essay writing范例(推选(精选4篇)
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essay writing【第一篇】
I watched a thunderstorm, far out over the sea. It began quietly, and with nothing visible except tall dark clouds and a rolling tide. There was just a soft murmur of thunder as I watched the horizon from my balcony. Over the next few minutes, the clouds closed and reflected lightning set the rippling ocean aglow. The thunderheads had covered up the sun, shadowing the vista. It was peaceful for a long time.
I was looking up when the first clear thunderbolt struck. It blazed against the sky and sea; I could see its shape in perfect reverse colors when I blinked. More followed. The thunder rumbled and stuttered as if it could hardly keep up. There were openings in the cloud now, as if the sky were torn, and spots of brilliant blue shone above the shadowed sea.
I looked down then, watching the waves. Every bolt was answered by a moment of spreading light on the surface. The waves were getting rough, rising high and crashing hard enough that I could hear them.
Then came the rain. It came all at once and in sheets, soaking the sand, filling the sea. It was so dense I could only see the lightning as flashes of light. It came down so hard the thunder was drowned. Everything was rhythmic light and shadow, noise and silence, blending into a single experience of all five senses.
In an instant it stopped. The storm broke. The clouds came apart like curtains. The rain still fell, but softly now. It was as if there had never been a storm at all, except for a single signature. A rainbow, almost violently bright, spread above and across the water. I could see the horizon again.
顺便说一句,“In other words”有时候很好使,你可以把一段引用说两遍,不仅凑字效果绝佳,还能表现出“你是真的懂”。比如说“竹间(2019)认为,改写水平是决定1篇essay是否涉及抄袭的重要考察因素,同时,它也可以作为判断学生是否正确理解了文献资料的依据。换言之,错误的、低水平的改写不但会影响老师对学生理解程度的判断,还很可能会被给学生带来‘认定抄袭’的负面结果。”
例子也是个好东西,它可以帮助读者进一步理解你的观点(或者说你引用的观点)的应用过程,同时也是个占字大法,一开引入例子时可以说“an example can be given to show xx's point”之类的,然后开始谈你的例子,解释下为什么它可以拿来论证某些观点(与观点的契合度什么的)。我不知道别的专业什么情况,不过在传媒这块,找新颖的、近期的例子很多时候比在老资料里强挖要好用的多,尤其当你出身中国这个西方不太了解的国家时,很多来自中国的有趣例子会让他们十分感兴趣。
Dear Sir:
It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project- "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of . Congress" since September 1997.
His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities.
With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant. I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.
Sincerely yoursxxx
第一,你不用说你支持或者不支持谁,你只需要说“A argues that xxxxx, however B argues that xxxxx”,在行文上就会表现出“我其实更认同B”。反之如果你说“A argues xxxxx, although B argues xxxxx”,就会表现出“我其实更认同A”。
而那些转折来转折去的环节,你就要学会大量使用转折词,什么however,but,on the other hand,instead,otherwise,moreover之类的,你写这些词是为了提醒读者跟着你节奏,他看到however就知道你要怼前面的观点了,看到otherwise就知道要出佐证了,看到moreover就知道你要补充新的同阵营观点了,这就是所谓的“逻辑”。