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地球英语作文 【第一篇】

The original sky clear,fresh air,people living in the flowers on the earth.

The original river was crystal clear,small fish playing in the water.

The original flowers in full bloom,tree-lined,grass out of the head,the earth a life.

Why is the weather so gloomy,because the dust flying in the sky.

Now the river is so dirty,smelly,because garbage and harmful substances in the water travel.

Now the flowers and trees are away from us,because people cut trees,resulting in soil erosion,flowers and trees to drive the crane to go.

Now the homeland of mankind becomes a paradise for pests.

Now the earth mother is crying,and now people are still in the dark.

Once upon a time,the seventy-en-cousada is a magnificent,magnificent,small stream clear,many tourists are attracted to life,the people of Brazil in the upper reaches of the waterfall built a hydropower station,making the waterfall Gradually disappear: the suns ultraviolet rays can not pass through the earths ozone it now?The creek becomes muddy,the water can not survive the fish,the tile blue sky blue sky has become black and black,white clouds are not as pure as before ……

The earth is now seriously ill,if people are chaos garbage,destruction of nature,and soon we must never lose the mother of the ,human us work together to protect the environment and love up,let us rely on hands,to fight the earth guards!

地球英语作文 【第二篇】

Earth is our out earth ,without provides us with enough water,food,sunshine,mineral and so on.

I can even say we can only live in the earth e may isnt any celestial body like earth that our human can live there is only one earth in the world,so please protect it ,protect our “mother”,we can do it from little things such as saving water,planting trees and so please do it right now,for ourselfs,for our younger generation.

地球英语作文 【第三篇】

I love the earth and love the homes where we her green mountains and rivers,love her green grass blue sky ......However,in today because of endless mining resources,nature has been a serious order to save the dying earth,the rest of the world have called on people to protect the environment,cherish our present good life.

do you know?The blue sky index increased by one percentage point,the government investment is 30 billion yuan,and each increase of one percentage point will need 10 billion is,every blue sky will use 10 billion yuan to could not help but surprise me,the original blue sky was so expensive! In fact,want to come,we live in some of the casual details can also help our blue sky is everyone to enjoy,you need to work together to found a lot of things that I have done and have not yet found that can help us in the blue example: morning my mother sent me to school,the car has four seats,my mother and I each this time we use the car only 50%,but the car or 100% of the exhaust,polluting the I found a but also every morning to take a private car school students,go a result,we reduce our emissions by 50% every morning.

I hope that we should not let the descendants of the blue sky,remember only Sun Yanzis song: whether you remember,the past beautiful days,when the sky is blue,our future are not far from the sunny ......I do not want people to see the last drop of water is their own lets act together to defend the earth!

地球英语作文 【第四篇】

Gradually,the river is no longer so clear,the flowers are no longer so beautiful,the trees are no longer so green,and everything in the world is no longer so beautiful.

In the past,the river was very clear,and everyone also had a natural swimming pool,floating and sinking,which was very wash their clothes by the wash their clothes brightly without any children went up the mountain to pick wild wild flowers were as beautiful as the rosy clouds in the sky,as beautiful as the fairies in the world,and as many as the stars in the colorful wild flowers were girl ed the wild flowers in her hair,which looked beautiful and boy presented the wild flowers to his mother,who looked ten years younger.

Now,the river is so dirty that everyone doesnt wash the mop,and the flowers are polluted and more dirty water,domestic dirty water,industrial dirty water,dirty water is more than pure water.

Humans,are you still stubborn?They keep talking about low-carbon environmental protection,but their actions are just the ! Protect the earth! Do you really want to bring the end of the world?

地球英语作文 【第五篇】

The earth,the only mother of human beings,is now facing a great threat-environmental ,it is important for all of us to protect the earth,for she is only home to all peoples living on it.

Throughout the world,environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious as a result of various reasons .First of all,the rapid economic and social development is producing a large amount of pollution in form of gas,waster and waste;.Besides,Peoples poor awareness of environmental protection is also another important factor contributing to environmental example,a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch boxes which do great harm to ’s worse,many people are cutting ting down increasing number of trees,causing soil addition,the management of the government also contributes to serious ,we must take measures to prevent the earth from being polluted.

Living on this beautiful planet,we must actively contribute to beautifying the important to improve the。

environmental awareness of human factories should reduce the discharge of sewage and should learn to use clean energy such as Solar,Nuclear and Hydrogen government should make some laws to ban different harmful ’s change words into action!

The earth is our only now on,everybody should protect the environment and make our home a better world.

地球英语作文 【第六篇】

This is the green part is blue part is white part is earth is very beautiful and are rivers,streams,seas and are hills and are woods,jungles and are many countries and are many people live in you think the earth is very wonderful?

Many years ago,the earth is very nowadays there is much pollution on the is air pollution,land pollution and water pollution ,People are cutting down the forests.

Many wild animals,birds and insects lose their are killing animals for their food and their is very are polluting the land,the water and the must stop doing must save the earth.




地球英语作文 【第七篇】

Environmentl problems re becoming more nd more serious ll over the world。 With the development of industry nd griculture,crs mke GR Et noises nd give off poisonous gs。Trees on the hills hve been cut down,and wste wter is being poured continuously into rivers。Furthermore,wherever we go tody, we find rubbish crelessly disposed。 The whole ecologicl blnce of the erth is chnging。

Mssive destruction of environment hs brought bout negtive effects nd even poses gret thret to mns existence。

地球英语作文 【第八篇】

As time goes by,man is making the earth cut down too many trees and leave rubbish let out their waste without doing anying to it .This has cause some serious as the land is sandy,the river is dirty,the air is less clean,even the temperature of the earth is rising.

What should we do to save the earth?My suggestion is that we should plant more trees,put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories pouring waste directly into the air or all,we have only one earth,we should do our best to protect it,or we will regret.


地球英语作文 【第九篇】

In my life,I often encounter many troublesome things,which always annoy really want to have a special function to turn my troubles into happy and happy things.

I have a very,very nnoying thing - losing have grown fat since I was a one or two people at school say I am a "dead fat pig".

I lost weight many times,but I never succeeded.

Just a few months ago,I lost weight every time,but after a month,when I went to measure my weight,I always had the same weight as a month cousin used to be a little fat like me,but he lost weight for a few months and wanted to become a became a little handsome really makes me jealous.

If I can have special functions,I will turn myself into a "little handsome man".

Not only the worry of losing weight,I have another thing that bothers me - Im a 13 years old,but I never grow Xiong junluo in our class for is also 13 years old and tall,but I am a head shorter than him.

I also have a very big wish,that is,I hope I have a lot of money,"millions".With this money,I will develop my hometown,which is a very poor mountain want to develop the countryside and make my hometown more and more beautiful!

If I have special function,I will solve this kind of thing!

地球英语作文 【第十篇】

Since the birth of the human ancestors,the earth is like a kind mother,with their sweet "milk" and selfless dedication,carefully nurtured human beings,the earth can meet the needs of mankind,but can not meet the human greed.

Protecting the earth is to protect the environment from the protection of our surroundings to start to improve the protection of environmental awareness,to prevent environmental pollution is everyones ,in our hometown there are some people,for their own interests chaos cut off,birds do not have trees,causing wind and sand raging,there are some people living wastewater,industrial waste water,oil and harmful substances,without regard to the row Into our mother river - the Songhua original crystal clear water,but also become are scarce,causing serious water pollution,there are some heating stations and car emissions of dust,a variety of white garbage and throwing fruit shell,spitting caused air solve these environmental pollution,small to a city,large to a country,must improve peoples environmental awareness and quality,to develop a good habit,so as to have a beautiful environment,make water more clear,tree more dense,Day more blue,fresh air,in order to make the earth vibrant,so that our homes more warm.

Earth belongs to us human beings,belong to all of us,only our hands,from my start,from everyone to start,protect the environment,love the Earths natural environment,the earth will benefit the human.




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