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试卷代号:8571 河北广播电视大学2016—2017学年度第一学期期末考试 社区工作理论与实践 试题a答案 2017年1月


1、社区睦邻运动发生在19世纪80年代,它的发起人是英国牧师(a)。a、巴涅特 b、索里 c、汤恩比 d、哥尔亭

2、最早提出社区发展概念的是(d )。a、罗杰斯 b、罗斯曼 c、谭马士 d、法林顿


a、伊丽莎白济贫法 b、德国的汉堡制

c、英、美的慈善组织会社 d、德国爱尔伯福制


a、制订一个良好的社区发展计划,这是社区工作的关键一环 b、建立社区机构是落实社区计划的根本保证 c、协调社区力量是社区工作过程中重要的一环 d、解决社区问题主要依靠社区工作者

5、在社区发展模式中,当地居民应该是确定社区发展具体项目的(b )。a 一般参与者 b 主要决策者 c 听从任务者 d 意见反馈者


a、我国的八七扶贫攻坚计划 b、我国的乡村建设运动

c、为了促进就业,制订针对性的训练项目 d、为了维护弱势群体的利益而采取的集体行动


a、地区发展 b、社区整合 c、社会规划 d、社会行动

8、社区工作者经常与居民领袖并肩工作,帮助群众或团体维护自己的利益,运用传媒的力量向政府施压,影响正式组织的决策过程,在这里,工作者扮演的角色是(b)。a、倡导者 b、行动者 c、教育者 d、资源提供者


a、让步原则 b、渐进原则 c、破坏原则 d、连串性原则

10、(b )在中国农村的种种实验却开创了农村社会工作实验的先河。

a、为政治服务的社区教育模式 b、乡村建设运动 c、社区服务 d、社区学校


a、技能 b、性格 c、气质 d、能力

12、下列有关院舍化说法错误的是(c )。


13、社区工作者应具备的自我完善能力不包括(b )。

a、自我学习能力 b、自我批评能力 c、自我反省能力 d、自我控制能力

14、下列不属于确定社区工作者身份的标准的是(c )。

a、工作内容或内容 b、职业身份 c、工作性质 d、社会工作认证制度

15、建立关怀型的社区意味着(b )。

a、关怀型的社区所关注的只是那些“有需要的人” b、关怀型的社区关注的是整个社区的福利 c、社区照顾是由社区工作者本人发动的d、采取何种社区照顾方式是由社区工作者来决定的16、关于社区照顾的具体目标下列说法错误的是(d )。

a、协助需要照顾人士融入社区 b、培养需要照顾人士的参与意识 c、强化居民的社区意识


17、下列哪一项不属于问卷法的特点(c )


18、关于社区服务的资源共享原则下列说法正确的是(d )。

a、社区服务的资源来源可以完全依赖依靠政府提供外部资源 b、社区服务的资源来源可以完全依赖依靠社区的内部资源

c、社区服务的资源来源依赖于靠政府提供外部资源和社区的内部资源的结合,不分主次 d、社区服务的资源来源以开发利用自身资源为主,接受政府等提供的外部资源为辅,而不能颠倒了两者的位置。


a、罗杰斯 b、马斯洛 c、班杜拉 d、沙利文


a、政府主导 b、社区自治 c、居民自治 d、社区、居民结合二、多项选择题(每题5分,共计40分)

1、中国古代的民间社会救济和社会救助主要包括的形式有(abcde )。

a、家族 b、同乡 c、行会 d、宗教 e、社仓乡约


a、社区经济开发 b、各种社会网络的重新确立 c、社区社会发展 d、居民及团体间重建紧密的联系 e、社区科学知识教育的普及

3、在社区发展模式中,社区工作者的角色主要包括(bcde )。a、组织策划的角色 b、支持鼓励的角色 c、协调联络的角色 d、资源中介的角色 e、启发催化的角色


a、拜访关键人物 b、与居民进行街头接触或深入访谈 c、与居民进行深入交谈 d、事件的介入 e、参与和组织公益活动


a、社区照顾是为社会上有需要照顾者提供照顾及支援 b、非正规照顾不属于社区照顾

c、需要照顾的对象能够继续留在社区或他们原本的生活环境下维持独立的生活 d、由志愿者、亲属等进行的无偿照顾不属于社区照顾


6、下列属于社区照顾提供的具体服务的是(abde )。

a、家长义工计划 b、提供临终关怀服务 c、政府在社区内筹建房舍 d、为孤独老人解决心理问题 e、提供老人的护理服务

7、西方介入式社区工作过程最显著的特征是它的(bd )。

a、技巧性 b、阶段性 c、静态性 d、时序性 e、福利性


a、抵御自然灾害的侵袭 b、某项政治宣传教育的实施c、社区环境卫生评比 d、社区计划生育的宣传与登记 e、居民纠纷的调节





















18、作为一个关怀型的社区, 它所关注的仅仅是那些“有需要的人”,而不是所有人。(×)


















(3)应具备的技能 一是,提高政策水平;二是,提高专业技能;三是,提高写作技能;四是,提高文体、绘画能力


试卷代号:2205合集 至 第一部分 交际用语

1.-are you ready to order?- have a chicken salad .right 2.-can i help you?-yes, liketo reserve a .right 2.-can i help you?-nice to see .wrong 2.-could you help me to book the ticket?-no are you leaving? a.right 3.-what are you going to do this evening?-i went there with some .wrong 3.-what are you going to do tomorrow morning?-i saw a film with my .wrong 3.-what would you like to drink, madam?-can i have a gla of white wine? a.right 3.-what would you like to have?-an orange juice,.right 3.-whats your job?-i,m a .right 3.-when did hego to america?-two years .right 3.-when did you first come to china?-10 years .right 3.-what did you do yesterday?-i saw a film with my som a.right 3.-where did you go in china?-i went there by .wrong 3.-where did you go for your holiday?-two yeaes .wrong 3.-what does he look like?-he is tall and .right 3.-what time will the next train leave?at .right 4.-hello, was the party?-hi, had a great .right 4.- was your trip to shanghai?- went there by .wrong 4.- that ivydale guesthouse?-yes,it i help you? a.right 4.-how can i book a cheap hotel?-if i were you, id phone a travel .right 4.-how do you like the film?-its very like .right 4.-how often do you go swimming?-about twice a week。a.right 4.-how is the weather today?-i’m fine,thank .wrong 4.-have you seen todays newspaper?-yes, i .wrong 4.-have you been to america?-ive never been there but i hope to go there in the .right 4.-have you had a good day? 一yes,but im very .right 4.-have you ever tried windsurfing?一its very kind of .wrong 5.一you ordered some fish,didnt you?-no,thank .wrong you like your job?-im a .wrong

第二部分 词汇与结构

7.____!that fire is 2.____the rain and the wind,he came on spite of 2._____they landed,they went to the 2._____the rain and the wind,he came on spite of 8.____ i mied the train,i arrived at work on gh 23.____it is raining, she decides not to work in the e

12.____it started to rain,i still want to go to the beihai park.b.although 20.____it rains tomorrow , well stay at 21.____is wrong with the wont ing 13.____it is raining,she decides not to work in the e

film that usually takes place in the future,ofture,often with space travel,is a____film.a.sci-fi

car hit her when she was walking____the night the road outside my bedroom was very noisy and i was____all night.c.ktpt awake : _____ is at the door?b: it must be our new neighbor,mrs : whichjumperdo you like?b: thered____ : could i see the manager now?b: im sorry you has____to hong : what does she_____ ?b: oh,shes very beautiful with long dark like : would you like to go to the cinema with me?b: id____stay at : this skirt is____small for : think its big ,enough you familiar____the bus and subway lines in beijing? she____the newspaper, reading …fell

a news reporter,james____many places in the been to : i didnt have time for lunch : you familiar___ the bus and subway lines in beijing? concert will be held in th school hall ___ 4pm ___ tuesday."on d :where does mark get his hair cut?b:f :which jacket do you like?b:the blue____over you please tell us what kind of work_____you have got experience? which and canada are _____the same ____ is writing a letter b 10.-did mike phone you or tim? -no,he didnt phone____us.a.either of i ____to the supermarket by bus,i____an old friend. a.was going,met eric____that she had a lot of talent,he gave her a new violin.c.found out i was by myself,i felt____.c.lonely used to_____ bicycles to go to isthe____man standing over there?,thin i was sitting in a traffic jam,the ____in a small village in the we all live in to live his help,you will have_____to worry g 23.–would you like to go to the cinema?-id_____to go to i saw him,i____him____some ,for built the helped ves his help,you will have____ to worry g is the____man standing over there? , thin is the ___ girl standing over there?,thin built the helped ves friend mary said she____ all over the been to horne is far____ the city parents have____ been to the great told little tom not____ all the spend would like to buy thehandbag,___is very beautiful but also rather is bored____the same wants to do something

smith told mary____to the office next monday come mum helped me to____ready for my trip to america.c.get parents have_____ been to the great ____a car if i won the uy ____my breakfast at 8,but i____lunch yet.a.had,havent had ____table tennis quite well, but i havent had time to play since the new ____himmy bikelast ____my breakfast at 8,but i____lunch yet.a.had,havent had ____table tennis quite well, but i havent had time to play since the new _____her my computer last i_____you,i would buy a house at the i_____ peter,i_____him about the ,will tell i____you,id sell that car as quickly as i ____peter, i____him about the ,willtell _____ to learn how to play ____every week,but he does not now.a.used to swim got____very late this morning,i watched too much tv last night.b.up was____my____to school when i saw the , way was____my____to school when i saw :on,way want____to help me with my homework.a.somebody you____time,will you send the letter for me,please?a.have worked____12 last course,____then i was really tired.c.till,by always enjoyed____football.b.playing went to his house but couldnt get one a long way to get is___ we started so it difficult to learn to____tai chi? the supermarket___ the right or left? love ___ most places in the ento really looking forward to____ from g not helping must wash your lf going to buy marya birthday you have ____in mind?ng special 2.-im thinking of going away for the weekend-____go to beidaihe?you can swim in the sea there.b.why dont you am having the tv___ ed cant sit here;this chair is ortable have to go have to pick____my son from didnt go ____in the stayed at re bo told all the employees____late for meetings.b.not to be book was rather expensive,but i bought boys got____very late this watched too much tv last baby was named_____his

n is a two-hour dre was rather expensive,but i bought it____.c.anyway sweater is not_____for need a bigger enough helped her

school telephoned to tell me that my son had hurt____playing f y were late____they had to drive fast.b:so

photo____ be of the great idea hit me when i____this up y are building abridge____the child was named____ his tennis is____ popular sport in this man is rude to te

new web page can be____ blue____ children , ____ we met in the morning , were very good at children are enjoying____ at the lves re is time ___ the is too discu it next me hotel is famous____its delicious

s the person______ owns the is not very good at____ ing didnt say a word about her g didnt say a word about the g

_____answer my phone call ____be over must be in her is not very good at___ gn s worried about her lack____experience in designing hadnt go tenough money___ he couldnt buy the bought two did not tall____to play r article is____in her best homework is_____ in her best stopped____ tv when dinner was ng good friend ___ me he was leaving on told me he____ going to the us on loved____ basketball when he was g ____wear a uniform at can wear anything you have to didnt order the cheese, ____? have____done a very good nly 1in is___ the west of up! has____called you three times this y , call the doctor!i think i____my broken , ____was a hardworking student,was killed in the traffic

第三部分 句型变换

27.where is the restaurant?(用hea ked将句子改写成间接特殊疑问句)he asked where the restaurant "can you phone me later,susan?"said david.(用ask,to改为间接句子〉david asked susan to phone him .although it rained,the visit was a succe.(用in spite of将两句连成一句)in spite of the rain,the visit was a is responsible for all the training.(用what针对划线部分提问)what is jack responsible for? didnt stay at went to see tim.(用insteadof将两个句子合成一句〉

instead of staying at home,mary went to see was too couldnt open the window.(用but将两句连成一句)

it was too hot,but i culdn’t open the was very couldnt open the window.(用but将两句连成一句)

it was very hot but i couldn’t open the was a wanted to go there.(用where将第二句改为定语从句)it was a place where he wanted to wasa wanted to go there.(用 where将两句合成一句)it was a place where he wanted to tall and sister is too.(用so改写句子)

im tall and thin and so is my sister./ im tall and thin,so is my tall and brother is too.(用so改写句子)i’m tall and thin and so is my "i cant find my notebook,"she said.(改为间接引语)she said she couldn’t find her cant keep cant keep accounts.(用 neither改写句子)i can’t keep accounts(and/,)neither can she 27."i cant find my notebook,"she said.(改为间接引语)she said she couldnt find her notebook 2y smashed the window.(将句子改成被动语态)the window was smashed(by them) smashed the window.(改成被动语态)the window was smashed(by them) didnt stay in the left the office.(用insteadof将两句连成一句)

instead of staying in the meeting,tim left the worried about jim.(用whom针对划线部分提问〉whom are they worried about? 29."have you gotmy bag?" she asked.(将句子改成间接引语)she asked if i had gor her neighbour heard damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句)

his neighbour heard them damaging the neighbor heard made a noise.(用动词ing形式将两句改写成一句话)

his neighbor heard them making a gone to negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

he’s gone to shanghai to negotiate a new disturbed the burglars.(将句子改为被动语态)the burglars were disturbed(by him) didnt run didnt catch the bus.(用enough..·to改写句子)he didn’t run fast enough to catch the didnt run didnt catch the bus.(用enough···to将两句连成一句〉he didnt run fast enough to catch the .he stole the laptop.(改为被动语态)the laptop was stolen(by him) collected the tickets this morning.(用when针对划线部分提问)when did susan collect the tickets? forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用what针对划线部分提问〉what did she forget about yesterday?

第四部分 阅读理解

●xiaoyan:packing is just have to give things away.``````````do meals for us at work are very .xiaoyan is going to____.b:give some stuff away n got a radio from____.b:polly ____for xiaoyans :cooked meals and wrote the menu first,xiaoyans idea for her leaving do is to____.a:have a pic if the weather is ing to the weather forecast,its going to____for the :rain but with sunny intervals

●mary has just returned to the usa after studying in england for three years.```````````````````` had enjoyed her time in england so is now studied at_____ british probably,her in london friends brother recommended her in the college would return to europe

●david and xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time.````````````.i suppose someone must have walked off with it!"

they arrived at the airport,they had____。 of time hey t1rst the checking-in desk realized that his camera was miing when he was___。 the gate y looked for the camera everywhere except____。 the plane thought he must have left it____。 the cafe

●dear vicky, i live in aberdeen,````````py to let you luck!vicky 3 letter-writer wants to____at :visit his parents who live quite far away letter-writer will travel_____miles to go to and come back from :1000 letter-writer doesn’t get on well with his bo because____.b:his bo heard````him advises the letter-writer to_____.c:apologize to his bo for what he has done thinks the lerrer-writer’s bo will_____after he hears the :be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday

●flat 3, cheyney house, crant road, chelsea, london 21june2004,````` im writing to clairn for````````tim manning 3 man came to us for the way thought the theman who was asking directions wife and i___the child who took away the after camera___when we came back to our taken away by the other children writer of the letter wants the insurance company them insurance on their camera

●police officer: goodafternoon,sir.``````````police officer: yes,please. timson came downstairs because____.a:he heard some noise of the following was not damaged? often steals the afternoon police will some photos police officer would like a cup of tea with two spoons of sugar

●ivydale guesthouse * * * * bath tourist aociation approved``````` for reservations or a brochure ,please call(01225)1212355

3 owner of the guesthouse is/ and ann guesthouse is ____the city to tea in their room guesthouse ul and quiet can call(01225)1212355 to a room

●mary has just returned to the usa after studying in······englandso is now in___ usa studied at___ british prob ably,her in london friends brother recommended her in the college would return to ● polly mow works for green fingers.`````````it will be a very good thing for the reputation of the answers phone calls and checks emails.a.right is working on the tax return now.a.right and robert have always been careful about :wtong karen and robert visit :wtong 40."green fingers"will get a large sum of money from the work for the :wtong ’s job includes answering phone calls and checking emails.a.right

●when i leave university in july,i don’t want`````````so i11 have to earn want to get a job as soon as first go to new zealand. have relatives in 11 probably work in a bank first. want to earn enough money to buy a

●when i was a child,i lived in sicily.``````or jams jams or still hate that about used to live in a small village in the countryside of sicily. of my parents are was crowded in london. had a farm in ’m about 48 years old now.

●if i lived on a desert island,``````` but i think ld be happier than i am now! wouldnt be bored or lonely if i lived on a desert island. never had time to read a would grow my own food. sure i could remember how to fish. would mi

●xiaoyan,i thought youd like to know what has happened to your report about``````` thursday morning? had a meeting with the designers had made the icons

3 speed of acce has been made quicker. is going to make a presentation in paris. would like some help from xiaoyan.

●tim: have you been? you look hot.`````tim: lets go to n has had a tennis leon. has had a leon at a tennis club has played a lot of tennis in has eaten a hamburger before she and tim havent eaten yet.

●police officer: good afternoon, : oh , in please, officer.`````````police officer: yes,please , sugars , timson came downstairs because he heard some noise. study door was not steals things together with jim. 3 police will take some photos. police officer will have a cup of coffee with

●last week polly decided to give up her job.····· experiencein some has decided to ask for a higher doesnt like her bo. friends agreed that she should resign. has no experience of worried about her lack of experience in some areas.

第五部分 翻译

1.although it is very enjoyable,the film is too long.虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了。y enjoyed themselves at the party.他们在晚会上玩得很开心。y walked slowly along the road.他们沿着那条路慢慢地走着

would buy a large house if she won the lottery.如果她中了彩票,就会买一套大房子。 borrowed the book and gave it back on monday.她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了 needs to return the book by next friday.她得在下周五之前把书还回去 is wearing a long,black,silk dre.桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。 got the same sense of humour as mymum.我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。 came to london when i was 18..我18岁的时候来到伦敦。

takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the hotel.从宾馆到市中心需要花45分钟时间。 had the windows cleaned yesterday.昨天我请人把窗户给擦了。

havent got a car,and nowhere to family is putting me up at the moment..我没有车,也没有地方住。现在跟家人住一起。

should have put the bag at home.我本该把包放在家里的 in a meeting until 我开会开到一点钟。

cant find the must have left it in the car.我找不到钥匙了。我肯定是把钥匙丢在车上了。

have to move out of my room on friday because franco has got another tenant.我周五得从房子里搬出来,因为佛朗哥又招了一位房客。

41.while she was waiting,her phone rang.她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。43.we have enough money to improve the website.我们有足够的钱改进网站。

i finish travelling,i am going to get a job in a bank.旅行结束后,我打算在银行找份工作做 become good friends since last summer..从去年夏天起我们就成了好朋友了。 came acro an old violin at his friends house.他在朋友家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。 came acro an old painting at his friendshouse.他在朋友家偶然发现了一幅古(旧)画 pointed out that she needed a better violin.他指出她需要一把更好点儿的提琴 used to play basketball every sunday.他以前每个周日都打篮球。 studies in a university west of beijing.他在北京西郊的一所大学读书。 got on well with his sister.他 和 他 的 姐 姐(妹妹)相 处 得 很好 you take after your mother or father? 你像你的母亲还是父亲? neighbour says your flat was burgled this afternoon.你的邻居说你的房子今天下午被盗了

of the biggest sporting events in the world is the olympic games.奥运会是世界上规模最大的体育比赛之一。(波莉)is worried about her lack of experience.波莉担心自己缺乏经验





第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)

1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选a(right), 不恰当的选b(wrong),并将答案写在答题纸上。

1.–what would you like to drink, madam?

--can i have a gla of white wine?

2.–are you ready to order?

--’ll have a chicken salad please.

3.–how can i book a cheap hotel?

--if i were you, i’d phone a travel

4.–have you seen today’s newspaper?

--yes, i am

5.–what’s your job?

--i’m a nurse.



6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从a、b、c 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

’s the person ______ owns the

’s not tall ________ to play

8._______ i mied the train, i arrived at work on e


book was rather expensive, but i bought it way


i saw him, i _____ him _______ some , for

, for

, with : which jumper do you like?

b: the red _____ over

: could i see the manager now?

b: i’m sorry you can’ has _______ to hong

didn’t order the cheese, ________? you


you built the house helped ves

have ________ done a very good

nly you please tell us what kind of work_______ you have got experience? which

that , call the doctor!i think i _______ my broken

breaking car hit her when she was walking _________ the


went to his house but couldn’t get was ____ one


e up! has _______ called you three times this


school telephoned to tell me that my son had hurt ______ playing f


f ______ wear a uniform at can wear anything you to

’t have to

’t 23.______ the rain and the wind, he came on from

spite of

gh can’t sit here;this chair is very ortable



2 i ______ you, i’d sell that car as quickly as



26-30小题:根据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题纸上。 is responsible for all the training.(用what 针对划线部分提问)27.―i can’t find my notebook,‖ she said.(改为间接引语)’m tall and sister is too.(用so 改写句子)’s gone to ’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句合成一句) didn’t stay at went to see tim.(用instead of 将两个句子合成一句)

has gone to ’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句) disturbed the burglars.(将句子改为被动语态) didn’t catch the bus, he didn’t run fast.(用enough…to…改写句子) can’t keep accounts, he can’t keep accounts.(用neither改写句子) collected the tickets this morning.(用when针对划线部分提问)

smashed the window.((将句子改为被动语态)27.―can’t you phone me later,susan?‖ said david.(用aske…to…改写句子) are worried about jim.(用whom针对划线部分提问) didn’t catch the bus, he didn’t run fast.(用enough…to…改写句子) was a place, he wanted to go there.(用where 将第二句改为定语从句)第四部分



david and xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good checking in at the ba(british airways)desk, they had their boarding paes checked, put their bags through the x-ray machine and went through the paport control on their way to the departure didn’t have anything to eat because they would eat on the plane, but they had a coffee and then they looked round the n bought something for mary, but david didn’t buy they went to the had about 20 minutes to wait before ly david realized that he hadn’t got his camera with went back and looked everywhere to see where he could have lost it—in the shops, in the café, at the x-ray machine, at the paport control and at the checking-in desk, but nobody had seen ―i must have left it in the café,‖ said david, ―i should have put it in my suppose someone must have walked off with it!‖

they arrived at the airport, they had any time

of time

enough time first went _________ the checking-in desk

h customs

h the paport control realized that his camera was miing when he was _________ the café

the departure lounge

the gate looked for the camera everywhere except________ the shops

the x-ray machine

the plane thought he must have left it _________ the café

the taxi

home 36-40题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(right),还是错误(wrong), 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(共计10分,每小题2分)

if i lived on a desert island, i wouldn’t be bored or prefer being on my own, and i think i’d enjoy ’d make my own i had a pen and some paper, i’d write a ’ve always wanted to do that, but i’ve never had i didn’t have to go to work, i’d have lots of time, wouldn’t i? i’d be happy to leave my job as i don’t like my bo;she’s always i had some tools, i’d have a garden and grow my own ’m quite good at gardening and really enjoy working ’d grow lots of vegetables and ’d eat fish if i could catch haven’t been fishing since i was a child, but i’m sure i could remember how to do wouldn’t mi watching television or driving my programmes are all boring, and the roads are too busy these ’d mi my family and friends, but i think i’d be happier than i am now! wouldn’t be bored or lonely if i lived on a desert island.

’ve never had time to read a novel.

would grow my own

’m sure i could remember how to fish.

would mi



4 41-45题:英译汉。将下来英文句子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题纸上。 takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the have to move out of my room on friday because franco has got another enjoyed themselves at the gh it is very enjoyable, the film is too would buy a large house if she won the got on well with his came acro an old painting at his friend’s she was waiting, her phone have to move out of my room, because franco has got another should have put the bag at got on well with his ’m in a meeting until 1: would buy a house if she won the ’ve got the same sense as my can’t find the key, i must have left it in the car.试卷代号:2205 中央广播电视大学2010-2011学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试






交际用语(共计10 分,每小题2 分)


词汇与结构(共计40 分,每小题2 分)

5 第三部分

句型转换(15 分,每小题3 分)

is jack responsible for? said she couldn’t find her ’m tall and thin and so is my ’s gone to shanghai to negotiate a new d of staying at home, mary went to see tim.第四部分

阅读理解(共计20 分, 每小题2 分)


翻译(共计15 分,每小题3 分)41.从宾馆到市中心需要花45分钟时间。



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