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50.此类寻求知识和了解已知信息的行为被拉丁语概括为:“sapere aude^v^即^v^敢于求知”


From the first simple but compelling cartoon we can see that a young girl is making great efforts on her schoolwork with earnest expressions, which successfully captures our eyes. On the contrary, what is differently delineated in the second photo is that a lazy boy is not reading but lying on the sofa with an unfold book and a pen on the book desk. Apparently, by the contrast of these two pictures, the explicit implication emerges in front of us that the power of good habits should be attached great importance to.

Various functions, as a matter of fact, are behind this quality illustrated in this picture out as far as I know the following two matter enormously. To begin with, scheduling is the art of planning your activities so that you can achieve your goals and priorities in the time that you have available. When it's done effectively, it helps you understand what you can realistically achieve with your time and work steadily toward your personal and career goals; In addition, here is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that it takes time to change a habit, and procrastination is a habit that requires a little bit of effort to overcome. Task aversion, distractibility and impulsiveness are common types of procrastination. And they are the easiest to overcome if we make a good schedule in advance.

Based on the afore-said discussion, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality. All in all, it is high time to strengthen people’s awareness in this aspect. Only in this way can we make the best of reasonable scheduling and embrace a bright future.


Exhibited in the cartoon is a sarcastic scene that sitting before a computer, a college student is choosing his optional class, wondering and pondering whether he should choose an easier course or a tougher but creative course. Simple as the picture is, the symbolic meaning it conveys is profound and thought-provoking.

It is beyond doubt that the painter aims to tell us that everyone, especially college students, should have the spirit of creation and innovation. To put it another way, innovation is an essential and indispensable role for anyone who wants to succeed. This can be directly attributed to the fact that one may be caught in dilemma, at least once in life. Such a dilemma may coincidentally be most difficult period in his life. Then there are two choices before him: making a creative choice or an easier one. If he chooses the former and tries to break through the barrier, difficult as it will be, success will be the result one day. However, although it seems to be much easier for him at the moment, the latter choice may kill off his dream and ambition, and such choice then will be a pity all his life.

As college student, definitely, we are facing or will face many difficulties. At such moment, we should bear in mind that creation is a necessary and indispensable quality in our life, a positive attitude to life and an approach to success. Keep the spirit of innovation, and we will win a better life.


impose alevy on tech multinationals.

may trigger countermeasures against France.

the current international tax system needs upgrading

is faced with uncertain prospects.

France leads the charge on Digital Tax

Part B Directions:

In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the fist A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

[A] Eye fix actions are brief

[B] Too much eye contact is instinctively felt to be rude[C] Eye contact can be a friendly social signal

[D] Personality can affect how a person reacts to eye contact

[E] Biological factors behind eye contact are being investigated [F] Most people are not comfortable holding eye contact with strangers

[G] Eye contact can also be aggressive.

In a social situation, eye contact with another person can show that you are paying attention in a friendly way, But it can also be antagonistic such as when a political candidate turns toward their competitor during a debate and makes eye contact that signals 's what hard science reveals about eye contact: We know that a typical infant will instinctively gaze into its mother's eyes, and she will look back. This mutual gaze is a major part of the attachment between mother and child. In adulthood, looking someone else in a pleasant way can be a complimentary sign of paying attention. It can catch someone's attention in a crowded room, ^v^Eye contact and smile^v^ can signal availability and confidence, a common-sense notion supported in studies by psychologist Monica Moore.


Neuroscientist Bonnie Augeung found that the hormone oxytocin increased the amount of eye contact from men toward the interviewer during a brief interview when the direction of their gaze was recorded. This was also found in high- functioning men with some autistic spectrum symptoms, who may tend to avoid eye contact. Specific brain regions that respond during direct gaze are being explored by other researches, using advanced methods of brain scanning.


With the use of eye-tracking technology, Julia Minson of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government concluded that eye contact can signal very different kinds of messages,depending on the situation. While eye contact may be a sign of connection or trust in friendly situations, it's more likely to be associated with dominance or intimidation in adversarial situations. ^v^Whether you' re a politician or a parent, it might be helpful to keep in mind that trying to maintain eye contact may backfire if you' re trying to convince someone who has a different set of beliefs than you,^v^ said Minson.


When we look at a face or a picture, our eyes pause on one spot at a time, often on the eyes or mouth. These pauses typically occur at about three per second, and the eyes then jump to another spot, until several important points in the image. are registered like a series of snapshots. How the whole image is then assembled and perceived is still a mystery although it is the subject of current research.


In people who score high in a test of neuroticism, a personality dimension associated with self-consciousness and anxiety, eye contact triggered more activity associated with avoidance,according to the Finnish researcher Jari Hietanen and colleagues ^v^Our findings indicate that people do not only feel different when they are the centre of attention but that their brain reactions also differ.^v^ A more direct finding is that people who scored high for negative emotions like anxiety looked at others for shorter periods of time and reported more comfortable feelings when others did not look directly at them.

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