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spirit of the craftsman


Premier Li Keqiang introduced the concept of the "spirit of the craftsman" during his government work report during the fourth session of the 12th National People's Congress.

在第十二届全国*大会第四次会议上,***将"工匠精神"这一概念纳入了*工作报告。 ****在今年的*工作报告中明确指出,要"鼓励企业开展个性化定制、柔性化生产(encourage enterprises to use custom-tailored and flexible production processes),培育精益求精的工匠精神(foster a craftsmanship spirit of striving for the best),增品种、提品质、创品牌(more types of products, products of a higher quality, and brand products will be made)"。

工匠(craftsman)曾是传统社会日常生活中不可或缺的职业,他们以精湛的技艺(exquisite craftsmanship)打造完美的产品。如今工匠虽已淡出现代人的生活,但他们**的精益求精、不断创新(be dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation)的精神却永不过时。

Recently, our manufacturing industry is big but not strong and it is weak in independent innovation. To carry forward the spirit of the craftsman will drive China from a manufacturer of quantity to a manufacturer of quality.

目前,我国制造业大而不强(our manufacturing industry is big but not strong)、自主创新能力较弱(weak in independent innovation)。弘扬(carry forward)"工匠精神"将带动*从"制造大国"走向"制造强国"(drive China from a manufacturer of quantity to a manufacturer of quality),促进企业改善产品和服务质量(urge companies to improve the quality of goods and services)。

We will move faster to bring domestic quality and safety standards in line with international standards, and establish a system for making products pay punitive compensation for failing to meet product quality standards. We will also encourage enterprise to use flexible and custom-tailored production processes and foster a craftsmanship spirit of striving for the best, so that more types of products, products of a higher quality , and brand products will be made.



Craftsman is the man who owes expertise artistry. Craftsmanship, as its name implies, is the spirit of striving hard to offer the high-quality products and outstanding services for the benefits of our clients. It aims to elaborate a system of common values on culture and thought between the leaders and staff, to cultivate the inner innovation of industry development.

From small beginning come great things! The only way to realistically achieve a goal is to do one thing really well. Our company strongly believes that “small products to the extreme is a big business”。 And if you are doing what you love, there is much more success than being rich or famous.

Talent is the core of enterprises. We have also been working to cultivate the craftsmanship, encouraging our employees to love their jobs and to enjoy the course of self-actualization.

Craftsmen work to earn money, however, they do not work for money. The job one does is the reflection of his life manner, and the work during his life is the indication of his aspiration, where his ideal exists.

Along with the lack in resources, craftsman has been valuable wealth in the times. Let’s carry forward the craftsmanship together, putting it to practice and encouraging more enterprises and employees to create various values for clients, achieving sustainable development for enterprises.


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