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Dear Snoopy,

I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr. Guo Jing’s wedding ceremony with Ms. Huang Rong to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 on April 1, xxxx.

As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.

If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.


dear darryl auden,

we are glad to hear through the british embassy that you would like to bring a trade delegation to china in march on a study tour of three weeks.

it will be a great pleasure for our company to act as sponsors for your delegation. we will act in cooperation with all the organizations you wish to meet in arranging your program and will try our best to ensure that your visit will be a rewarding one.

we suggest your delegation arrive on monday, 6th march. your program could be designed to cover 3 weeks. if this period is not convenient to you, please inform me the soonest of the date on which you prefer to arrive that we can make necessary alternative arrangements on this date.

please furnish us with all the passport details of your delegation member so that we can send you a formal inviation for your visa purpose.

we look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you here.

yours faithfully,




第一种邀请信 邀请的对象一般是朋友、熟人,所以内容格式上的要求都比较松,可以写得随便一些。只要表明邀请的意图,说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。但既然是邀请信,那么就一定要在信中表达非常希望对方能够参加或者出席的愿望。这种邀请信的篇幅可以非常短,下面以一封邀请看电影的'短信为例:

Dear Jane,

We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? Well be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so dont disappoint us!

Warmest regards.





Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2004.

You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is

the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China.

If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Peter White



Dear Alice,

Thank you very much for your invitation. It will be great pleasure for me to join you on Friday for the wonderful film. I will arrive at the cinema before eight. I look forward to meeting you on Friday.

Thank you for thinking of me.




Dear Professor White,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004.

Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have

been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

Faithfully yours,


邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence)。


例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.”

1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon

Dear :

Will you come to luncheon on , at ?

My niece is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! will be here, and perhaps we can after luncheon. Do say you’ll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


您能在 来吃午饭吗?


2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers

Dear :

I know you are interested in , so I’m sure you’ll be interested in ! They are coming here

to supper , and we’d like you and to come, too.

are that very charming couple we met in last summer. They have a wonderful collection of ; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on . I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the !

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming





3. 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 An invitation for a house and weekend party

Dear :

I hope haven’t any plan for the weekend of as we’d like you to spend it with us at . It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!

I think we can promise some good fishing this year. The fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be s

ure to bring your tennis things, too, because are coming and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them.

There’s a very good train ; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets you here about which is just in time for dinner. You can get a late train back , or there’s an early express that usually takes on .

We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit … and I know are looking forward to seeing you again, too. Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that can meet you at the station.

Affectionately yours,






4. 邀请参加招待会 An invitation for a reception

Dear :

It would give great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation.

The reception will be held in the , on . Cocktails will be served promptly at to be followed b dinner at .

sincerely hope you can attend. Let know.

Sincerely yours


如您能够出席为而举行的招待会,将感到十分荣幸。招待会定于在举行。准时举行, 随之在举行。期待着您的光临。请提前通知您能否出席。

5. 邀请演讲 Inviting someone to address a meeting

Dear :

would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the to be held at the at o’clock, .

As you know, the department is interested in Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.

You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.






6. 邀请参加新厂开工典礼 Invitation to opening ceremony of new factory

Dear :

Our new factory will be commencing production on and we should like to invite to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.

As you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting.

Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. All arrangements for your stay will, of course, be made by us at our expense.

Yours faithfully,




如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间 —— 以便我们为您安排会晤。当然,所有安排您在夜宿的费用,皆将由公司代您支付。

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