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today, it was the last day of the yunnan trip. i stayed at the inn today instead of sleeping in shanghai. yesterday, but also went to tiger leaping gorge, here is not introduced.

today, after lunch, we fly to kunming. we want to see the famous stone forest here.

came to shilin scenic area, the introduction of the eye is xxxlin shixxx two words. but note that you should read from right to left! the dai tour guide showed us around. in order to commemorate, i rented a suit of yi nationality and took pictures.

we followed the guide to the highest point in the stone forest. from afar, like in the real waves surging wave stone.

shilin stone all sorts of strange things: some like lotus, floating in the green pond; some like peach, let a person look like a bite; theres like a waterfall, full of praise. most striking, however, is a stone of a yi yi girl like a meter. she had a beautiful towel cap and a basket over her back.

the world is big, it is the stone forest nothing is too strange., extraordinary as if done by the spirits of nature. goodbye, stone forest, beautiful yunnan, farewell!


kunmings picturesque natural scenery enhances delicious local foods. kunming dishes are representative of yunnan cuisine, which bines cooking styles of other cities and nationalities outside kunming. the most fabulous of all yunnan food is yunnan rice noodles (guoqiao mixian, literally xxxcrossing the bridge rice noodlesxxx). with its high humidity and mild temperatures kunming provides abundant fruits and vegetables all year for local cuisine. in addition, there are numerous snack options in high streets and back lanes. you can find good places and restaurants to eat in kunming during your kunming tour. by the way, most hotels in kunming offer western food in a noise-free environment at prices much higher than those charged in mon western restaurants.

steaming-pot chicken (qiguo ji

this dish gained its name from steaming the chicken in a pot with a hollow tube in the center. it is a simple tasty dish. to make it, place chicken, ginger, a shallot, pepper and salt in the pot and steam for about four hours, during which time steam from the tube contacts the cold pot cover turning to water, then flows back into the pot to bee delicious chicken soup. before serving, remove ginger and shallot.

braised jizong (mushroom) in soy sauce (hongshao jizong红烧鸡枞)

kunming is host to various wild mushrooms including jizong. whenever the sun shines after a rain from june to september, many jizong shaped like small grey umbrellas appear on the mountain. the chicken-like taste of jizong is popular with gourmands. braised jizong in soy sauce is prepared this way: wash jizong; dry by airing; cut into pieces. next chop chili and tenderloin pieces. wrap tenderloin and jizong pieces in egg white, starch and salt mixture; fry in hot oil. finally, braise the jizong and tenderloin pieces with garlic, ginger and shallot. drizzle sesame oil on a plate, place braised pieces on oil.

kunming bittern duck (kunming lu ya

the dish is a first choice among tourists. after choosing ducks from dianchi lake and preparing with some ten steps, it can be served. the dish is golden with a soft flavor. it is said that bittern duck is a dish do much good to peoples health.

across bridge rice noodle

across bridge rice noodle (yunnan guoqiao mixian) is one of the featured specialties of kunming and yunnan. it has three main parts: a bowl of extremely hot chicken broth, various slices of meat, including chicken, fish, and meat up to nine varieties, with various seasonings and rice noodles. preparation: add meat and seasonings to the soup first, then the rice noodles. season with pepper powder, gourmet powder, fried chili, and chopped onion; the flavorful soup is colorful red, green, yellow and white.

xuanwei ham (xuanwei huotui

xuanwei ham (xuanwei huotui) also called yuntui or yunnan ham is one of the three famous and best hams in china. the main ingredient in many local dishes, yunnan ham retains its unique flavor and can be stored for long periods of time. offered in most local restaurants, ham preparation includes baking, salting, pestle, warming, and freezing.

modern cake (modeng baba

baba is popular in yunnan. it is a food made of flour, corn powder, sticky rice, lard, sesame and meat. the initiators of modern baba were two pretty sisters who made sweet and tasteful baba that attracts people even today. modern baba has a crisp exterior and a soft interior; it is sweet with savory cream.

other kunming snacks

besides modeng baba, other snacks include shao mai (steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top), chou doufu (bean curd), wandou fen (bean jelly), and jicai jiao (shepherds-purse dumpling). pastry is another local favorite in kunming. xuanwei ham moon cake is a dian style moon cake praised even by emperors. rose cake is a seasonal fresh-tasting pastry with a stuffing of fragrant roses in bud. best known is dian eight articles, the representative pastry in kunming.


yunnan is the southwest frontier place, beautiful scenery spectacular, make me greatly. yunnan is home to 25 ethnic minorities, the naxi dongba culture, culture of dali bai, dai pui page culture, yi culture, have fascinated me.

arrives at the first station in yunnan, we came to the spring city kunming. kunming is located in the middle of yunnan province, surrounded by mountains on all sides. xxxthe weather is often like february and march, the flowers bloom four - hour springxxx, which is a beautiful city. we go to the famous stone forest and jiuxiang scenic area.

the famous stone forest was formed in 2. 700 million years ago, karst was the main landscape and was called xxxthe essence of the world karstxxx. we enter the scenic area, found some stone like ashima, like some of the stone elephant, and stone like a little mouse, fully aware of the nature of the extraordinary as if done by the spirits raises as the acme of perfection.

jiuxiang scenic areas left a deep impression on me, it was a cave group as the main attractions, with hundreds of the size of the cave, as the largest, the largest number, the most peculiar cave cave landscape community system, by experts as the xxxkarst museumxxx. the folk saying: xxxjiuxiang cave ninety-nine, the whole white headxxx, thus remarkable. caves are a variety of stalactites, some like a fairy, some like the tree, as well as the dazhu bamboo, very wonderful.

we also tasted the bridge rice line in kunming and watched the singing and dancing performances of the minority nationalities and had a memorable time.

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