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Helen Keller is committed to socialism, from her special experience as a disability, and her sympathy for other disabled people. At first, she simplified the alphabet to make it suitable for people with disabilities; but she soon realized that a simple solution to the problem of blindness was a temporary solution. Through the study she found that blind people are not randomly distributed in a variety of people, but concentrated in the bottom of society. The poor are more likely to be blind due to production accidents or lack of adequate treatment. Some poor people become prostitutes, the addition of a syphilis caused by the risk of blindness. Thus, Keller recognized that the social class system controls the fate of a person's life, and sometimes even decide whether they will be blind. Keller 's study is not a zaiban: “I visited the candy shop, factory, shantytown, and even if I could not see it, I heard it.

Helen Keller as a socialist, started in 1909. In 1909, she joined the Massachusetts Social Party. As early as before graduating from Radcliffe College, she was a social activist. She himself stressed that this was not due to any education received there. After the outbreak of the Russian revolution, she praised the new communist country, ”In the East, a rising star! In the painful struggle, the new order was born from the old order.“ In the east, The baby was born! Comrades, Qi forward! Run to the campfire in Russia! Welcome to the dawn! ”Keller hung a red flag at the top of her desk. “Later, she gradually became the left wing of the Socialist Party and became a member of Wobbly, the World Federation of Industrial Workers, a coalition of syndicalists persecuted by Woodrow Wilson.

When Keller became a socialist, she was a famous woman of the world. But she soon became discredited, because of the shift to socialism, which led to a new public opinion storm. Those who once praised her courage and wisdom of the newspaper, instead of emphasizing her disability. Columnists have accused her of having no independent sensory acceptance and are subject to those who instilled in her thoughts. The most typical is the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle. He wrote that Keller's ”error stems from the obvious defects of her physical development.“

Keller recalls that she had seen the editor. I was embarrassed, but now that I stand up to support socialism, he reminds me and the public that I am a deaf and blind person who is particularly error-prone. Probably, since I had seen him, my brain was shrinking. ”She went on to say:“ Oh, ”the Brooklyn Eagle“ is too funny, it is deaf and blind on social issues, it maintains a difficult We are trying to prevent blindness, and this system is the root cause of most blind deafness.

Keller's second generation is largely committed to raising funds for the American Blind Foundation, and she believes that our society needs a radical change that has never been shaken. She supported the socialist presidential campaign of Eugene V Debbs. She also published articles on women's movement, politics and economy. In his later years, she wrote to the American Communist Party leader, Elizabeth G. Flynn, who was the victim of the McCarthy era, who was in prison during the years: ”Dear Elizabeth Flynn, the best birthday Blessing! Willing to serve the good feelings of mankind for your fearless mind to bring strength and tranquility!



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Ma, born on October 29, 1971, was born in Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province. Tencent, one of the main founders, now served as chairman and chief executive officer of Tencent Holdings; Vice Chairman of the National Youth Federation.

He studied computer and application at Shenzhen University, and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in 1993. Prior to the establishment of Tencent, Ma has worked in China Telecom services and product suppliers in Shenzhen Run Xun Communication Development Co., Ltd. in charge of Internet paging system research and development work in the telecommunications and Internet industry has 10 years of experience.

and friends Zhang Zhidong incorporated ”Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.“. In 20xx, Tencent selected ”Fortune“ ”the world's most respected 50 companies.“ In the year of the year 20xx, China's wealth list rose to 507 billion yuan, compared with 20xx, wealth increased by 54 billion yuan.

February 13, 20xx, selected ”20xx China Internet annual figures“ activities winners list. March 2, 20xx, ”Forbes“ released for the 20xx Forbes China Rich list, to billion US dollars ranked sixth. April, ”Fortune“ 20xx ”China's most influential 50 business leaders“ ranking topped the first two. In October, ”20xx letter in the benefit of Hurun IT Rich List“ issued to 103 billion yuan ranked second. October 26, 20xx Forbes China Rich List released to billion US dollars ranked third.

October 13, 20xx, 20xx Hurun list released to 165 billion yuan ranked third. October 18, ”20xx Hurun IT Rich List“ released to 132 billion yuan to maintain the second. October 27, 20xx Forbes China Rich List released to $ billion in wealth, ranked third.



October 29, 1971 was born in Shantou City, Guangdong Province (formerly Shantou area) Chaonan District, Chengdu, the United States and the United States community home village.

Childhood, when Ma's parents in the East County (formerly Guangdong Province, Hainan Province, Hainan Province, after the province) to work, 1984 13-year-old is the beginning of the second day of Ma moved with his family moved from Hainan to Shenzhen. After studying at the Shenzhen University Department of Computer Science Computer.

After graduating from the computer industry in 1993, Ma entered the Shenzhen Run Xun Communication Development Co., Ltd., began to do programming engineers, focusing on pager software development, to the development department director. The experience of the paragraph to make clear the development of the meaning of the software is practical, rather than the writer's self-entertainment. Run news to enhance the field of Ma's vision, as well as to the necessary management of the Ma Enlightenment.

The first pot of gold

In 1998, the practical software concept not only cultivated Ma Huaji sensitive software market feeling, but also made him profitable from. Ma is the rage of one of the author of the stock, he and his friends to develop the stock Pa card in the SEG electronics market has been selling well. Ma also continue to solve the software problem for a friend's company. This makes him not only in the circle of minor celebrities, but also has a considerable primitive accumulation.

But his real sense of the pot of gold is from the stock market. He is the most exciting one will be 100,000 yuan fry 700,000 yuan. Which laid the foundation for the independent operation of Ma.

Founded Tencent

1998 Ma and his students Zhang Zhidong ”joint venture“ registered in Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Limited. And then absorbed three shareholders: Zeng Liqing, Xu Chen Ye, Chen Yidan. As a lack of venture capital intervention on the establishment of the software company, the initial expenditure for each of the Ma and his companions were shocked.

In the decision to do OICQ, when the country has two companies have to do first, more products than Tencent market fame. Ma Huateng did not want more, in addition to this product and the company's main business development and business, such as mobile stations, paging stations, wireless paging programs and projects to promote each other, but also because of flying, CDC and many other companies interested in making instant messaging Project, the market is very promising.

Difficult opportunity

Lawsuit ridden

The initial development process, Tencent after a very important compensation lawsuit: in -20xx or so, according to ICQ developed OICQ grab a lot of ICQ user base, especially in mainland China users, and later ICQ company through legal channels, the final decision Tencent Lost, stop using the OICQ name, and return the OICQ domain name to the ICQ company, while compensation for a certain amount of the cost, since Tencent will use the QQ name.

Financial difficulties

Venture at the beginning, Ma Teng led his team to do the page, do system integration, to do programming. But do not understand the market and the operation of the market, Tencent's products out to sell to operators, but often shut out. With other Internet companies just started the same, capital and technology is the biggest problem Tencent.

February 1999, Tencent developed the first ”Chinese flavor“ of the ICQ, that is, OICQ, welcomed by the user, the number of registered soaring, a very short period of time to tens of thousands of people. The number of people will continue to expand the expansion of the server, and then one thousand yuan of server hosting fees are overwhelmed by the company.

In 20xx, the first network bubble swept the entire Chinese Internet, Tencent entered the most difficult period, in the face of financial difficulties, has almost developed the ICQ software to 600,000 yuan price sold to the Shenzhen Telecommunications Bureau, but The end result of price reasons.


Software sales can not afford, but the user growth is very fast, the operation of the investment required for the growing QQ, Ma had to go around to raise money, Ma Teng took the six versions, more than 20 pages of business plans to start looking for foreign risk Investment, and finally met IDG and Pacific Century Digital, won the first investment. Tencent's development gradually into the right track.

June 16, 20xx, Ma Teng led Tencent listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.















一九八八年宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了宝洁投资于中国市场的历程。为了积极参与中国市场经济的建设与发展,宝洁公司已陆续在广州、北京、成都、天津等地设有十余家合资、独资企业。宝洁公司大中华区总部及主要生产基地均设在广州。迄今为止,宝洁公司在中国的投资额已达10亿美元以上。 十四年来,宝洁公司一贯奉行“生产和提供世界一流的产品,以美化消费者的生活”的企业宗旨,在华生产出了众多质量一流、家喻户晓的产品,其中包括洗发护发产品,洗涤用品,妇女卫生用品及口腔保健用品等。自一九九三年起,宝洁公司连续八年成为全国轻工行业向国家上缴税额最多的企业。仅去年一年,宝洁公司通过广东省向国家上缴的税收就达15亿8千万元,雄居广东省利税榜首。






1980年,宝洁已发展成为全美最大的跨国公司之一。通过收购norwich eaton制药公司(1982),rechardson-vicks公司(1985),公司活跃于个人保健用品行业;通过80年代末,90年代初收购了noxell,max factor,ellen betrix公司,宝洁在化妆品和香料行业扮演着重要角色。这些收购项目也加快了宝洁全球化的进程。为了充分发挥跨国公司的优势,宝洁建立了全球性的研究开发网络,研究中心遍布美国、欧洲、日本、拉美等地。宝洁的帮宝适、护舒宝、潘婷、汰渍、碧浪、佳洁士、vicks和玉兰油等成为全球知名的品牌,是市场上的佼佼者。


1988年宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业--广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了宝洁投资中国市场的历程。目前,宝洁公司已陆续在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津等地设有十几家合资、独资企业。宝洁在华投资总额已逾10亿美元,拥有约4000名员工。 宝洁公司一直崇尚消费者至上的原则,在中国也不例外。为了深入了解中国消费者,宝洁公司在中国建立了完善的市场调研系统。开展消费者追踪并尝试与消费者建立持久的沟通关系。宝洁公司在中国的市场研究部建立了庞大的数据库,把消费者意见及时分析、反馈给生产部门,以生产出更适合中国消费者使用的产品。

宝洁公司在中国获得巨大发展的同时也造就了一大批高素质的本地人才。公司把人才的现代化本地化作为公司发展的重要策略,公司高度重视人才培养关心每个员工的成长并提供独具特色的培训计划,使每个员工的潜能得到最大限度的发挥。公司的目标是尽快实现员工本地化,计划在不远的将来,逐渐由国内员工取代外籍人员担当公司的高级领导职位。 在争取尽早实现原材料本地化的进程中,宝洁公司积极帮助中国吸引外资,加速原材料工业的发展。在宝洁的影响下,已有众多国际原材料供应商来华投资,宝洁与罗纳普朗克公司的合作就是其中的一例。宝洁公司每年在国内市场所购原材料已超过45亿人民币。 在中国的市场经济改革中,宝洁公司与国家政府部门合作,先后为国营企业管理人员多次举办了全面质量管理及广告经营策略的培训。


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olay的诞生源于意外。二战时,一位军医精制了一种治疗灼伤的药,军医太太误当作乳液使用,没想到几个月后皮肤竟然变得有弹性,皱纹也减少了,olay保养品便诞生了。 这位杰出的化学家就是graham wulff,一直致力于护肤方面的研究。终于他调配出一种可以恢复滋润、保湿、保护皮肤,而且在使用后十分钟内就会让皮肤看起来柔嫩而不泛油光的产品,这就是第一款olay的产品——olay滋润霜,从此开启了这个品牌超过半世纪的美丽传奇。






蕴含2倍*维他命原, 精准修护秀发损伤
