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I will not beat you, not scold you, but torture you with all my love.


If you want a cute baby, and you are still worried about this, then I willadvice that you marry me!


My family name is “I”, first name is “love you”, and surname is “miss you”; mycognomen is ”understand you”, appellation is ”feel badly about you”, epithet is“think of you” , book name is “dream of you”, nickname is “chase you”。 You cancall me I kiss you.





Honesty is a cherished Chinese traditional nowadays there are many dishonest cases in businessmen cheat their bosses for higher employees cheat their friends for more some government officials cheat their people for more phenomena anger every person of ,why do they come into being?

Maybe these people believe that nobody will find out their their customers will come to purchase their products no more;their bosses will dismiss them;their friends no longer come to their rescue in case of crisis;their people will remove them from pay the price for their own dishonest should be honest,which benefits not only himself but also others.



My deskmate is a lively and cheerful girl, she has a pair of small eyes and a small mouth, often a pair of smart in fact, she is called Liu Tianqing.


My deskmate Liu Tianqing and I sat down from the third grade to the fifth grade, but she always beat me or scolded me, but also said when she was good to me: once Liu Tianqing had a birthday, she invited me to her birthday party, but I did not refuse, until that day her mother was very warm to us, ordered many delicious food, but I had a big meal, and once Liu Tianqing was in the middle I want to take me to kick shuttlecock at noon. I said I can\'t kick shuttlecock. She said: it\'s OK to kick shuttlecock casually. Just playing at noon is like I can kick shuttlecock. It\'s my deskmate that makes me able to kick shuttlecock, which makes me love to kick shuttlecock.


This is my deskmate


My cousin lives in the mountain. Every evening, the most beautiful thing there is the charming sunset.


Standing on the balcony, looking into the distance, is a rolling mountain, about 5 o\'clock, the sun will quietly hide behind the mountain.


The sun is still so bright, as if forever young, never old. Gradually, the sun becomes red, and the earth, sky and clouds are also reflected by the sun.


The sun has only half of its face left. It seems to be reluctant to leave. It also wants to see the beautiful East.

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