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大学生英语演讲稿 【第一篇】

get out of "jail"

oh, the joy! the absolute joy! archie couldn’t remember a recent moment when he had felt so happy. if he could sing, he would have sung. if he could dance, he would have danced. if he could have shouted to the world, he would have shouted to the world, “i’m free, i’m free!”

he had been in “jail” for the last week. a mental jail, to be sure, but it still felt like jail. about six weeks ago, he had received his almost annual jury summons. printed on the outside of the white envelope, in bright red letters, was: official jury summons enclosed—registration required within 5 days. a friend of his had been throwing away such summonses for at least 20 years. archie couldn’t do that—he felt that his luck was so bad that if he tried it, his summons would be the one with the concealed microchip that recorded him throwing the envelope in the trash. then he really would be in jail. so, he dutifully filled out the form and waited until his starting date—november 5, a monday. for that week, he would be “on call” for “no more than five days.”

as instructed, he dialed the 800-srv-jury number on the saturday preceding november 5. he tapped in his pin and jury group number. he listened, and sighed with relief; the recording had told him to call again monday after 5 so, one day out of five was gone!

on monday and tuesday, archie got the same recording. he had now escaped jury duty for three days, monday through wednesday. only two days to go.

wednesday afternoon, his friend gil called, asking archie if he wanted to play golf the next morning. archie said he was on jury duty that week. gil said, “well, no problem! it’s already wednesday. you’ve made it! there’s no way that they’re going to call you to jury duty this late in the week.” archie couldn’t believe that gil had said that. archie knocked several times on his wooden bookcase, saying that he hoped that gil was right.

at 5:05 that evening, still worried that gil had jinxed him, archie dialed the 800 number. sure enough, the recording told him to call back thursday between noon and 12:30, instead of the usual 5 damn that gil, archie thought.

thursday, he anxiously called at 12:28. the recording told him that his jury service was finished! all he had to do was mail in the affidavit that had come in the white envelope. archie put the affidavit into an envelope, put a 41-cent first class stamp on the envelope, and drove to the post office. whistling as he dropped the envelope into the mailbox, he happily washed his hands once again of the “privilege” of doing jury service.

大学英语演讲稿 【第二篇】

Good morning ladies and gentlemen:

The title of my speech today is “The Doors that Are Open to Us ”.

The other day my aunt paid me a visit. She was overjoyed. “I got the highest mark in the mid-term examination!” she said. Don't be surprised! My aunt is indeed a student; to be exact, a college student at the age of 45.

Last year, she put aside her private business and signed up for a one-year, full-time management course in a college. “This was the wisest decision I have ever made,” she said proudly like a teenage girl. To her, college is always a right place to pick up new ideas, and new ideas always make her feel young.

“Compared with the late 70s,” she says, “now college students have many doors.” My aunt cannot help but recall her first college experience in 1978 when college doors began to be re-opened after the Cultural Revolution. She was assigned to study engineering despite her desire to study Chinese literature, and a few years later, the government sent her to work in a TV factory.

I was shocked when she first told me how she (had) had no choice in her major and job. Look at us today! So many doors are open to us! I believe there have never been such abundant opportunities for self-development as we have today. And my aunt told me that we should reach our goals by grasping all these opportunities.

The first door I see is the opportunity to study different kinds of subjects that interest us. My aunt said she was happy to study management, but she was also happy that she could attend lectures on ancient Chinese poetry and on Shakespearean drama. As for myself, I am an English major, but I may also go to lectures on history. To me, if college education in the past emphasized specialization, now, it emphasizes free and well-rounded development of each individual. So all the fine achievements of human civilization are open to us.

The second door is the door to the outside world. Learning goes beyond classrooms and national boundaries. My aunt remembers her previous college days as monotonous and even calls her generation “frogs in a well.” But today, as the world becomes a global village, it is important that our neighbors and we be open-minded to learn with and from each other. I have many fellow international classmates, and I am applying to an exchange program with a university abroad. As for my aunt, she is planning to get an MBA degree in the United Kingdom where her daughter, my cousin, is now doing her master's degree in biochemistry. We are now taking the opportunity to study overseas, and when we come back, we'll put to use what we have learnt abroad.

The third door is the door to lifelong learning. As new ideas appear all the time, we always need to acquire new knowledge, regardless of our age. Naturally, my aunt herself is the best example. Many of my aunt's contemporaries say that she is amazingly up-to-date for a middle-aged woman. She simply responds,“Age doesn't matter. What matters is your attitude. You may think it's strange that I am still going to college, but I don't think I'm too old to learn.”Yes, she is right. Since the government removed the age limit for college admissions in 20xx, there are already some untraditional students, sitting with us in the same classrooms. Like these people, my aunt is old but she is very young in spirit. With her incredible energy and determination, she embodies both tradition and modernity.

The doors open to us also pose challenges. For instance, we are faced with the challenge of a balanced learning, the challenge of preserving our fine tradition while learning from the West, and the challenge of learning continuously while carrying heavy responsibilities to our work and family. So, each door is a test of our courage, ability and judgment, but with the support of my teachers, parents, friends and my aunt, I believe I can meet the challenge head on. When I reach my aunt's age, I can be proud to say that I have walked through dozens of doors and will, in the remainder of my life, walk through many more. Possibly I will go back to college, too.

Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

大学生英语演讲稿 【第三篇】










大学英语演讲稿 【第四篇】

Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family dispute. Right before I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channels we had already had. In prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. Therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what to watch. Finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" program... If wecould agree what that was.

However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV, there were only one or two channels available. The increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice.

Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one color. Today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades.

Fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. Today, we read English

newspapers like the China Daily and the 21st Century, as well as various Chinese newspapers.

Fifteen years ago, English majors took only courses in language and literature. Today, we also study Western culture, journalism, business communications, international relations, and computer science.

The emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in China's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the Chinese nation.

We enjoy the abundance of choice. But this has not come easily.

About 150 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference.

Like others of my age, I'm too young to have experienced the time when the Chinese people had no right to choose. However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people?

Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? Is choice an empty promise that never materializes? Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it?

First, I would like to say: To choose means to claim opportunities. I am a third-year English major. An important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation. I can go to graduate school, at home or abroad. I can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. Actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in China.

Indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice. I would love to work in such big cities as Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen. I would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development. I would love to stay in the coastal area where life is exciting and fast-paced. I would also love to put down roots in central and western China, which is underdeveloped, but holdsgreat potential.

All of these sound good. But they are only possibilities. To those of us who are bewildered at the abundance of opportunities, I would like to say: To choose means to accept challenge.

To us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of competition. In the next century, competition will not only come from other college graduates, but also from people of all ages and of all origins. With increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing competition from the whole outside world. This is calling for a higher level of our personal development.

Fifteen years ago, the knowledge of a foreign language or of computer operation was considered merely an advantage. But today, with wider educational opportunities, this same knowledge has become essential to everyone.

Given this situation, even our smallest choices will require great wisdom and personal determination.

As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.

As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.

Nuclear power, for instance, may improve our quality of life. But it can also be used to damage the lives and possessions of millions.

Economic development has enriched our lives but brought with it serious harm to our air, water and health.

To those of us who are blind to the consequences of their choices, I would like to say, To choose means to take responsibility. When we are making choices for ourselves, we cannot casually say: "It's just my own business. " As policy makers of the next century, we cannot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.

The traditional Chinese culture teaches us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our family. To me, however, this family is not just the five of us who quarreled over television programs. Rather, it is the whole of the human family. As I am making my choices, I will not forget the smile of my teacher when I correctly spelled out the word "China" for the first time, I will not forget the happy faces of the boys and girls we helped to send back to school in the mountains of Jiangxi Province. I will not forget the tearful eyes of women and children in Bosnia, Chechnya and Somali, where millions are suffering from war, famine or poverty. All these people, known and unknown, make up our big human family. At different points, they came into my life and broaden my perspective. Now as I am to make choices for myself, it is time to make efforts to improve their lives, because a world will benefit us all only if every one in it

can lead a peaceful and prosperous life.

大学生英语演讲稿 【第五篇】

I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education environment.

However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village. I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly welcome by school, too. After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school.

The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around me. I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one.

At night, I am the one who leaves away the library. The most interesting thing is that I can’t speak the PUTONGHUA well and made many funny events at the beginning, as I am from South. When I entered the classroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn’t understand what the professor was speaking.

I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these sciences. Therefore, I learn these courses myself after class. After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the difficlties.

I also improved my listening and spoken ability of Chinese quickly. Communication is very important to my college life. I study English hard as well. It makes me have many chances to communicate with foreigners. I made friends with many foreign teachers and students. From them, I learn many knowledge about foreign cultures. The computer room is another place I like to staying. I contact the outside world by the internet.

All the News, advance science, and the information about internal and outside of China.

Besides study, my college life is also very colorful. I’d like to take any chance to improve my communication skill. I am the monitor and playing an active role in class and school. Last year, I organized a speech match in management department.

All the classmates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions. At the same time, I shew my beautiful hometown to everyone. In school, I take care all the classmates around me. I am so poor due to from the romote countryside. The school pay most the fee for my education. I feel very happy. However, I know some classmates are poorer than me. I am willing to care them and encourage each other.

My college life is long and short. I believe that I can spend a good time in the four years. I hope I will have no any regretion when I look back the short youth of college in the future. Thanks!

大学生英语演讲稿 【第六篇】

Good and gentlemen, it's my honor to be here today to give you this speech. My name is 'd like to talk about job satisfaction. Now, please look at the have dividied my talk into three parts:firstly,the importance of job satisfaction; secondly,the factors of job satisfaction;finally,how to achieve job satisfaction. Now, let's start with the first part: the importance of job satisfaction. A job provides an individual with the necessary means to remain satisfied in almost every aspect of life such as leisure,health and social key factors are thought to be critical for an employee to achieve job satisfaction. Let's turn to the second part: the factors of job satisfaction. A reasonable salary is of course the most important factor in job satisfaction.

In many people's minds,an ideal job is first of all a well-paid one, which makes the employee feel that he is fairly rewarded for what he has done for the important element of job satisfaction is the nature of the job itself. Job satisfaction can never be achieved if the employee'seducation,skils and ,job satisfaction is closely associated with being part of the decision-making process in the company as well as having opportunities for promotion Let's leave that there, now, let's come to the last part: how to achieve job satisfaction.

for an individual employee,finding the right job and trying to stay positive minght be the first step towards achieving job fulfillment and satisfaction. I'll briefly summarize the main parts. Let me just run over the key points again. Firstly,the importance of job satisfaction;secondly,the factors of job satisfaction;finally,how to achieve job satisfaction. In conclusion, job satisfaction plays an important role in the company and is the key index to influence the company we should try our best to achieve it.

大学生英语演讲稿 【第七篇】

Good morning India!

Today on 15th August 20xx India is celebrating its 67th Independence Day, and we Indians are proud to say we have owned our freedom 67 years old back. As we gather here today I take the opportunity to congratulate every student and teacher of this School/college a Happy Independence Day! I also take the opportunity of welcoming you our chief guest for today!

We have assembled here to celebrate our 67th Independence Day. As a citizen of India, I am so proud to talk to you about my mother India. On the night of August 14, 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru rose to make a maiden speech in New Delhi, “When the world sleeps, India will wake to life and freedom.” Yes, India became free from the bondage of British rule. Now, India is the largest democratic country in the world. The country’s strength is to find, “Unity in diversity”。

But, there are stray incidents that test her secularism but the people of India are ready to sacrifice anything for the cause of unity. Today we remember the great leaders who gave their lives for the nation’s freedom and prosperity. Dr. gave the longest written constitution to us. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru worked for an industrialized India. Gandhi Ji taught us Ahimsa and Non-violence. Subash Chandra Bose inducted courage in us. Swami Vivekanand gave us spiritual power. Yes, with these contributions; India will be the super power in the coming years.

Our former President Abdul Kalam called the children of India to dream to build a strong Nation with aim and perseverance. Indeed! This is not a word of a single man. It is word of one billionsouls.

大学生英语演讲稿 【第八篇】

Honorable Judges, fellow students: Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.

As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe in all my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. I believe in our future.


尊敬的评委,各位同学: 最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。大学生是一种稀有特权的享有者,在很棒的地方接受高等教育。但是,我们能面对挑战而无所畏惧吗?我们能够改善他人的生活吗?我们能够承担建设祖国未来的重任吗?




大学生英语演讲稿 【第九篇】

dream flying our ordinary life is a dream, from the very moment of landing, we are a dream to come! Similarly, we left this world at the time, it will also be left with their own dreams.

Our dream is also more and more content, more and more rich.

One can not forget that book title mountain crossing the sea during the day and night; not forget that the coexistence of a bitter years of joy; not forget that a bit more earnest remainding respectable mentor taught ... ...

The face of the past, we open their minds and hearts of the door, bathed in sunlight to accept and listen to exhort the time, we dream of flying.

Is to achieve the dream of the cornerstones of long-term vision; the dream is the beginning of the power savings; dream world is a necessary condition for rational; dream Qijia country is the premise of the world is flat. To this end, the respect of ethics, education can be clearly responsible for, love. We will be ready at all times ......

Singing rooster dawn broke through the silence, awakened the dream of youth, the old lamp that lit the lamp immortal, with the aid of a weak good care of the light heavy luggage, embark on a new journey began. Eastern rising sun, leaving a string attached to their native land is the footprints of the feelings and give up. Goodbye dear land, we have our dreams, we all need to face new.

The rudder has been the fate into their own hands, taking their own route. Believe in yourself and you work hard, must be clear after dark. To do the masters of time, for every seconds, when the ship set sail hard, you are ready? Show your style and create brilliant tomorrow. said that the sky did not leave traces of the birds, but I have been over. Is an eagle, it is necessary to fly across the sky, is a tree, it is necessary to cast a time, the courage to go flying, the courage to go into, you dream of flying, I believe you will be more brilliant tomorrow, tomorrow you will be more exciting.

Cherish the present, should grasp the opportunity.

Friends, the dream of flying now, let us gather in the glory of that day.

大学生英语2分钟演讲稿 【第十篇】

We've all been taught that we should help is the right thing to do and will make us popular with may even win us favors in ,we must be can't say yes to every we did,we would fail or go crazy for we simply don't have the time to this case,we must know how to say no politely.

When we need to say no,here is one method we can ,we should tell the we really can't do something,we should just say ,we should remember to refuse requests must communicate clearly,but must also be sincere and true friend will ,we must not feel guilty about saying refusing others is the right thing to can save ourselves,and them,a lot of short,we cannot please everyone all the favors is a part of life.

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