商务英语谈判对话范文 英语谈判对话实例
商务英语谈判对话中,双方通过清晰的表达和积极的倾听,围绕价格、条款和条件进行讨论,力求达成共识,实现双赢局面。下面是阿拉网友收集整理的商务英语谈判对话范文 英语谈判对话实例优秀范例,欢迎阅读参考,喜欢就支持吧!
商务英语谈判对话范文大家在学习商务英语口语时多积累经典句子,以专业的商务谈判者出场,方能把握谈判局势。下面网友整理了(*),供你阅读参考。 商务英语谈判案例对话:实例对话 Dan Smith 是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是 Robert Liu 第一回与他交手。就在短 短几分钟的交谈中, Robert Liu 既感到这位大汉粗犷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思――他肯定是沙场老将, 自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下: D:I‘d like to get the ball rolling(开始) by talking about prices. R:Shoot. (洗耳恭听)I‘d be happy to answer any questions you may have. D:Your products are very I‘m a little worried about the prices you‘re asking. R:You think we about be asking for more?(laughs) D:(chuckles 莞尔)That‘s not exactly what I had in know your research costs are high,but what I‘d like is a 25%discount. R:That seems to be a little high, don‘t know how we can m ake a profit with those numbers 商务英语谈判案例对话:情景对话 Dan上回提议前半年给他们二成折扣,后半年再降为一成半,经Robert推翻后,Dan再三表示让步有限。您知道Robert在这折扣缝隙中游走,如何才能摸出双方都同意的数字呢?他从锦囊里又掏出什么妙计了呢?请看下面分解: R:How about 15%the first six months,and the second six months at 12%,with a guarantee of 3000 units? D:That's a lot to sell,with very low profit margins. R:It's about the best we can do,Dan.(pause)We need to hammer something out(敲定) I go back empty-handed,I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job.(smiles) D:(smiles),17%the first six months,14%for the second?! R:'s iron out(解决)the remaining do you want to take delivery(取货)? D:We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31st. R:Let me run through this again:the first shipment for 1500 units,to be delivered in 27 days,by the 31st. D: couldn't handle much larger shipments. R: I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units,the next 31st is quite soon----I can't guarantee 1500. D:I can agree to ,if there's nothing else,I think we've settled everything. R:Dan,this deal promises big returns(赚大钱)for both 's hope it's the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship. 以上就是网友分享的“商务英语谈判对话范文 英语谈判对话实例”,想知道其他实用范文吗?请关注查字典范文网。期待你们的关注~