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Dear Sirs,

Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in ^v^Yangcheng Evening News^v^ of April 9.

I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my . from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company.

In the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business.

I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my…阿拉文库 … application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.

























Due to the prehensiveness of Chinas “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more panies built, management of panies cannot catch up with the development of the panies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.

The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of Chinas new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.

As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didnt score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of puter Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter I began to notice something interesting: Why some panies can produce more than others? Why some pany can sell more than others? Why some panies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a pany. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big panies.

Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture pany in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this pany and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big panies. After graduation, I continued my work in this pany. In May, 2005, the pany offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.

During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.















Dear Mr. Moore,

I would like to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress. I am enclosing my resume, which further details my previous work experience and qualifications.

Not only do I have the qualifications and work experience for this job, but I also have the right personality for a waitress. I am a friendly person who can quickly establish a rapport with people of all ages. The fast-paced environment of waiting on tables suits me, because I enjoy working under pressure. My former boss was surprised at my efficiency in dealing with customers’ orders.

I hope to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. I can be reached at 4639234 during the days and 924,6868 after 6

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours sincerely Li Ming

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