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Here are the beacon tower, also known as beacons, Wolf yantai. Independent buildings is not connected to the Great Wall. Once the enemy pounce, communicate its kindle wars and light smoke during the day is called "ran, called flint fire at night. When the Ming dynasty, also on the relationship between the war with the enemy made a strict rules: the enemy hundreds, burning a smoke point a gun; Five hundred people, burning two smoke point two guns; More than one thousand people, three smoke SAN pao; More than five thousand people, four smoke four guns; More than ten thousand people, five five gun smoke. In this way, on the border of the military intelligence can rapid transfer to the imperial city ouchi. See the beacon tower, and then tell you a story, called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named weeks you king, he has a beautiful woman, her temper is very strange, always don't smile, think of some way to you king. He lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, she laughed, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy. There is a story, called "meng jiangnu cry Great Wall collapse" : legend was Meng Gusheng a daughter named meng jiangnu. Because of qin shi huang to build the Great Wall, need a lot of manpower. Qin shi huang was caught many people go to the Great Wall.

All of a sudden, I do not know where to come up to a rumor: only the wan xi is buried under the Great Wall, can make the Great Wall and solid, qin shi huang was, sent people seize wan xi. Wan xi good fled to Bangladesh. People see wan xi meng home good handsome, talented, good let meng jiangnu and wan xi of their marriage. The two men marry less than 10 days, good wan xi is the rulers who grasp to go to repair the Great Wall. In the fall, meng jiangnu saw her husband hasn't come back, give him the woolies. Along the way, reject, hardships, day and night, all the way to the Great Wall. Local people told her: wan xi good would have buried under the wall. She was grief-stricken, crying. Instantly, and dark, the Great Wall was crying collapsed in eight hundred. Just then, qin shi huang to have the Great Wall, with fine features, when he saw meng jiangnu just want her to do concubine. For qin shi huang meng jiangnu agree to her three conditions: one is for wan xi is a grave; The second is to make good full chao wenwu festivals wan xi; Three is in the middle of the Great Wall and the tomb of wan xi good repair a like flying grand bridge. After three things done, she threw herself into the sea.


Regulations of the 1st English Speaking Contest

Jinling Institute of Technology


1. PURPOSE: The contest is organized annually to promote spoken English proficiency of students of our institute, develop their English speaking skills, and select TWO contestants to compete in the quarter of “CCTV Cup” English Speaking Contest.


3. GENERAL PROCEDURE: The contest will go through three phases, namely, the first-round, the second-round and the final.

三、参赛资格:全校所有在籍学生都可自愿报名参加初赛; 初赛胜出的32名选手可参加决赛;复赛成绩前12名选手可参加决赛。

2. ELIGIBILITY: All enrolled students in our institute are eligible to compete in the first-round. 32 winners will contest in the second-round, among whom 12 will stand out to speak in the final.




1)Delivery order: The order is decided by an organized draw 30 minutes before the contest.

2、定题演讲:根据预先给定标题Are Books Going Out of Style?脱稿演讲,稿件自备,时间3分钟。

2)Prepared speech: Contestants deliver their 3-minute prepared speeches without reference to their scripts, on the given title Are Books Going Out of Style?


3)Impromptu speech: The speech title is to be chosen just before the performance of the previous contestant. The speech time is supposed to be 2 minutes.


4)Prompt answer: The question master will ask two questions. Contestants are given 10 seconds to think before reply. The reply to either question in turn has to cover at least 30 seconds.




1)Content (30%): The speech is structured around a purpose, and this structure must include an opening, body and conclusion. The speaker has a responsibility to say something meaningful and original to the audience.


2)Language (20%): Language should promote clear understanding of thoughts and should fit the occasion precisely. Proper use of grammar and correct pronunciation will show that the speaker is the master of the words being used.


3)Delivery (50%): The speaker's appearance should reinforce the speech. Body language should support points through gestures, expressions, and body positioning. The speech sound should be flexible, moving from one pitch level to another for emphasis, and should have a variety of rate and volume. The speaker should speak with enthusiasm and assurance, showing interest in the audience and confidence in their reactions.


4) Time: Duration of the speech should be 15 seconds around the required time. Failure to meet the requirement will result in the deduction of points.


3. JUDGING PANEL: At least 5 judges have to be present in the first-round and second-round contests. The Panel in the final is composed of 2 foreign judges (a chief judge and a tie-breaking judge) and 5 Chinese judges.




1)Counting: The final score is the averaged calculation of five other scores, excluding the highest and lowest scores.


2)Timing: Each contestant has 3 (prepared) or 2 (impromptu) minutes to deliver her or his speech. 15 seconds before the 3rd/2nd minute, a cardboard will be raised as a signal that there is 30 seconds left. Then, 15 seconds after the 3rd/2nd minute, a bell will ring to let the speaker know that the time has run out.


7. AWARDS: There will be 2 first prize winners, to be awarded the qualification for the quarter of “CCTV Cup” English Speaking Contest; 4 second prize winners, 6 third prize winners, and 20 fourth prize winners.

八、活动经费: 大赛活动经费由金陵科技学院教务处和外国语学院联合赞助。

8. FUNDS: The contest is jointly funded by the Teaching Affairs Office and School of Foreign Studies, Jinling Institute of Technology.




1) To establish the Organizing Committee on April 2


2) To sign up for the first-round competition on April 13-30


3) To hold the first-round competition on a school basis on May 4-15


4) To have the second-round at 18:30 on May 20 (site to be specified)


5) To have the final at 18:30 on May 27 (site to be specified)


10. The organizing committee reserves the right for the modification and final interpretation.



Crossing the Sea

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The title of my speech today is "Crossing the Sea".

An English poet by the name of Rudyard Kipling once wrote in his poem "We and They":

"All the people like us are We

And everyone else is They

We live over the sea

While They live over the way

We eat pork and beef with cowhorn-handled knives

They who gobble their rice off a leaf

Are horrified out of their lives."

When these lines first caught my eyes, I was shocked-how could two peoples remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past? Today's society, of course, is an entirely different picture. Those people who used to eat with cowhorn-handled knives might be very skillful in using chopsticks, and those people who used to gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips.

Indeed, just take China as an example: Our modern life has been influenced by Western style of living in so many ways that it's no longer surprising to see teenagers going crazy about rock-and-roll, whole families dining out at McDonald's and even rather elderly people dressed in Apple Jeans.

However, these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today. What is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nation's mentality. Just look around.

How many college graduates are ready to compete aggressively for every job opportunity, whereas not long ago they were asked just to sit idle and wait for whatever was to be assigned to them by the government?

How many young people are now eager to seek for an independent life whereas only two decades ago they would rely totally on their parents to arrange for their future? Ask anyone who participates in today's speech contest. Who has not come with a will to fight and who has not come determined to achieve self-fulfillment in winning the game? And I'm quite certain that if Confucius had lived to see today's China, he would have been horrified to see young lovers kissing each other in public places in an unreserved expression of their passion.

It is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient Eastern civilization are already living under strong inf1uence of the Western culture. But it is not only in China that we find the incorporation of the two cultures.

Take the United States as an example: During the 1980s,in face of the overwhelming competition from Japan, many American companies such as the Ford began to adopt a teamwork management from their rivals, the essence of which, lay at the very core of Eastern culture.

Take the Chinese acupuncture as another example: This traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the West and hence the underlying notion that illness is resulted from the imbalance between Yin and Yang within the body -- an idea which would strike any Westerner as incredible in the past!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a great epoch when the global integration of economy and the information revolution have brought cultures of the world closer than ever before. We live in a particular era when countries, East and West, find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values. We live, at the same time, at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflicts and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to the peace and happiness of the whole human race. To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.

My dear fellow students, our command of the English language renders it possible for us to gain an insight into Western culture while retaining our own cultural , it is our sacred responsibility to promote the cultural exchanges and hence the mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world.

It is my happiest dream that the new generation of Chinese will not only grow up drinking Coca-Cola and watching Hollywood, but also be blessed with the far-reaching benefits of multiple cultures; benefits that our forefathers had never, ever dreamed of.

To end my speech, I would like to quote Rudyard Kipling again:

"All the people like us are We

And everyone else is They

But once you cross over the sea

You will end by looking on We

As only a sort of They"

Thank you.































Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,"Richness, can you take me with you?"

Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"

"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."

"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"

"It was Time," Knowledge answered.

"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."

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