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Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WV TELL:****** Email:***********

Objective:Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English education

Summary of Qualifications. Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature

. Proficient at communicating information effectively

. Excellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior

. Skilled at using appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new concepts

Professional ExperienceSt. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2008 to present

English Teacher. Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students' performance

. Conducted essay competition and fun activities to increase students' engagement

. Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their child's progress

. Maintain class students' attendance records as per administrative policies of the school

. Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting in improvement of students' writing skills remarkably

. Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students; as a result the passing percentage of class increased to 97 per cent

Pine High School, Sutton, WV June 2007 -April 2008

Teacher Assistant. Assisted school principal in organization of various extra-curricular activities to bring about social development of students'

. Helped students with behavioral problems to mingle with other students'

. Coordinated with speech therapists to conduct special batches for students

. Executed administrative duties as the school requirement

. Assisted teachers in multiple tasks that include maintaining students' records and photocopying books

EducationMaster of Arts in English

West Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2007

degree in English

West Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2005

Professional Affiliations. Chairmen of American Association of Secondary Teachers, 2008

. Member of American Association of English Teachers, 2005 to 2006

Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WVTELL:****** Email:***********



























it’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. i am 27 years of age,born in a small village of gui lin of the south of china, in XX i was admitted by guangxi university of technology (or: gxut) to pursue a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering. my major is auto engineering. instead of spending much time in playing, i devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life, during the four-year study, i tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,; i have mastered auto structure,principle, fabrication technology; meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, i always read some magazines and newspapers about auto, moreover, the undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others, makes me form my life attitude. and have been for over four years in the employ of two automotive component companies as a quality manager. that four-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.

in XX-XX, i have been employed in the changfeng auto interior decoration co., ltd as a quality commissioner, which is my first job. in XX-present, i was employed by guangzhou tale automotive seat co., ltd to be a quality management director

through the work of the past five years and i spent a lot of off hours to learn,i have acquired more deep knowledge of quality management both in theory and in practice. i have lots of interest, such as reading, play ping-pong, singing, and so on.

i believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and i will try my best to do a good job in my business. so i sincerely hope that i can make a position in your company so that i can serve for the company.

that's all, thanks.









(1)个人资料或个人详情 personal data or personal details

一、name(姓名),英语的习惯写法是名在前,姓在后,如:daguang wang(王大光)

二、address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,汉语是从大到小,英语是从小到大,如:88 gaodi lane, beijing road, guangzhou(广州市北京路高等街88号)

三、postal code(邮政编号)。

四、phone number(电话号码)。


五、sex(性别):male (男)或female (女)

倘若在姓名前面已经加上了mr. (先生),miss (小姐)、mrs. (太太)或到代替与,则不必填写此项。如果招聘的职位没有限制性别,也可省略此项。

六、date of birth, birthdate(出生日期):march 12, 1958(美式英语)or 12 march, 1958(英式英语)亦可用来代替。


八、nationality(国籍或民族),如:p. r. c.(中国),the han(汉语),亦可用citizenship :chinese(中国)。如有双重国籍则写:duel citizenship: 如:chinese and canadan(中国和加拿大)。 倘若不是求职于海外,则不必填写国籍。



十一、martial status(婚姻状况):married or single or divorced(已婚、单身、离异)

十二、number of children(子女人数),如:one or none(1个或无) 当然,未婚者可不填写此项。


十三、health condition(健康状况):excellent(极佳)、very good(很好)、strong(强壮)。

十四、hobbies(业余爱好),如:playing basketball(打篮球)、playing the violin(拉小提琴)、jogging(慢跑),dancing(跳舞),etc.  有些招聘单位喜欢录用有体育和文艺等方面的专长的人员,因此,如果你有这方面的嗜好或专长也是一种优势。某些需要耐心的工作,倘若你有钓鱼(fishing)之嗜好,亦可填写进去。

十五、membership(会员资格),如:translators'' association of guangzhou(广州翻译协会),etc.现在各行各业都有协会和学会或者研究会,在此项中有则填之,无则不用填。当然,你若是参加了某个或几个学术组织,特别是担任了理事、会长之类的职务,这无疑会增添你的求职竞争优势。

十六、number of identification card (身份证号码)



另外,如有必要,可以写明到职时间,例如: available may 4, 1994(1994年5月4日便可到职)


(2)应聘职位 job objective


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