成功之路 The Way to Success作文【优质4篇】

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成功之路 The Way to Success-英语作文【第一篇】

There is a famous remark from Abraham Lincoln “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Even though sharpening the axe before chopping down a tree takes you sometime, the speed and efficiency of it will be improved a lot, and you will spend less time cutting down the same tree What should we do to achieve success? Many of us have set lofty goals, but we had better start by preparing to confront difficulties, and proceeding with the very foundation With the exception of perseverance and diligence, it is extremely necessary for us to have some useful methods Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job.

《六级作文 The Way to Success》【第二篇】

The Way to Success

Nowadays,as the fast speed of social improvement,competitions between people are more and more can we find the right way to success we then win the , what is the right way to be succeed?

Here are some suggestions. Just as Abraham Lincoln's famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." To succeed ,we should finish all the preparing , don’t be hesitate to find the right direction of your doing this can your efforts not be in vain at , we also should be optimistic. Failure is the mother of success,we must realize that we will be surrounded by lots of hardships in the way to , bravely accept even overcome the difficulties by your own but not least, the final thing we should pay attention is can own success at once,after gaining enough experience and forming yourself’s unique qualities you can be successful as you expected.

In a word, success will come so long as you pursue it with your real energy.

成功之路 The Way to Success作文【第三篇】

Failure is so common in our one can avoid we fail in doing something,we often feel so depressed that we have no interest in other failure can also make us lose ,no one wants to be a failure.

Success is what we all hope for,because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation.

The moment we succeed,we always feel so proud,as if having everything in our one enjoys his continuous success in his career,he will be famous and worshiped by others.

However,failure is the mother of failure doesn’t mean you can never be depends on what we do to deal with who are always afraid of failure and can’t go through it will never as long as we can get some lessons and experience from our failure,we’ll be sure to succeed.

《英语作文 The Way to Success》【第四篇】

The Way to Success

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." And here comes our question, what is the way to success?

A strong will and great efforts are the most essential two keys to the door of success.

Why do people fail to achieve their goal? The reason is that most of them give up halfway due to their lack of a strong will once they encounter any difficulty. A man of a strong will always sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be.

Would Thomas Edison be such a great man in history if he had done nothing but possessing a strong will? We are all familiar with his story that he had tried one thousand kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without hard effort, Edison might have been a nobody. Without efforts, no one can succeed.

To sum up, a strong will and great efforts can help one open up the way to success. Where there is a will with efforts, there is a way.


本次六级考试作文题为The way to success,与本次四级考试作文Nothing succeeds without a strong will遥相呼应,大同小异,都是在讨论成功这一话题。






最后一段,作者先以第一句话进行了总结,然后为了加强作文结尾的力度,作者还对名言“Where there is a will, there is way”进行了改编,换成了自己的观点,为我所用,这也是本篇范文的一个两点之处。注意,写作文时对名言进行恰当地改编,不仅能体现幽默创新的一面,同样也体现了作者不错的文字驾驭技巧,考官也是很欢迎这样的文章的。

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