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This film is based on a true story 。 That happened in Japan in I was moved by the spirit of Hachi!

No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and consciousness of exhaustion. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

In fact , some research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s diseases than we do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master would die because of his heart disease. It’s his only way to hold him back 。 Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.





Undoubtedly one of the strangest animated features in recent times, The Polar Express is a throwback to another world, specifically post-WWII America. Its message, one of insularity and looking after number one, is decidedly contemporary however, and fits in with the Neo Conservative attitude that clearly dominates America in the light of Bush's recent re-election.

The film's makers, who have reportedly stumped up over $150m dollars for its budget, have tried to make an animation as Fran k Capra might have approached the genre, but even for him, and for most modern audiences, both the rather unusual animation and the overly saccharine flavour of the film may seem a little too much.


All of us must allocate 24 hours a day to our work and personal life. Work and family don’t “balance” automatically.

Andy got her new job in Runway fashion magazine. And her personal life was begun to be hanged by a thread because of her busy work. Her boss Miranda was famous for being

unpredictable and perfectionist. Andy was Miranda’s second assistant. She must complete nearly impossible tasks with constant trepidation of Miranda’s wrath and be Miranda’s beck and call 24/7. Andy worked hard and got promotion then. But in order to complete her work, she neglected her lover, her friends and her families. She almost lost her boyfriend Nate. Luckily, she found that friends and families are more important than my job before everything was too late to retrieve. So, she quitted the job restart with families and friends’ support. I think Andy did right choice at last, because families and friends are more important than work.

Though we try to balance work and family, we have to admit that imbalance is sometimes inevitable. We can balance the two by arranging our time reasonably and working effectively. Also, we should talk to our families and friends often, trying for their understanding and support. Finally, we need to realize that we work hard for better lives. But without families and friends, we won’t be happy anymore, and nobody can share our success.








Simba,the prince of the animals kingdom,whose life was not always uncle,carried out an evil save his dear son,the old lion king Simba,with his uncle taking his fathers place,had no other choice but to his aimless road,he met two new friends,a weasel and a were hearty.

The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great efforts of himself and help from his friends,Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.

This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.

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