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On May 1st, I together with some others went to Animal Rescue Center to do some volunteer work.

On our arrival, we got down to deliwering food to the stray animals in no time, which delighted those poor little things very much. And later we helped to clean the center, especially the cages, to make a clean and fresh home for all the stray animals 。 Everying having been down. We played with those animals, as it is more to rescuing animals than just feeding them, after all they, llike humans have emotions, too.

Our coming got a warm welcome 。 As for me, not only had have the satisfaction of helping rescuing stray animals but also i had an unforgettable and meaningfull experience, which will, in reward, enrichesmy own life.






下面,让我们将视线投向我们熟悉的校园吧!银杏树,法国梧桐树,还有青翠的竹子等让我们双语的校园时时处处都洋溢着青春的气息,传播着美的信息。在这如画般的校园中,作为主人的我们该做些什么呢?那就是爱绿、护绿!学校给我们营造了一个优美、舒适的工作和学习环境。校园里一草一木,一花一叶都像朋友一样和我们相依相伴。 同学们,一片叶也会投下一丝绿荫,一棵草也能唤起春的气息,让我们像爱护自己的眼睛一样,珍惜每一片绿,爱护校内外每一棵树,从我做起,从小事做起,从身边做起,从现在做起,积极行动起来,做绿化、美化环境的有心人。下面,请允许我以一名教师的名义向全校师生发出“爱绿护绿”的倡议:




同学们,我们是二十一世纪的主人,为自己创造一个舒适、美好的生存空间是我们义不容辞的责任!让我们从我做起,从小事做起,从现在做起。加入“环保护绿”行列 ,做绿化、美化环境的有心人,保护绿色校园 ,今天播下一份绿色种子,明天收获一片蓝天绿地!




Chinese vice premier stresses production safety

Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang underscored the scientific outlook on development and production safety during an inspection tour to northern Shanxi Province on Wednesday and Thursday.

Zhang visited the site of the Sept.

8 landslide in Xiangfen County on Thursday morning, where an unlicensed iron ore tailings pond burst and killed at least 262 people.

"The September 8 landslide was a very serious production safety incident, causing great losses, having a bad impact and leaving a deep lesson, " he said.

The vice premier said a thorough investigation into the cause of the incident should be conducted and that those responsible for it should be punished seriously in accordance with law.

A lesson should be drawn from the incident and people should be put first, he stressed, adding that more efforts should be exerted to crack down on unlicensed production and corruption behind production safety incidents.

He also demanded local authorities have a scientific outlook on development.

Production safety should be strengthened through more investment, scientif ic and technological progress and better management, the vice premier said.

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