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Dear x,

When China, my motherland, is mentioned anywhere in the world, people willnaturally awaken association with the exquisite and beautiful chinaware made inChina, the country that enjoys a history of porcelain production one thousandyears earlier than other countries and a reputation for her elevated art andremarkable craftsmanship. European people attempted at any cost to acquire thetechnology of porcelain making and at last achieved the satisfaction of thisgoal from a priest named Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles, thus the present varietyand brilliance of chinaware in both China and the West. Nevertheless, in an eraof electronics and information today, China has fell far behind the advancedcountries in the field of information materials science and engineering, in itsresearch and application as well. As a graduate majored in physics andtechnology of electronic thin films, I am eager to trace the footprints ofFrancois-Xavier D’Entrecolles so as to bring the advanced technology of materialengineering to China by means of studying in your prestigious university . program in the area of material engineering, realizing my dream of being auseful scholar to my motherland.

University of x is a world-famous university and especially well-known forher intellectual strength in the area of material engineering with herirresistible magnetic power pulling excellent students from all over the worldto her. Therefore I justify clear realization of the sharp competition I amconfronted with. But with a fine background of education in specialty, a firmfoundation in theoretical study, the practical skill in experiment, and thecultured ability to engage myself in independent research work, I have theconfidence to meet the challenge from other rival applicants.

In University of x of China, which enrolls brilliant students from variousareas in China with her strength in the area of material science, I accomplishedmy undergraduate study in the specialty of magnetic materials and components andmy graduate study in physics and technology of electronic thin films, in theperiod of which I kept to be the top student in my class and was awarded theschool fellowship every year. I was elected “Graduate with Merit” of myuniversity upon graduation.

Benefiting from the strict training in my university, I gained fairacquaintance with the knowledge and theories in my specialty. Meanwhile, I readvarious journals and magazines at home and abroad, following the footsteps ofthe development of new theories and technology. I tried my best to participatein possible experimental work and research work, cultivate my skills in the use,maintenance, and modification of vacuum-evaporation equipment and pulse-laser-deposition equipment, and attend academic workshops and symposiums. Themodulation rate of the BST voltage controlled thin film variable capacitor Iproduced reaches the level of 80%, approximate to the highest level in record sofar.

My achievement was highly appreciated by relevant scholars and specialistsand I have been invited to participate in various programs experiments. As aresult of my persistent effort, I have published “BST Voltage ControlledMicrowave Electronic Components” and “STO Pulse-Laser-Deposition Growth of ThinFilm” respectively on such kernel academic journals as x in China, the formerarticle being praised by relevant specialists as “assuming the function ofguidance to the application research on BST thin film in China.”

Based upon the confidence of my theoretical background and researchcapacity, I chose the topic “Production of High-frequency Composite” for myBachelor’s thesis. On the basis of extensive collection and absorbing of therecent information on magnetic materials and components, I decided to do myresearch on the project of compounding Co2Z material by applying Y2O3 and Sr2+and adopting pre-processing technology, in addition to the control of workingprocedure and temperature point. In consequence, the improvement of magneticproperty of the material. In the oral defense of my thesis, the presentspecialists concluded that the research, measuring high academic significance,was novel in topic selection, logical in argument, and creative in idea. MyBachelor’s thesis was chosen as “Excellent Thesis” of the university throughcritical assessment.

At present, I am busy with my Master’s thesis “Au/BST/YBCO Ferro-electroThin Film Voltage Controlled Components.” There exists a great differencebetween China and Western countries in experimental conditions with regard toBST thin film materials and we cannot produce desirable microwave componentswith available references nowadays. But the RMS on the surface of the BST thinfilm I designed and produced is of merely several angstroms , the modulationrate 80%, and the power loss 4‰, which satisfies the need of microwave componentproduction. This achievement is at forefront in China at present.

During this period of study and research, I have deeply felt that mycountry falls far behind the advanced countries in the area of materials scienceand an intense need to study the advanced theories and technology in the fullestenforced academic institute. Thus I select University of x where I believe Ican realize my dream. In addition to the unparalleled strength in the area ofmaterials science and technology, University of x boasts the with scholars and students from different regions all over the world,the congenial atmosphere of academic research, and the systematic cultivation ofcreativity in her students. I am eager to enjoy an opportunity to enrich myselffrom this valuable academic nutrition and at the same time I hope, on thepremise of the improvement of my theoretical construction and of my , to give full play to my initiative and potential strength and in thisway to contribute my intelligence to University of x -+in the participation inrelevant research projects.

Yours sincerely,




Dear x,

When I considered what should be the next step in my development it was outof the question that I would go for a degree at University. At school I provedto be a successful quick-learner in every subject, yet there were twocircumstances that influenced most strongly my final decision in which area toexpand my knowledge. Those were my background and experience gained during myschool years.

The ever-changing world of business is what I witness every day on thestreets and at school, it is an important background for whatever media - radio,television etc. Realizing its influence over world matters of utmostimportanceas well as such of personal preferences, it is impossible not toacknowledge its dynamic nature. Moreover, all business areas under go constantdevelopment which is to make them better and more successful. But apart fromindirectly being a part of the system, it is a whole new world when you aredirectly involved in it. For the last five years I had the chance to take anactive part in the family business thus gained first-hand experience of thebusiness world. All of the above has led me to realizing that no matter whatrole you want to play in the business world it is vital to know the basicprinciples as well as being up-to-date. That is why at this point of my personaldevelopment I strongly aspire to make my next step as an International Financeand Trade student at the International University College. I am eager to obtainthe academic knowledge that will not only explain in theory my experience ofmany years, but will also introduce me to things I have not known andexperienced before.

From my earliest childhood I had been presented the opportunity to overseethe development of a small business in the dynamic atmosphere of worldeconomics. At the beginning I would only help my parents mind the store. Butthrough the years as I advanced academically I developed a deeper understandingof the matter and proved greater efficiency. In the competitive and challengingage, as it is today, it is of great importance to be as effective as the light of this, the family business instilled some great values in among them was the value of hard work. It was a matter of course thatevery member of the family must give the best he can for the general welfare. Imade no exception. Thus I experienced both the inner, rough side of thebusiness,starting from things like goods supplying, through understanding ofcash flow, contracts and conditions, price setting and costs to rivalry andplots, and the outer side of which the general public is aware – marketing,sales consulting, professional service and maintaining an optimistic andproductive climate. I learned a great amount of valuable skills such asscrutinizing complex situations and problem solving, managing multipleassignments, flexibility when setting a priority as to streamline the workprocess, judicious attitude when making bargains, training and motivatingemployees to do better than they thought they could. Being a loyal and devotedworker is probably the most important premise for success. And it is not just aquestion of business, but rather one concerning a person’s attitude of mind. Iknow what I am capable of and always try to do better wherefore mediocrityterrifies me. In my opinion there is no excuse for a lazy mind. I rememberreading a thing Jacques Cousteau once said that perfectly fits here. It soundslike this: “When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead anextraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself”。 I cannot agree morewith him.

As far as education is concerned, it has been of great value to me in viewof broadening my conception of the world. The diversity of classes taught atschool helped me realize and develop my intrinsic talents, shaped my personalityand gave me a clear idea of the best ways to fulfill my potential. I was mostlydrawn to mathematics because of the logical and strategic look over things itteaches. From it I learned to see the big picture as well as being in charge ofevery little detail. I especially enjoyed the English and German languageclasses where the knowledge of fluency seemed to come naturally to me. Furtheron, I got the chance to take part in a school international project called“Media – a meeting point for everyone in Europe”。 Due to my Ukrainian-Bulgarianorigin I found no difficulty in building confidence in interacting with peoplefrom different national backgrounds. Because of the focus of the project on thebasic ways in which media communicates with people this experience added to myawareness of the manipulation and application of technology. It allowed me todevelop an ability to collect and analyze data in order to distill the essenceand present it clearly and concisely. Through this project I became conscious ofsome of the core principles of marketing, namely flexibility and thinkingoutside of the box.

Books have made a huge impact on my future goals. I have always beeninterested in studying biographies of famous people as to analyze their way ofthinking and strategies they use in real-life situations. Through readingbesides getting to know Plato, Nietzsche, Jung and their philosophies, I metsuch figures as Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki who deeply influenced myperception of the nature of money and of the world as a whole. From these twomentors I learned some successful principles which have lasted over hundreds ofyears, I learned what a lifestyle really means as well as what it is worth.

All of the above stand behind my strong aspiration to fulfill my want to acquire the academic knowledge needed in order to hold privilege jobsand top positions in the future and be able to make the best decisions in thebusiness world. I am ready to take full advantage of the opportunities lifepresents and dedicated to do more, be more and give more and better my bestevery day. This is the way in which everyone will benefit.

Yours sincerely,



Dear _,

Drama is a way of sharing my thoughts and desires, as well as expressing my inner self. It is the motivation that drives me through any challenge. I am a well organised, hard working, self motivated and keen person who loves to learn as an individual or as a team. I discovered drama in primary school, and developed my interest through secondary education where I promptly became involved in the ‘Drama after School Club’. Since then my love for the theatre has grown. My course is really enjoyable and rewarding, and I love learning more about theatre, therefore, I want to find a drama course which allows me to explore all the aspects of the theatre in the hope of gaining a better understanding of how the business of the industry works.

During secondary school I was involved in the school choir, later I volunteered to deliver the Christmas hampers, which were made to give to the elderly around the area. In year 11 I was chosen as part of the ACES programme, a project that runs parallel with the Mentoring Education Achievement that encourages young people to achieve high in their GCSEs. I am also a young leader at the local Brownies where I coordinate crafts, write the annual letters to the parents and lead other activities with the team. I’m always getting involved in productions outside of college. I was recently involved in a pantomime at the local church where I played a variety of major and minor roles. In the past I have experienced styles of dancing, performing to the young and the elderly. As a hobby I enjoy kayaking, it is a good way to relax and escape distraction. I took up playing the piano and love to learn new pieces of music. Additionally, I sketch and write poems which, I publish on the internet forum/blogs.

In college I aim for my work to reach a high standard and if I need to, I will improve work in my spare time to reach the grades that I am capable of achieving. In the course I have already studied practitioners from 20th century European and world wide drama which includes O’Neil, Mamet, Godber, Artaud, Cartwright and Irvine Welsh. I have also studied Stanislavski and his methods of naturalistic acting including emotional memory and in contrast to him, Brecht and his Epic Theatre. I have had experience at being a set designer, which included sketching possible set ideas and organising everyone to help with the creation of the set. As part of the acting unit, we had to research, write and adapt existing text to create our own monologue which we then performed for assessment. I have been studying various styles of scriptwriting, from this I will have attempted my own in the styles, later on in the unit I will be writing a ten minute long script which will be performed. At the moment I am devising a performance based around a political issue; this will later be toured at secondary schools. I have performed in many devised and improvisational performances, which have helped me to communicate between my fellow colleagues. I have found that I am more comfortable at spontaneous improvising. I have assisted a door supervisor’s course by role playing situations for them. This opportunity was extremely fun and enabled me to use my ability in a different surrounding. At the end of my first year at college I participated in the Derek Jacobi Festival, where I directed the play ‘Noises Off’ by Michael Frayne, where I and my cast were rewarded with best actor, best performance and the staff discretionary award. It was such an interesting and delightful experience to direct my fellow colleagues.

Overall I am a hard working person, who is keen to get on with work, and will try their best to succeed. Once I have completed this degree course I intend to go to drama school, to study a postgraduate course depending on my chosen discipline. Therefore to pursue my ambitions I believe studying your drama course will benefit me and I will be an asset to your institution.

Yours sincerely,



瑞士大学普遍对英语要求在雅思6或分,部分可能会有小分要求,具体情况要看你申请的专业而定。瑞士是一个多语种的国家,这这里留学有机会学习第二门或第三门外语。瑞士的官方语言是法语,德语,意大利语和特托罗马语,在工商业及旅游业方面,英语是通用的语言。瑞士700万人口各种语言的使用人数大约占比为:75%的人讲德语,15%的人讲 法语,2%的人讲罗马语,25%的人讲英语。瑞士最主要的官方语言和教学语言是德语以及法语。


对外国留学生而言,最重要的德语考试自然是大学的入学语言考试,而瑞士留学语言考试会在开学前由目标大学或是弗里堡大学语言班或是大学预科班举办,一年会举行两次。除此以外,瑞士比较具有公信力的德语考试都是由歌德大学举办的,其中会有一般的德文语言能力考试,也会有职业导向德语考试的。与中国留学生相关的考试有 ZMP(中级德语考试)和ZOP(高级德语考试),因为目前越来越多瑞士学校在学生申请入学的时候就要求必须通过这个考试。

3. 法语水平考试


















It has come to my attention that our nations, and nations like ours, havelong been plagued by a mysterious occurrence. An occurrence that is asperplexing as it is frustrating, and as baffling as it is widespread.

It has come to my attention that our nations, and nations like ours, havelong been plagued by a mysterious occurrence. An occurrence that is asperplexing as it is frustrating, and as baffling as it is widespread, a problemthat finds its origins at the very foot of our society. The problem of which Ispeak is none other than “The Orphan Sock Enigma,” the constant disappearance ofindividual socks during the laundering process. It is a problem familiar to allof us, and also one to which we have unwillingly admitted defeat.

I recently decided that this puzzle had remained unsolved for too long, andresolved to find an explanation. (In the grand tradition of science, I refusedto be discouraged by the basic irrelevance of my cause.) But the truth that Iuncovered is more shocking and fantastic than I could have ever imagined. Myprocedures, observations, and conclusions are as follows:

First, to verify that the problem exists, experimental and control loads oflaundry were completely processed (put through the washer and dryer). In thexperimental load (load with socks), by the end of the process, some socks werelost. But in the control load (load without socks), no socks were lost. Thus theproblem was verified.

Next the progress of a load of socks was carefully monitored. The resultsindicated that sock disappearance occurs during the period of time when the loadis in the dryer. Following this conclusion, a literature search was done and avery significant fact was uncovered: there is no mention of socks disappearingin dryers before the invention of dryers in the 1920s. All evidence clearlypointed to the dryer. And it is there that I would find the answer to theenigma.

Then, the actual experiment was done. In four separate trials, a number ofsocks (ten socks, or five pairs) were put through a normal drying cycle. Thetypes of socks tested were selected by the highly accurate Harvey-AllmanPrinciple Hierarchy and Zero Alternative Reduction Dimension.

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