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Teaching aims (教学目标)

1. 学会表述描述他人体貌特征的形容词。

2. 能听懂有描述他人外表的对话。

2. 学会简单描述他人发型,身高及身材。

3. 学会用特殊疑问句来询问他人的外表。


Language points (语言点)

1. 词汇:1)名词n. height,build

2)形容词adj. curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy

2. 句型:What does … look like?

He/she is …

He/she has …

Difficulties (教学难点)

1. 描述他人外表形容词的读音及拼写。

2. 描述他人外表的特殊疑问句。

3. 形容词的叠加使用。


Teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)Daily greetings to the Ss

(2) Revision (复习):Review numbers and some adjectives.

T: How many people are there in your family?

Who are they? Is your mother tall/ short/beautiful …?


2. Presentation (呈现新知识)

(1) Present the new words: tall, short, heavy, thin, medium height, medium build.

Show the pictures of di fferent persons and help Ss to understand the new words. Help them to describe the people in the pictures by using “He/she’s (of) …”。

(2) Present some pictures of different haircuts. Help Ss to understand the new words: long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair. Help them to describe persons by using “He/she has …”。


3. Work on 1a (完成1a)

(1) Match the words with the people in the picture.

(2) Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language.

T: What does “a” look like? S: She’s heavy.


4. Work on 1b (完成1b)

(1) Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture, then check the answers.

(2) Find Amy’s friend.


5. Drill (练习)

Ask some Ss to repeat the conversation and change the words used.

T: Let’s play a game. Get into pairs and repeat the conversation in the picture. Then, repeat the conversation but now you are to change the words used.



6. Work on 1c (完成1c)

(1)T: One of the people in 1a is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him/her.

(2) Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.


7. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)

(1)T: Please turn to page 50. Look at the sentences in 2a. Read them aloud.

(2)T: Now listen carefully and answer the questions.

(3)T: Can you answer the questions? Please check your answers.

(4)T: Now, please take a look at 2b. Listen again and fill in the chart.

(5)T: What does … look like?

S: She’s … and has…


8. Work on 2c (完成2c)

(1)Have Ss get into pairs. Student A is to look at the chart in 2b. Student B will ask Student A questions about one of the people in the chart and then draw a picture of the person.

T: I need two persons to come to the blackboard. Student B will ask Student A questions about one of the people in the chart and then draw a picture of the person. The rest of the class should draw the picture in your exercise books.

(2)Find another pair to do the same thing and compare their drawings.



Homework (课后作业)

Oral: 1. 朗读并熟记第49页的单词和句子。

2. 准备一张全家福,用所学的单词和句型进行介绍。

Written: 抄写第49页的单词和句子。



1、 认知目标:初步听懂并说出与公园有关的自然景物的单词,及表达某地有什么的句型。

2、 能力目标:学生能初步运用所学知识进行交流,培养学生的口语交际能力。

3、 情感目标:激发学生对大自然的热爱,增强学生强烈热爱环境,保护环境的意识。


1、 认读与公园有关的单词:parks,hill,lake,bridge,flower,grass,tree

2、 能够初步表达某地有某物:There is.。. in the park.


1、 单词 bridge 的正确发音;

2、 对某地有某物的表达:There is.。. in the park.





一、Warming Up

1、 Oral practice

教师问:Hello/ Hi. 学生答:Hello/ Hi.

How are you? Fine, thank you.

Whats your name? My name is.。.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.


2、 Review

(1) 听录音,复习歌曲 We are classmates,we are friends;

(2) 教师运用 TPR 教法,帮助学生复习介词:in/ on/ under/ behind;

(3) 教师出示图片,询问学生:Whats this? 学生回答:Its.。. a table/ a chair/ a boat/。.。

[设计意图]:通过歌曲、TPR 教法、认读图片的方法,帮助学生复习介词和形容词,为学习新的知识做铺垫。这不仅达到了复习的目的,同时又调动了学生全面参与到教师组织的活动当中,成为学习的主人。学生也可在这些活动中放松紧张的心情,以更加自信的状态学习英语。


1、 教师出示北海公园的照片,问学生:Whats this? 让学生回答,引出公园的单词“park”;

2、 教师继续询问:Have you been to the BeiHai Park? And which parks have you been to? 学生可用中文回答,如:Xiangshan Park;Jingshan Park;

3、 教师接着说:Ok,Lets go to a beautiful park and enjoy it.

4、 教师出示课件,为学生呈现一个美丽的公园。教师说:Oh,What a beautiful park! 并询问学生:What can you see in the park?

5、 教师引导学生说出公园里的景物。学生每说到一个景物,教师就点击该景物,并示范单词的发音,如:hill, flower, grass, tree,lake, bridge;

6、 有的单词学生会说,教师可让学生来做老师,教给其他同学;

7、 “bridge”的发音较难,教师可让学生模仿录音,采取比赛的形式,看谁模仿的最好,教师给予奖励。


8、 教师出示图片,带领学生复习生词,让学生快速认读单词;

9、 游戏:猜单词比赛。请一名学生上讲台前来任意抽出一张图片,让其他学生猜猜图片上是什么,猜对有奖品;

10、 教师通过画简笔画的方式,让学生来单词,帮助学生复习巩固单词。



1、 听录音,学习歌谣;

2、 第一遍,让学生说出听到的单词;

3、 第二遍,让学生补充听到的单词;

4、 第三遍,让学生根据录音的内容把相关的公园模型贴到黑板上;

5、 第四遍,让学生根据录音的内容把模型标出顺序;

6、 第五遍,全班跟读歌谣;

7、 第六遍,男女生朗读歌谣;

8、 第七遍,请几名学生跟读歌谣。


9、 四人一组朗读歌谣;

10、 听录音,让学生指读单词;

11、 教师示范某地有某物的句子:There is a 。.。 in the park. 让学生指图;

12、 请好学生模仿老师说句子,其他学生指图,并跟说;

13、 四人一组表达公园里有某物:There is 。.。 in the park.

14、 游戏:教师表达某地有某物,让学生用肢体来表现景物。

15、 听录音,完成“Listen and draw”的练习,请一名学生在投影仪上做示范。

[设计意图]:教师通过示范表达某地有某物的句子,让学生指图,进一步帮助学生复习与公园有关的单词,同时引出新的表达句型:There is 。.。 in the park. 这样使得每一次的学习内容都是在旧知识的基础上扩展来的,这样也便于学生接受。通过游戏、画画等方式,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中感知语言,习得语言。同时也从另一个角度告诉学生:自然是美好的,我们应该热爱大自然,爱护环境。







Teaching aims


talk, talk with, open, close, take photos

I’m talking. You’re not talking.

You’re listening tome. Is he reading?

Key points

I’m talking.

You’re not talking.

Lily isnt writing.

Difficult points


Teaching methods


Teaching aids


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.值日生做Morning report,教师通过提问检验学生听的情况。


Whats he/she doing?

Is he/she reading? Yes, he/she is.

No, he/she isnt.


Step 2 Presentation

利用媒体资料引出第一部分Find the right picture。[见媒体资料Is he 中的Pictures]


在检查完学生的答案之后,再根据图片提出一些问题,如:Lily writing? Is Jim closing the window等。


Step 3 Words about talk


say/ speak/ talk/ tell

say强调说内容,speak强调动作,speak后还可接某语言作宾语,talk着重指“交谈、谈心”,常与with, about, to等介词连用。如:

They are talking about the car. 他们在谈论那辆车。

Don’t speak/ talk to him. 别和他讲话。

动词tell指“告诉,讲述”。如:He tells me everything. 他把所有的情况都告诉给我。


talk“谈心”,say“内容”, speak“语言”可以用。“告诉”别人某件事,使用tell记心中。

Step 4 Practice

让学生看彩图三,两人一组进行对话练习,如:What can you see in the picture? What are the women doing? Is the girl reading a book or drawing a picture?之后让学生把书合上进行问答练习。

Step 5 Watching

展示媒体素材What are they 中的A good teacher。然后让学生复述动画中的场景。

Step 6 Exercises




2. playing, we, are

3. are

4. is, running

5. isn’t, boating

6. is jumping

7. snowing, skiing

8. playing, volleyball

Step 7 Homework

将练习Ex. 2写到作业本上。

Answers2: 1. Liu Ying is not talking. She is singing.

2. Liu Hai is not jumping. He is running.

3. They are not working.

They are playing computer games.

4. The students are not standing. They are sitting.

5. Li Ming is not fishing. He is swimming.






be动词的一般过去时(am/ is ? was; are ? were)。






(4)从……到……__ _________


2、复习be动词一般过去时的形式: No, I ________. Yes, I ________. 课堂学习过程








He/ She was born……


Task1. 单项选择:

( ) 1. She was born _______ Tianjin.

A. at B. in C. on

( ) 2. ——______ were you born? ——On 2nd November, 1990.

A. What B. Where C. When

( ) 3. It takes us ten minutes by bike _______ my house

______ school.

A. to, to B. to, from C. from, to

( ) 4. I was born _______ a winter morning.

A. in B. at C. on

( ) 5. Who _______ your first friends?

A. was B. were C. are

( ) 6. I remember Mr. Wang was my ______ English teacher.

A. one B. first C. the first

( ) 7. This is a story book _____some colourful pictures in it.

A. have B. has C. with

Task2. 根据首字母或汉语意思提示写单词:

1. We can take a shower (沐浴) in a b_________.

2. There is a p_______ with some fish in it.

3. Nelson Mandela wasn’t he hero of South A_______.

4. John Adams was the p_________ of the USA.

1. Betty was b______ in Quincy, USA.

2. My maths teacher was very s_______ with me.

3. What was your p_______ life like?

4. Tony is f_________ to everyone, we like him very much.

6. We have a big g_________ (花园)with lots of flowers in it.

8. He was born in a small __________ (村子) in Shandong Province.

9. My house is small, but it’s very ______________ (舒适的).

10. There were two _________ __________ (影剧院) in the small town. Task3. 连词成句:

1. were , born , you , where


2. first , school , what , primary , your , what’s


3. born , small , was , village , a , I , in


4. wasn’t , in , born , Tony , China


5. President , Africa , of , he , South , was , the


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