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The Discomfort of Silence

Many Americans find silence uncomfortable. They will murmur on to fill any quietness if it extends for more than a moment. Students often study with their radios singing;housewives leave televisions on for the companionship of sound even though they may be working in some other room. If you are silent for long periods,they will do their best to draw you out or will ask if you feel all right or if there is anything that they can do to help you. Sometimes silence can be puzzling, however; if Americans disagree with what you are saying, many of them will remain quiet. This may not suggest agreement; often it only means that they consider it impolite to argue further.




























Groups of bees work together to produce honey. Their great efforts are not selfish,however, as the amount of honey they produce is for an entire group rather than a singleindividual.

The drawing above suggests that people should selflessly dedicate themselvesto theircommunity as a whole. This spirit of dedication requires faith. Selfless hard work is anembodiment of responsibility and strength.

The health of nations requires a spirit of devotion. Chinese teachers, doctors and athleteswho all work for the benefit of their country, for example, aredevoting themselves regardless offame or fortune. They are dedicated to the society they live within. No matter what type ofjob one holds, one should work hard and in earnest to improve ones community.

The results of dedication, however, depend not only on ones willingness to give but alsoon ones ability. If you are enthusiastic about devoting yourself to your country, but do nothave the skills it takes to do so, you cannot effect much change. The more competent, one is,the greater ones contribution. Therefore, it is essential that students focus on their studiesand enhance their skills in order to properly give back to society.



Environmental Protection

Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle(再循环) our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.


On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancient land with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. These young adults were not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude to those who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth.

Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heart is that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere. I strongly believe that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy for this social headache. As young university students of the new era, we should make our own contributions to this cause. Imagine a world without the sense of gratitude. This kind of world is doomed to failure. Simply put, we should join our hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart. Only in this way can we build our society into a harmonious one. My fellow students, I beg you to act from now on.

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