What are we going to do

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知识目标 (1)New words and phrases: fifth, trip, field trip, discuss, hometown, fish, go fishing, east, boating, going boating, maybe, mountain, hike, go hiking, agree, pic, the day after tomorrow, top, problem, quick, quickly, start, trip, trip over, tired, hurry, hurry up, tie, die, more, city, take, eighth, salesgirl, far, beautiful, together, (2)Grammar: be going to 结构和它的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句结构及回答。 (3)日常交际用语:Why don’t we …?I agree. I am good at it. It’s not far from …  (4)语音/ i:/ e , ee , ea /i / i / э/ a, e, o ,er, or(our)

能力目标 (1)要求学生能根据上下文和图画判断生词词义。培养学生的阅读理解能力 (2)要求学生能熟练运用be going to结构做口头和笔头练习。 (3)能听懂与课文难度相当的听力资料。 (4)能掌握讨论未来活动的有关交际用语。




本单元主要教学内容是围绕谈论未来活动展开的,其中be going to 结构贯穿整个单元的始末。单元安排了两段对话、两段课文及若干口头练习帮助学生掌握be going to 结构的陈述句,一般疑问句。特殊疑问句的结构和用法,掌握一些有关讨论未来活动的交际用语。教学可采用设定情境法,学生采用讨论、自由对话的学习方法。


(1)教师可以通过提问和比较法使学生初步理解be going to 结构的意义,例如:教师问:What are you doing now? 学生回答:We are studying English now。然后,教师指着课程表下午的数学语文课说:What are you going to do this afternoon? 自己回答:We are going to study Chinese this afternoon 。We are gonging to study math also。然后指着课程表下午的音乐课问学生:What are you going to do this afternoon? 学生答:We are going to study music。此时教师可以解释are going to的含义。然后教师再让学生举例I am going to …  He \She is going to … 重点强调be going to 结构表达的是将来发生的动作,to 后面是动词原形。

(2)教师可以将going to结构和现在进行时进行比较:


Now                            this afternoon

I am playing football now.      I am going to play football this afternoon

主语+be +动词ing 形式      主语+be +going to +动词原形


Family member





Xiao Ming


By bike

Do shopping



The day after tomorrow

On foot

Go on a field trip



Next week


Go fishing

He likes it

Father and mother

Next Saturday

By bus

Visit their friends

The friend is ill.

例如  A: What is Xiao Ming going to do?   B: Xiao Ming is going to do some shopping.  A: When is Xiao Ming going to do shopping?   B: He is going to do some shopping tomorrow.  A: How is Xiao Ming going to do shopping?  B: He is going to do shopping by bike.


(1)要求学生能够就口头训练落实到笔头上,教师可以设计一个话题,让学生自由完成后续部分。例如:明天是周末,你将怎样度过周末呢?可写3-5句话。  教师还可以让学生自己作出下周的计划安排表,本周日活动或国庆节假期活动安排表,然后就这些安排表进行详细的描述。  教师还可以让学生就课程表中第二天的课程安排进行描述。

(2)教师可以出示几张图片让学生根据图片内容用be going to 结构写出要发生的事情。

如图1.                 It is hot. What is Xiao Ming going to do?

图2 It is snowy. What are the students going to do?

图3. Mary and Li Ping got to the farm. What are they going to do?

关于教学表将来打算be going to用法的几点建议  ①提问若干学生将来的某时间要干什么。一方面可提高学生的注意力,另外可让学生从老师将要讲述的内容中找到自己的答案。  ②通过教材中的实例讲述将来时态的应用场景及其特点。  ③讲解将来时态的构成要素,通过练习熟悉这些要素并引导学生对老师的提问进行作答,熟悉和掌握此时态。  ④模拟练习,激发学生的学以致用的兴趣,让学生自己能够说出自己身边的。将来时态的场景并进行问与答。  ⑤总结go doing 固定结构,讲解进行时态代表将来时态的具体事例。



go +v ing结构

固定搭配,表示动名词的意义。常用来表示体育和业余活动。  例如:go fishing 去钓鱼,go boating 去划船,go swimming去游泳 ,go hiking去远足, go shopping去购物,go dancing 去跳舞。   例句:Let’s go swimming next weekend.      Are you going to go fishing tomorrow?

e going to

be going to 为固定结构,初学时应注意以下六点:

一、注意be going to 的意义  be going to为结构表示按计划、安排将要发生的事,或经推测将要或肯定要发生的动作。该结构通常译成“打算、准备”等等。  如:I’m going to mend my bike this evening.我打算今晚修理我的自行车。    go在此结构中不含有“去”的意思。

二、注意be的变化  be在此结构中用作助动词,不作连系动词,有am, is 和are三种形式,本身无意义。  1.否定式:应在am, is 或are后加not. 如:   He isn’t going to buy that pen.他不打算买那支钢笔。  2.疑问式:应将助动词be提到主语前,与be作连系动词的用法相同。如:   Are you going to see your uncle tomorrow?你准备明天看你的叔叔吗?   Yes, I am. 是的,我准备去。

三、注意be going to后接动词原形  to在此结构中为动词不定式符号,后须接动词原形。如:  They’re going to play games.他们打算做游戏。

四、注意be going to结构须与表示将来的时间状语连用。如:  We’re going to have an English class tomorrow.明天我们要上一节英语课。

五、注意当to后的动词为表示位置移动的动词,如go, come, leave, fly, start等时,一般不用be going to结构,常用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。如:  I’m going to the shop. 我要去商店。  一般不说I’m going to go to the shop.

六、注意There be结构一般将来时应为There is / are going to be…。如:  今晚有场电影。  误:There is going to have a film this evening.  正:There is to going to be a film his evening.教学设计方案

Lesson 5

Period: The First Period

Content: Lesson five

Teaching Objectives: Students should master the use of “be going to” and show their intention to do sth.

Language FOCUS: I 。To show the intention to do sth. “be going to do sth.”                        II. useful expressions

1、 on a field trip



Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class      Greeting and a duty report

II. Review      1. To act out the dialogues they made up as homework.      2. To make up sentences with the time phrase. now, at the moment, Look! , listen! etc.

III. Leading-in      Teacher: On Sundays. I often go shopping. I like going shopping. What do you like doing on Sundays?  Students: I like playing computer games.  …  Teacher: OK. The students are going to go on their field trip, they are going to play somewhere. Let’s see what they like doing and where they are going.  Students listen to the dialogue and answer the questions teacher asked.  Explain the phrase “be good at” means someone can do sth very well. eg.  “Wendy is good at English” means “Wendy s English is good, she can speak or write English very well.”  Hike. (go for a) long walk in the country, taken for pleasure exercise.  Students listen again and read in pairs

IV. Practice   Suppose your class is going on a field trip, too. Talk in groups about where to go, what to do, how to go, etc. Make it a role play. And act it out.

V. Ask and answer    Students work in pairs ask questions in the box and answer.      Pay attention to the time phrases tomorrow, next week, next holiday, the day after tomorrow, etc.

VI. Practice      Add more phrases denoting the future time. eg, this weekend, next Sunday, etc.       Students ask questions about future intention.      A: What are you going to do next Sunday?      B: I am going to do my homework. What are you going to do?      C: I’m going to …

VII. Exercises in class     1. The students are going to have an English exam next month.      (1) What…?      (2) When …?      (3) Who…?

2. He is going to move to New York tomorrow.      (1) Negative sentence.      (2) general question and answers : Yes/No.      (3) Where…?

3. Complete the dialogue.     - What ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ tomorrow?     - Nothing much. why?     - I ____ ____ ____ Plant some trees. Do you want to go with me?     - Yes, I’d love to. Where ____ ____ ____ ____ plant the trees?    - I ____ ____ ____ the countryside.     - How ____ ____ ___ ____ get there?    - We can take a bus.   - Good. When ____ we ___ and where?   - Let s meet at 9:00 in the morning. I II go to your house.   - OK. See you tomorrow.   - See you.

Answers:  1. ① What are the students going to do next month?    ② When are the students going here for an English exam?    ③ Who is going here for an English exam next month?  2. ①He isn’t going to move to New York tomorrow.    ② Is he going to move to New York tomorrow? Yes, he is./No, he isn't.    ③Where is he going to move tomorrow?  3. are, you, going, go, do,/am, going, to, are, you, going, to, /am, going, to, are, you, going, to, /will, meet,

VIII. Homework

To write a short article to introduce what you intend to do next holiday.

IX. The design of the blackboard

Lesson 5

go fishing              Are you going to …?

be good at doing sth.     Yes, I am.

have a field trip         No, I’m not.

go on a pic


Lesson 6

教学目的(Teaching Objectives)

(1)掌握重点单词和词组hurry up. go the wrong way, be tired。  (2)熟练掌握be going to 结构的用法  (3)能回答课文的问题并能根据上下文判断单词的意思。

教具(Properties):教学磁带,图片和卡片。Properties: tape recorder, calendar. 。

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