What should I do精编3篇

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What should I do1


课题:unit 2  whwt should i do ?    section a  3a---4

励志小木屋:perfection does not exist---- you can always do better and you can always grow.完美并不存在---你总可以做得更好,总是可以成长。


知识目标  1.识记p12单词及短语。 2. he doesn’t have any money , either .

能力目标: 1. 掌握情态动词 could , should 的用法。

2. 熟练运用why don’t you .... ? 结构 。


预习重难点: 重点  目标2      难点  目标3

一、自主预习  (一)   预习任务 1.写出下列单词

同样地(不) ____________ 付账________  兼职工作_____________ 面包或糕点的售卖活动 ___________青少年论坛_________家庭教师______

2  英汉互译

1.一份兼职工作__________________ 2.加入一个俱乐部_____________

3.面包售卖__________________4 .一个好主意_____

5.从。借。    ___        6.为。买。           _____

7. 找一个家庭教师到他家来

3. 完成3a.

(二)预习诊断   补全对话

a. i can’t bake .    b. he doesn’t have any money , either .

c. what should i do ?   d. i don’t think so.

e.  i don’t have time.

a: i need to get some money to pay for summer camp. 1

b: well , you could get a part-time job.

a: 2

c: i have an could borrow some money from your brother.

a: no, 3

d: i think you should ask your parents for some money .

b:or you could sell your cds.

a:no, 4  i love my cds.

d: maybe you could have a bake sale.

a: no,  5

d:then maybe you should call teen talk ,the radio advice program .

(三)预习反思 do you have any questions ?


step 1  预习交流------ 精讲点拨

he doesn’t have any money , either . 1) either为副词,意为“也(不……),常用在否定句中。he can’t play the guitar . i can’t , either.

辨析: either / too / also

1) either为副词,意为“也(不……),常用在否定句句末,用逗号隔开。

2) too 意为“也”, 用在陈述句和疑问句句末,用逗号隔开。

3) also意为“也”, 用在肯定句中间,位于be动词、助动词或情态动词后,行为动词前。

1. i don’t like the food, he doesn’t like it, ____ . has lots of pen pals, ____

3. they ______ like playing tennis .

step2  warming-up   step 3  lead-in   step 4  practice 3a

step 5  pairwork  3c  step6  groupwork

step7 拓展提升

1. i like eating oranges , too. (否定句)

i ____ _____ eating oranges,______.

2. he paid 100 yuan for the shirt. (同义句)

he _____ 100 yuan _____ the shirt .

should ask her mother for some money.(否定句)

she ________ ask her parents for ______ money.

4. she needs to get a job.( 画线部分提问)

_______ ____ she ______ to do ?

三、限时作业 满分 10 分    得分 ________

is looking for a p_____ job to make more money .

2. did you p______ for your cds ?

3. my brother can’t play the piano. i can’t , e_________ .

4. i want to b______ some books from the library .

5. i need some money ________ ( buy ) a gift for my mother.

6. can you give me some _______ (advice) on how to learn english well?

7. my teacher often gave me __________ .

a. a good advice   b. some good advice  c. some good advices

8. you should ask your parents ____ some money ____ pay ____ the new shoes.   a. for,to, for  b. to, for, for  c. for, / for  d. to, for, to

9. ---what should i do , doctor ?

---- ______ healthy, you should take more exercis e.

a. keep    b. keeping   c. to keep  d. to keeping

10. you don’t need _____ ( have ) a bake sale.


What should I do2

八年级(下)英语学案     第12课时

课题:unit 2   revision

励志小木屋:one hour today is worth two tomorrow.争分夺秒效率高。


(一)知识目标:1、master words、phases and sentences.

2、what should i do?    you should write him a letter…..

(二)能力目标:learn bout problems and give advice.


学习重难点give advice: should, shouldn’t, could, why don’t you...?。

task 1: 用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. you should _______(go) to see a mother asked me ________(get) up early.

you get a t_________to the concert or me ?i want to go to the concert.

he said s__________ me a is so good a boy.

night he didn’t go to bed u________he finished his homework


1. 我想你可以向警察求助。  think you _______ _________ the police _______ help.

2. 我的朋友与我穿同样的衣服,留同样的发型。

my friends _________ the same clothes and has the same ________ as  i ________.

3. 你有许多事情可做。 there are lots of things you __________  ___________.

4. 我不知道我做错了什么。 i don't know _________ i _________ ___________.

5.  除了我以外, 我们班的每个人都去了上海。

_________ __________ in my class went to shanghai __________ me.

6. 我父亲很生我的气,因为我英语考试不及格。

my father was very _________ _________ me because  i _________ my english test.

7. 你能给我一些建议吗? could you give  me _________ _________?

8 . 你应当和你的老师讨论一下班会的事。

you should _______ ______ your teacher _______ the class meeting.

task 3:  单项选择

1.---what’s the matter?    ---

a. it’s a problem.     b. i can’t find my watch

c. no, it is’t         d. it doesn’t matter

2. he doesn’t know         .

a where his food are     his food is

c. where is his food     are his food

3.---what should he do?   ---

a. really?                   b. sorry to hear that.

could do more exercises    d. oh, dear

4. let’s      erin and invite her to play ping-pong.

in  b. call at   c. call on    d. call up

5. ---what’s wrong with you?  ---i      my friend yesterday.

a. argued with   b. argued   c. argued to 

6. the store is open every day      sunday. a. except  b. beside c. without d. only

7. ---paula, it's 7 ---well, it’s time

a. do homework    homework

c. to do homework  d. for homework

8. last month, my friend borrowed a picture book      me.

a. to       c. with      d. /

9. to my   , she is my twin sister. a. surprise   d. surprising

10. i have some problems with my friends. could you give me      ?

a. an advide   b. some advices   c. some advice   d. advice

11. i like playing computer games very much. i often play games        11 o’clock at night.       a. on   b. in    c. of    d. until

12. he is   to buy a car. a. rich enough b. enough rich c. too rich d. very rich


out of style,  pay for,  get a tutor,  argued,  invite

________  with my best friend.   clothes are ___________ ___________.

need to get some money to ___________  __________ summer camp.

could ________  __________ to come to his home.

friends are having a party and they didn’t _________ ________ you.

限时作业    满分10分           得分率__________

1.这种款式的女装,现在正流行。 this style of dress _________ _______ _________ now.

2.我不喜欢这部电脑,已经过时了。i don’t like this computer, it’s _______ _________ _________.

3.同学之间不能相互吵架。the students shouldn’t ________ _________ __________ ___________.


if you have something to ask me, please ________ ________ _________.

5.也许你可以给他一张球票。 maybe you could _______ him ______ ______ ______ a ball game.

6. 我不想在电话上谈这事。  i don’t want to talk about it _________ ________ __________.

homework  书面表达(15分)


dear allien,

i’m sorry to hear that you have some problems.

___________________________________________                                        ________________________


What should I do3

八年级(下)英语学案     第11课时

课题unit 2 what should i do?  reading

励志小木屋a bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。

学习目标(一)、知识与能力: the words、phases and sentences.



通过引导学生反复阅读和pairwork, groupwork掌握阅读策略。

(三)、情态动词与价值观:learn to share information with their partners.




task 1: 翻译下列单词和短语:

1.压力__________ 2.抱怨_____________3.包括___________ 4.比较____________5. 有组织的__________ 6.自由___________7.找到时间做….__________________8.尽可能…. ___________________9. 各种各样的_____________________10.一方面____________________ 11.另一方面___________________ 12.直到…才____________________13.该(做)…了____________________ 14.向…抱怨…________________ 15.参加…_______________________16.看见…做…___________________  17.与…比较___________________ 18.发现做….怎样__________________

task2:  翻译

1. 疲惫的孩子们直到晚上七点才回家。____________________________________________.

2. 并且他们总是拿他们和其他孩子相比。__________________________________________.

3. 他也说当这些孩子长大后可能会发现自己难以独立思考。


task 3:用说给词的适当形式填空。

’t complain about _____________(do)homework.

seem ____________(push)their childred a lot more than before.

find it very difficult __________(think)for ourselves.

weekends i always have lots of things__________(do).

is always ________(talk) in makes teachers angry.


1.医生说孩子们都处于太多压力下。 doctors say many children are ____ ____ ___ ______.

2.他们需要时间独立地做事情。  they need time to do things ____ _____.

3.你尽可能多吃水果。  you should eat fruit ____ ______ _____ ________.

4.人们不应该如此严重地压迫他们的孩子。people ______ ______ their kids so hard.

5.你能找出这个问题的答案吗?can you _____ _____ the answer _____the question?

(三)预习置疑: do you have any questions?__________________


step1: warming-up   step2: lead-in  step3: finish some tasks by reading.  step4 精讲点拨find it + adj.+(for sb) to do sth. 意为“发现做某事怎么样”,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语to do sth.形容词作宾语补足语。


i find _______ _________ _________us ________learn english well.

step5: 拓展延伸:

boy is ____ ___ to go to school, but he doesn't have enough money.

a. enough old    b. enough young  c. old enough  d. young enough

2. the tired students ____ go to bed ____ eleven o'clock.

a. can't, until   b. not, until   c. doesn't, until     d. /, until

3. he found ____ hard to learn math well.  a. it  b. that  c. this  d. one

______ it everywhere , but i didn’t  _____ it .

a . looked for , looked for        b. looked for , find

c. found , looked for            d. find , look for

step6: summary:

三、限时作业:(满分10).                  得分率_______

1、they don’t need help. they can do the work all by t__________.

should give childred enough__________(自由) to do as they wish.

3. 除了我之外,大家都参观动物园了。 ______ visited the zoo ____ me.

4. 他父亲昨天晚上直到12点才睡觉。his father_____ go to bed _____12 o’clock last night.

5. 孩子们发现彼此融洽相处很简单。

children find _____ easy ______ _______ ________ ________ _______ each other.

6. 去邮局用了我十分钟。 it _____ me ten minutes ____ _____ _____ the post office.

7.这个裙子的式样和我的一样。 the style of the dress is _______ _______ ________ _________.

homework 句型转换

should write him a letter. (就划线部分提问)_________ _________ _________do?

2. i think you should finish your homework first.(改为否定句)


3. you are not as popular as your best friend.(改为同义句)

your best friend is__________   _________than you.

4. the bike is his.(就画线部分提问)    ________ is the bike?

5. he has some money ,too.(改为否定句)

he ________   ________   ________money, ________.


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