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Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a diary of all their absent-mindedactions for a fortnight. When he came to analyse their embarrassing lapses(差错)in a scientific report, hewas surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings, Nordid the lapses appear to be entirely random(随机的).

One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. "the explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer," explains the professor. "People programme themselves to do certain activities regularly. It was the woman’s custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the programme," About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these "programme assembly failures,"

Altogether the volunteers logged 433 unintentional actions that they found themselves doing---an average of twelve each, There appear to be peak periods in the day when we are at our zaniest(荒谬可笑的).These aretwo hours some time between eight and noon, between four and six with a smaller peak between eight and ten "Among men the peak seems to be when a changeover in brain’ programmes’ occurs, as for instance between going to and from work." Women on average reported slightly more lapses----- compared with for men m probably because they were more reliable reporters.

A startling finding of the research is that the absent-minded activity is a hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that skill reduces the number of errors we make. But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse m even dangerous.


Choose correct answers to the question:

1. In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects ________

A. to keep track of people who tend too forget things

B. to report their embarrassing lapses at random

C. to analyse their awkward experiences scientifically

D. to keep a record of what they did unintentionally

2. Professor Smith discovered that ________

A. certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents

B. many people were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindedness

C. men tend to be more absent-minded than women

D. absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness

3. "Programme assembly failures" (Line 6, Para. 2) refers to the phenomenon that people ______

A. often fail to programme their routines beforehand

B. tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurry

C. unconsciously change the sequence of doing things

D. are likely to mess things up if they are too tired

4. We learn from the third paragraph that _______

A. absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the day

B. women are very careful to perform actions during peak periods

C. women experience more peak periods of absent-mindedness

D. men’s absent-mindedness often results in funny situations

can be concluded from the passage that _____

A. people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lapses

B. hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good at

C. people should be careful when programming their actions

D. lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentration


1.[D] 事实细节题。本文第1句中的to keep a diary of all their absent-minded actions就是指to keep a record of what they did unintentionally,题目中的subjects指实验对象,被测试者。

2.[A] 事实细节题。根据第2句中nearly all of them fell into a few groupings可以找到本题答案,题目中的discover是该句中find的同义词,A的patterns与原文中的groupings意义相同。

3.[C] 语义题。根据第2段最后两句提到,但是不知怎么的这种行为在程序中颠倒了。这些被测试者报告的事件中二十个中有一个属于这种“流水线程序错误”。C的unconsciously与somehow对应,change the sequence of doing things与the action got reversed对应,故本题选C。

4.[A] 事实细节题。根据第3段的第2、3句“一天之中似乎存在一些人们易犯荒谬可笑错误的高峰时段”,之后到举了几个高峰时间,可知A与之相符。

5.[D] 推理判断题。根据文章最后两句“一般来说,我们会以为技术娴熟可以减少错误。但是为了避免出现愚蠢的失误而更加专注,只会把事情弄得更糟糕,甚至会导致危险。”可知D“差错并不总是注意力不集中导致的” 正确。



The simple act of surrendering a telephone number to a store clerk may not seem harmful--so much so that many consumers do it with no questions asked. Yet that one action can set in motion a cascade of silent events, as that data point is acquired, analyzed, categorized, stored and sold over and over again. Future attacks on your privacy may come from anywhere, from anyone with money to purchase that phone number you surrendered. If you doubt the multiplier effect, consider your e-mail inbox. If it's loaded with spam, it's undoubtedly because at some point in time you unknowingly surrendered your e-mall to the wrong Web site.

Do you think your telephone number or address is handled differently? A cottage industry of small companies with names you've probably never heard of--like Acxiom or Merlin--buy and sell your personal information the way other commodities like corn or cattle futures are bartered. You may think your cell phone is unlisted, but if you've ever ordered a pizza, it might not be. Merlin is one of many commercial data brokers that advertises sale of unlisted phone numbers compiled from various sources--including pizza delivery companies. These unintended, unpredictable consequences that flow from simple actions make privacy issues difficult to grasp, and grapple with.

In a larger sense, privacy also is often cast as a tale of "Big Brother"--the government is watching you or An big corporation is watching you. But privacy issues dont necessarily involve large faceless institutions: A spouse takes a casual glance at her husband's Blackberry, a co-worker looks at e-mall over your shoulder or a friend glances at a cell phone text message from the next seat on the bus. while very little of this is news to anyone--people are now well aware there are video cameras and Internet cookies everywhere--there is abundant evidence that people live their lives ignorant of the monitoring, assuming a mythical level of privacy. People write e-mails and type instant messages they never expect anyone to see. Just ask Mark Foley or even Bill Gates, whose e-mails were a cornerstone of the Justice Department's antitrust case against Microsoft.

And polls and studies have repeatedly shown that Americans are indifferent to privacy concerns. The general defense for such indifference is summed up a single phrase: "I have nothing to hide." If you have nothing to hide, why shouldn't the government be able to peek at your phone records, your wife see your e-mail or a company send you junk mail? It's a powerful argument, one that privacy advocates spend considerable time discussing and strategizing over.

It is hard to deny, however, that people behave different when they're being watched. And it is also impossible to deny that Americans are now being watched more than at any time in history.

1. In the first paragraph, the telephone number is cited to show

A. many customers didn't keep their privacy confidential.

B. it is harmful to give a store clerk a telephone number.

C. careless disposal of personal information can be harmful.

D. customers should inquire its use when giving telephone numbers to others.

2. What do companies like Acxiom and Merlin do?

A. Compile telephone directories for businessmen.

B. Collect and sell personal information to make a profit.

C. Trade commodities like corn on the market.

D. Crack down crimes like stealing private information.

3. From Paragraph 3, we learn that

A. cases of privacy intrusion happen only in large institutions.

B. people are quite aware of how their privacy is intruded.

C. it is not privacy intrusion when a wife glances at her husband's cell phone.

D. Bill Gates' email messages were cited as evidence against him.。

4. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that the author thinks

A. Americans are actually concerned about privacy issues.

B. Americans are indifferent to privacy concerns.

C. Americans are very frank about privacy concerns.

D. Americans are puzzled about privacy concerns.

5. Which of the following is the author's viewpoint?

A. Never give your private information to anyone.

B. People should pay more attention to their privacy issues.

C. Do not surrender your email to any website.

D. It does no good saying "I have nothing to hide".


本文以个人无意泄漏电话号码和电子邮件为例引出对隐私问题的探讨。首段指出简单无意识地泄漏个人信息的行为可能事后会给自己带来麻烦;第2段讲述某些小 公司利用泄漏个人信息来赢利,使得隐私成为一个棘手的问题;第3段进一步提到隐私问题不一定只涉及大机构,隐私在日常生活中就可能有意无意地受到侵犯;第4段讲到美国人对隐私问题的态度及作者对此的看法;第5段作小结指出美国人正面临着更多的监视。



2.[B]细节推断题。根据Acxiom和Merlin定位到第2段第2旬。该句第2个破折号说明了这两家公司的性质,指出他们买卖个人信息就像买卖玉米和牛期货证券一样,故选8。文中提到Merlin公司出售那些未登记过的电话号码,这些号码汇编来源多样,A只是利用原文个别单词设置的干扰项;文中 只是说这些公司买卖个人信息的方式就像在市场买卖玉米的方式一样,故C错;D“破解如窃取个人信息的犯罪行为”在文中没有提及。





"Culture shock" occurs as a result of total immersion (浸没) in a new culture. It happens to "people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. " Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language, know the customs, or understand people's behavior in daily life. The visitor finds that "yes" may not always mean "yes", that friendliness does not necessarily mean friendship, or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes. The foreigner may be unsure as to when to shake hands, when to start conversations, or how to approach a stranger. The notion of "culture shock" helps explain feelings of bewilderment and disorientation. Language problems do not account for all the frustrations that people feel. When one is deprived of everything that was once so familiar, such as understanding a transportation system, knowing how to register for university classes, or knowing how to make friends, difficulties in coping with the new society may arise.

"... when an individual enters a strange culture, he or she is like fish out of water, " Newcomers feel at times that they do not belong to and feel alienated from the native members of the culture. When this happens visitors may want to reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and exaggerate the positive aspects of their own culture. Conversely visitors may scorn their native country by rejecting its values and instead choosing to identify with (if only temporarily) the value of the new country. This may occur as an attempt to over-identify with the new culture in order to be accepted by the people in it.

26. The expression "he or she is like fish out of water" suggests_______.

A. people away from their cultures can hardly survive in a new culture

B. a fish can not survive without water

C. people away from their culture experience mental isolation

D. people away from their culture have difficulties in their studies

27. In order to identify with the new environment, some people may_______.

A. give an exaggerated picture of their own country

B. criticize the positive aspects of their own country

C. abandon their original beliefs

D. accept a temporary set of values

28. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the author?

A. Homesickness results in culture shock.

B. A typical symptom of culture shock is confusion.

C. Culture shock is the explanation of anxiety.

D. Culture shock happens to foreign students only.

29. Newcomers may worry about

A. their ignorance of the alien customs

B. their knowledge of "yes" in the native language

C. their understanding of friendship

D. their control of their behavior

30. When the foreign visitor is immersed in new problems he finds hard to cope with, he is most likely to feel_______.

A. uninsured B. deprived

C. alienated D. disappointed


26. C 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. C

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