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With the mailbox that says " Porterfields" ?邮箱地址" 珀特菲尔德" [运输工原野]这家吗?

《摩登家庭第七季_Modern Family-Season07》

's what I found in my mailbox.我在邮箱里发现的。


there is a mailbox across from the store.但是商店对面有一个邮箱。

《VOA 一起学英语(一级)》

mail carrier didn't leave it in the mailbox.邮差并没有把包裹留在信箱里,


course. Mailboxes are emptied several times a day.当然了。邮筒每天要开好几次呢。


6." Go run out to the mailbox and check it."“跑过去查一下邮箱里有没有信件。”

《TED演讲(音频版) 2015年6月合集》

days later, there's a disk in your mailbox.三天之后 电影光碟就邮到你家了。

《摩登家庭第七季_Modern Family-Season07》

are emptied several times a day.邮筒每天要开好几次呢。


mail carrier didn't leave the package in his mailbox?那个邮差没有把包裹放在他的信箱里?


left copies of that same note in everybody's mailbox.我在每个人邮箱里,都留了一样的便条。


11、An old mailbox has been padlocked shut.


12、He stopped at the mailbox and dropped the letter in.


13、He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.


knocked together two rough mailboxes with wooden boards.他们用木板草草地做成了两个粗糙的信箱。

stopped at the mailbox and dropped the letter in.他在邮筒前停了下来, 把信投了进去。

mailman propped his bicycle up against the wall and put the mail into the mailbox.邮电员把自行车靠在墙上把邮件放到信箱里。


n. 邮筒,信箱


mailbox n. 邮箱;邮筒

mailbox rule 投邮主义; 信筒规则;

electronic mailbox 电子信箱

Cyclist Mailbox 单车男邮箱

MBX MailBoX 邮箱

Mailbox name 信箱名; 邮箱名称; 信箱名称; 电子邮箱名;

Station-master mailbox 站长信箱

Mayors mailbox 市长信箱

Redneck Mail-box 乡下人的信箱

mailbox postbox 邮箱

The mailbox 邮箱; 购物中心; 院长邮箱; 总监邮箱;





A passing truck banged up the mailbox.一辆过路的卡车把邮筒撞坏了。

I drop the letter in the mailbox on the corner.我把信投在拐角处的邮箱里。

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