b. worthwhile taking

c. worth being taken  d. worth taking

(2)选词填空 (worthwhile/worth/worthy)                 (原创)

①this vase was          five hundred francs at the most.

②everybody has roots. it is          to search for his roots.

③their efforts are             of your support.

④this book is well           reading and it is of           being read a second time.

解析:(1) 选b。worthwhile后可以跟动名词也可以跟不定式,而worth后面只可以跟动名词的主动语态表达被动概念。

(2) ①worth ② worthwhile ③ worthy④ worth; worthy

4. respect




pay/give one’s respect to sb. 向某人致敬/问候

have/show respect for sb. 尊敬某人

respecting = with respect to关于;就……而言

in all respects = in every respect 无论从哪方面来看;


we all should respect our parents and teachers.


mr smith always show respect to his children’s opinions.


in respect to the content, the article is very good,but it is not satisfactory in other aspects.



respectable adj.        值得尊敬的;正派的;高尚的

respectful adj.           有礼貌的;恭敬的

respective adj.           各自的;分别的

respectively adv.       各自地;分别地

oneˉway fares for adults and children were $18 and $5 respectively.



完成句子                                                         (原创)


please                                        your parents.


our head teacher is a         person, we all                      her.

答案:①give my respect to

②respectable; show/have respect for

5. argue



argue with sb. about/over sth.                就某事和某人争辩

argue sb. into/out of doing=persuade sb. to/not to do

=persuade sb. into/out of doing         说服某人做/不做某事

argue for/against                                                   支持/反对


argument n.                                                论点;争论;论据

settle an argument                                                解决争端

beyond argument                                                  无可争辩

we argued that we should be paid more.


they are arguing with the officials over foreign policies.


they argued the park into lowering the price.



完成句子                                          (原创)


we are always arguing             each other                money.


they argued me                    buying a new bike.


he argued              smoking, and insisted that it was                                                                           argument that smoking was harmful to health.

答案: ① with; about/over ②into ③ against;beyond

6. inspire


his speech inspired us.     他的发言鼓舞了我们。

the beautiful scenery inspired the composer.



inspire sb. to sth. 鼓励某人某事

inspire sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

(=encourage sb. to do sth.)

inspire sth. in sb.

(=inspire sb. with sth.) 使某人产生……;鼓励某人……

the father inspired his son with confidence.

=the father inspired confidence in his son.



inspiration n.                          灵感;启发;鼓舞人的事或人

inspired adj.                                      受到鼓舞的;有灵感的

inspiring adj.                                           鼓舞人心的;激励的


完成句子                                                               (原创)


the teacher’s words                                                        .

=the teacher’s words                                                        .


the students were all            by the                song.

答案:  ① inspired him with hope; inspired hope in him ② inspired; inspiring

7. intend

vt.&vi.  计划,打算


be intended for          专供……使用;专为……而设计

intend to do/doing     打算……

intend sb. to do sth.  打算让某人做某事

this kind of bicycle is intended for people who are too short.


today, i intend to finish reading this novel.


i intend you to take over my career.




①the book,             for her sister, was lost in the mail.                                            (•01•江苏南京检测)

a. intended as pleasant surprise

b. intending as pleasant surprise

c. intended as a pleasant surprise

d. intending for pleasant surprise

②miss wang had             to catch the first bus, but she did’t get up early enough.


a. turned     b. come      c. intended        d. promised

①解析:选c。intend sth. for sb.意为“为某人准备某物”,book与intend之间呈被动关系,因此用过去分词短语作定语;surprise在这里用单数,表示“一个惊喜”。


8. deliver



deliver a baby 接生小孩;生小孩

deliver sth. to...把某物送到……

the baby was delivered in a clinic.


comrade yang delivered the opening speech.



delivery n.                 送货;交付

express delivery       快递

on delivery                送达时;货到时


完成句子                                                     (原创)


some new books have                                     the school.


the actor                     his speech              a soft voice.

答案: ① been delivered; to ② delivered/gave; in

9. observe

vt. 观察;观测;遵守

she spent many year observing and recording their daily activities.







i observed them enter/entering the shop.


the boy observed what was going on between tom and his little sister.


we should strictly observe the discipline.



observer n.              观察者

obstrvation n.          观察





答案: ① i have never observed him do morning exercises.

② we must observe the rule of road.


10. look down upon/on


she looks down on people who’ve never been to university.


you can’t look down upon a person because he is poor.


i hope you don’t look down upon/on this kind of work.



look on sb./ sth. as   把某人/某物看作……

=consider sb./ sth. as

look on     袖手旁观;观望

look into sth.    调查;观察某事物

look up    查阅(单词、资料);向上看;好转

look (sb.) up and down   上下打量(某人)

look out for sb./sth.  警惕或留心某人/某物

look back to   回顾;回忆

look about/around   环顾四周

look after   照料 ;照看

look forward to  盼望;期待

look for     寻找

look like    看起来像

look over  检查;检阅

look through  浏览;检查

look up to  尊敬


(1)完成句子                                                      (原创)

①he was                                                 (被人看不起) because of his humble background.

②he is                                                       (被认为是) the leading authority on the subject.

③if you want to know how a word is used,        it       (查阅) in a dictionary.

(2)选词填空(look up/look down on/look forward to/look into)


①i’m                       going to your party.

②the police have received the complaint, and they are         it.

③we should not                  manual labour.

④please                      these words in your dictionary.

答案:  (1)  ①looked down on  ②looked on as

③look; up

(2) ① looking forward to ② looking into

③ look down on ④ look up

11. refer to



refer to sb./sth. as             把某人/物称作

refer sth. to                        把某事提交

refer sb. to                          让某人向……求助


refer to/consult/look up

refer to和consult都可作“查阅(词典、参考书等)”讲,表此意时两词可以互换。

look up   意为“(在词典、时刻表等中)查找……”。

we agreed never to refer to the matter again.


she thought i was referring to her daughter when we were talking.



(1)完成句子                                                          (原创)

①although she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was                                    (谈到).

②he gave the speech                                        (没有参阅) his notes.

③he likes to                                                     (被称为) “doctor khee”。

④my doctor              me              (向……求助) a hospital specialist.


①the professor               at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.       (•01•山东青州二中模块检测)

a. referred           b. referred to

c. referring          d. referring to

②if you are not sure of the meaning of this word, you can the dictionary.                          (•浙江萧山质量检测)

a. refer to                 b. look up

c. see                    d. make use of

③during his stay in our college, he often began his talk by  this past experience as a soldier.


a. turning to              b. referring to

c. sticking to              d. speaking to

④using a long stick, the teacher  a place on the map and asked the children to name it.   (•01•江苏启东检测)

a. got down to            b. pointed to

c. referred to             d. came to

(1) ①referring to ②without referring to ③ be referred to as ④ referred; to

(2) ① 解析:选b。句意为:在会议上被提到的那位教授下周将给我们作一次讲座。用refer to的过去分词形式作后置定语,表示被动。

② 解析:选a。refer to在句中作“查阅”讲,b项结构应为look up the word in the dictionary。

③ 解析:选b。考查词义辨析。turn to的意思是“求助于”,但其宾语是人,不可以是物;refer to的意思是“参考;查询;谈到;提到”;stick to的意思是“坚持”。

④ 解析:选b。 考查短语辨析。get down to的意思是“开始;着手”,后跟名词或动名词;point to的意思是“指着;指向”;refer to的意思是“参考;提到”;come to的意思是“达到”。

12. come across

=run across=meet by chance     (偶然) 遇见;碰见


come about = happen   发生

come from   来自

come out   出现;开花;出版或发表;透露;显出

come up   升起;发生;出现

come up with sth.   找到或提出(答案﹑办法等)

come to    谈到;涉及

i came across an old school friend in oxford street this morning.   今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友。

she came across some old photographs in a drawer.




mr brown, could you tell me how the differences between american english and british english ?                          (•01•山东济南检测)

a. came about               b. came to

c. came up                 d. came across

(2)用come短语的适当形式填空                              (原创)

①i              some new words while reading.

②his new book will             next month.

③she              a new idea for increasing sales.

④can you tell me how the accident             ?

⑤how did it               that he knew where we were?

(1)解析:选a。考查词义辨析。come about意为“产生”,符合句意;come to意为“达到(某个数字)”;come across意为“偶然遇到;从……上走”;come up意为“来到”。

(2)① came across ②come out ③came up with ④came about ⑤come about

13. carry on


let’s carry on our homework.


we must carry on until the rescue team arrived.



carry out       执行;实施

carry away    带走;冲走

carry off        夺去

we will carry out the plan as soon as it is made.


we planted many trees to stop the water from carrying away the soil. 我们种这么多树的目的是阻止土壤流失。



do you mind if i                 with my work while you are getting tea ready.


carry out                 b. come on

c. carry on               d. go over

解析:选c。carry on 在这里是“继续下去”的意思。a项有一定干扰性。 carry out 也有“进行,开展”的意思,然而carry on为不及物动词,而 carry out为及物动词。


14. only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.



only in this way can we learn english better.


only then did i remember that i had left my cell phone in the restaurant.到那时我才记起我把手机忘在餐馆里了。

only when mum is sick will she stay in bed.




①only then               how much damage had been caused.                                                                 (原创)

a. she realized               b. she had realized

c. had she realized           d. did she realize

②            by keeping down cost will power data hold its advantage over other companies.


only             b. just          c. still           d. yet



15. for forty years jane  goodall  has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.


本句用的是现在完成时,即“has/have been doing”,表示从过去某个时间开始的动作或状态一直延续到现在,可能还会再进行下去。

—what have you been doing?


—i have been   practising  the piano.




①—hi,  fracy, you look tired.

—i               m tired. i  the living room all day.

painted                     b. had painted

c. have been painting        d. have painted

②new that she is out of a job, lucy                going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.

a. had considered           b. has been considering

c. considered               d. is going to consider



Women of achievement2


课  题

m6 unit4  new words

班  级

高二(  )

姓  名


年  月  日

总课题m6 unit4  helping people around the world课题new words i教学目标

the words in the sentences. familiar with the usage of the phrases.

教学重点honor; in honor of; take on; touch; awareness; be aware of; operate; available; lack of; add to教学难点master the different meanings of word in different situations.教学教具ppt, blackboard, multi-media一。前置性补偿 1. 为纪念­­­­________________________       2. 提及,查阅______________ 3.给某人动手术________________________  4.担当 _____________ 5.有目的,意图 ____________________     6.在。。。。。。的保护下________________ 7.除了,还有_________________________   8.提出,制定出________________________ 9.作为。。。。。的代表_________________     10.只要________________________ 11第三世界________________________     12.提醒某人某事___________________ 13.出故障,抛锚________________________ 14处于混乱状态________________________ 15.从一地到另一地_____________________16.得到,抓住________________________ 17.回想________________________        18.产生变化,发生改变__________________二。新知探究


(一)知识梳理 1.  honor a.荣誉,荣耀 b.荣耀的人或事; 荣幸 c.尊敬,给予荣幸d.对…的敬意  [   ]we fought for the honour of our country.

[   ]it's an honour to represent ireland(爱尔兰) and an honour to represent your country doing anything. [   ]he was honoured for his bravery. [   ]they remove their hats to honour the flag. [   ]we celebrate mother's day in honour of our mothers. 词组释义 in honour of sb./ sth.______________________________________________ be/feel honoured to do sth._________________________________________ do sb the honour of doing sth_______________________________________   on a.开始从事;承担工作或责任 b. 雇佣某人 c.随…改变 [   ]i shall take on the work with humility and dedication [   ]not infrequently does the company take on good-record graduates.. [   ]the insect can take on the color of its surroundings. [   ]she took too much on and made herself ill. 3. touch  a.碰触,接触b。不吃(食物,饮料等)c。触觉 d。接触,碰触 [   ]that paint is wet - don't touch (it). [   ]he touched the girl on the arm to get her attention. [   ]no thanks, i never touch alcohol. [   ]i found the right coin in the dark by touch. [   ]at a touch of a button, the door opened. 相关高考试题 [   ]---ow! i’ve burnt myself! ---how did you do that? (浙江) --- i ______ a hot pot.       a. touched      b. kept     c. felt      d. held 4. awareness    n. [u] 意识,认识 lack of awareness of this fact has caused many problems in the past.   ________________________________________________________________ environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decade. ________________________________________________________________ aware   adj. 意识到 1)be aware+ that从句 i wasn't even aware that he was ill. ________________________________________________________________ she was well (= very) aware that he was married. ________________________________________________________________ 2)be aware of a.意识到 b。注意 c。了解、知道 [   ]it is important to be aware of what you drink. [   ]he be aware of the possibility of a recurrence of his illness [   ]you should therefore be aware of some of the traffic laws.   [   ]he doesn' t seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal. 他很清楚这个问题。 ________________________________________________________________   vt./vi.   operation   n. a.操作,开动 b。施行手术 c。起作用,奏效 d。经营 [   ]do you understand how to operate the machine? [   ]america's material superiority could operate only in a more limited time span. [   ]could you tell me how to operate this account? these four causes do not operate singly. [   ]it's necessary to operate on him.  the worker put the machine into operation. 1)put sth. into operation_____________________ this factory went into operation last year. 2)go into operation_________________________ when does the law come into operation ? 3)come into operation_______________________ now in early september put the second stage of his plan into operation 4)put sth. into operation_____________________ is this rule in operation yet? 5)be in operation___________________________ a.可利用的  b。有效的,可得的  c。空闲的 [   ] that means it is currently available only to about million households. [   ] what are the technologies, business models, and lifestyle changes that are realistically available in the short-term? [   ] additional details of the planned deal, including a sale price, were not immediately available. [   ]will she be available this afternoon? [   ]this was the only room available. 7. on behalf of  代表 they presented the queen with a bouquet(花束) on behalf of the women students.(译成汉语) ________________________________________________________________ the lawyer spoke on behalf of his client.{译成汉语} ________________________________________________________________ 我代表我公司对你的帮助表示感谢。(译成英语) ________________________________________________________________ down a.失败、崩溃 b。发生故障 c。毁掉、倒掉d。分解、腐烂 [   ] if the car should break down on the way, you would have to walk back。 [   ] meat begins to break down at temperatures warmer than 5 degrees celsius。 [   ] they come to a house whose back wall have completely break down. [   ] he breaks down and weeps when he hears the news. [   ] how did the negotiations break down? 相关短语: break through_______ break up_______      break in_______________ break the law______  break one’s word______ break away from________ only 只要;但愿 if only it were possible for me to see her once more! (译成汉语) ________________________________________________________________ if only it clears up, we'll go.(译成汉语) ______________________________________________________________­­­__ if only he would come here tomorrow.(译成汉语) ________________________________________________________________ 辨析:only if 只要…就;只有在…的时候 we can succeed only if everyone in the team pulls his weight.(译成汉语) ________________________________________________________________ up a.养育、教育    b。提出     c。呕吐   d。(船)停下 [   ] this is not the time to bring up that subject. [   ] after all, it was the father's place to bring up his son. [   ] what has made her bring up? [   ] tellus was an honest man who labored hard for many years to bring up his children. 把句中bring的相关短语译成汉语 the couple decide to bring down the curtain on their marriage after 5 year   bring down the curtain on ___________________________ anyway he was dead,we couldn't bring him back to life. bring sb. back to life________________________________ i believe as i stand here today, that we can bring about a durable peace in our time. bring about______________ they have already begun to bring their plans into effect.   bring into effect_________________ than a.多于,比…多,超过b。与其说…,不如说… [   ]rob likes apples more than bananas. [   ]it never takes more than an hour. [   ]true friendship is worth more than money. [   ]common sense is worth more than learning. [   ]customers are often led to buy more than they need. [   ]it is more something they desire than something that is necessary.  相关习题: it was ___the way he said it ___what he said that made her displeased. ,that  ,that  ,than  ,that 把句中相关短语译成汉语 i hadn't business with you, no more than you had with me. no more than_______________ i'll stay here not more than three days. not more than______________ a.脸,面容,表情 b。面对 c。人 [   ]his face lit up with sudden excitement. [   ]he was forced to face up to the situation. [   ]her face was handsome. [   ] although i was a familiar face, i still had no pass. [   ]his face is as black as coal. [   ]i went into the room and found myself face to face with him. [   ]he sat face to face with me. [   ]but i think we should face the truth. [   ]even in the face of death he didn' t hesitate. 相关短语译成汉语: face up to ____________________face to face with____________________  in the face of __________________


[   ] was a new model machine which is very easy to ________.

a. operate  on    

[   ] students show great honour ______him.

a. for                    

[   ]’t be ______by his appearance.

away up   out  in

[   ] jeans are dirty at the bottom because they _____the ground.

a. touch                 

[   ] asked friends to help him find new stamps to add ____his collecttion.


[   ] minister expressed his satisfaction with the talk ,_____that he had enjoyed his stay there.

added   add      

[   ] these words i began to ______the problem of my english study.

a. face     

[   ] boy was caught cheating in the exam and he had to ______.

music  b. play the music the music to music

[   ] can hardly afford_______books and pens.

buy be bought

[   ] never took a taxi, even she could ______.

it to do  to

[   ] result is much ______we imagined.

than  than than d. more over

四。学习反思 五。作业布置

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