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When facing pressure, my first thought is fear, fear of competition, fear of failing exams, fear of losing face... And this time, I finally overcame the pressure.

That day when I came home from school, I was doing my homework when my mother suddenly ran into my room and said to me, "Xuanxuan, I enrolled you in a piano competition. Hurry up and play!" I was very puzzled and said, "Mom, when did I say I wanted to participate in the competition? Why didnt I tell me earlier?" Mom said disapprovingly, "Oh, Im so busy that I forgot! Alright, Alright, hurry up and do my homework, and then practice the piano."

After finishing my homework, I walked into the piano room, opened the cover, and took out the piece my mother had printed to practice. I dont know why, I always cant play well. Perhaps its the sudden pressure that makes me nervous and uneasy, right? "Xuanxuan, cant you play? Why are you still daydreaming? Dont you know that the competition is coming soon? Hurry up!" Mom was both anxious and angry. Hey, no one understands me now. I have to learn and practice the piano! Thinking and thinking, tears of frustration flow like a burst river. I knew I couldnt play the piano at this moment, so I walked out of the room and downstairs, feeling dejected and like a child who had made a mistake. The pressure of studying and competition is like a storm once again, I really cant catch my breath!

At this moment, as I looked up, I saw my mother. She became much gentler and said earnestly, "Child, how can you not have a little pressure? Dont be afraid, face it bravely, and you will always succeed!" I nodded, then turned around and went home to continue practicing.

Finally, on the day of the competition, there was a sea of people at the scene, and children came on stage one by one, playing beautiful pieces of music. When the host read my name, my hands unconsciously grabbed the corners of my clothes, and my legs trembled slightly. At this moment, my mother cast an encouraging gaze at me, and her words echoed in my ears. I took a deep breath, walked onto the stage, and then sat down to play. As I played, I didnt seem as nervous anymore. Beautiful notes flew out of my fingertips, and I seemed to blend in with the piano. Hard work pays off to those who have a heart, and in the end, I won the second prize!

This competition has been unforgettable and beneficial to me for a lifetime!








Inevitably, we must all face a certain amount of stress in our lives. While modern life offers us many conveniences, it also requires us to deal with pressure and frustration in daily life. It is important for all of us to find a way to relieve this stress in order to live happy and healthy lives. Some people prefer to engage in physical exercise by running or playing a sport, and some feel more relaxed after watching TV or even sleeping. As for me, I find that the best way to reduce stress is to spend time with family and friends.

One reason I prefer to spend time with others is that their company is a pleasant distraction. When under stress, if I spend time alone, I may continue to dwell on my problems. Sharing good times with family or friends, on the other hand, helps me to forget my worries. Another reason is that I have an opportunity to discuss my problems. Their advice is often helpful because they can see my situation more objectively than I can. Furthermore, simply talking about my problems often makes me feel better. Finally, spending time with others reminds me of what is important in life and helps me to keep things in perspective.

For all of these reasons, I believe that the best way to reduce stress is to spend time with others. Because it helps me to relax and keep life in perspective, it is the method I prefer when faced with lifes difficulties, But no matter what method we choose, it is important to find an appropriate way to relieve pressure. Only in this way can we lead well-balanced lives.




由于所有这些原� 因为它可以帮助我放松,保持生活的角度来看,这是我喜欢的方法在面对生活的困难,但无论我们选择什么样的方法,重要的是要找到一个合适的方法来缓解压力。只有用这种方法我们才能生活平衡。


I am now a junior high school student. Compared to elementary school, the competition in my academic life in junior high school is more intense, and the pressure is becoming heavier.

On the African savannah, every morning, the first thing a sheep opens its eyes and thinks about is: I must run faster than the fastest lion, otherwise I will be eaten by the lion. At the same moment, the lion woke up from its dream and the first thought that flashed into its mind was: I must run faster than the slowest sheep, otherwise I would starve to death. So, almost at the same moment, the sheep and lion jumped up and ran towards the sunrise. As day by day passed, the pressure of survival made the sheep a strong runner, while the lion became a hunter on the grassland.

In life, although we dont have the same survival pressure as sheep and lions, the pressure of studying and working still exists. It is these pressures that keep us successful and constantly improving.

The 21st century we live in is a period of knowledge explosion. In recent years, the competition for the college entrance examination has been very fierce, and the candidates preparing to take the exam have all carried heavy burdens. Learning has brought them a lot of pressure.

We have an older sister in our yard who is also preparing for the college entrance examination. Due to the pressure of studying, her face has lost a lot of smiles, but has become a bit heavy. She hurries back and forth every day, with no time to care about the scenery along the way, no time to respond to the people on the roadside, and no time to pick up the wonderful stories left by the hasty fallen leaves. She hurriedly rushed to the campus, full of hope, carrying on the future, carrying pressure. She is for her future, her future, carrying pressure.

In fact, not only do we students have pressure, but our parents also have pressure. Parental pressure comes from a sense of responsibility. They work tirelessly in their job positions, getting up and down every day because of the pressure to survive and work harder to achieve their careers.

In fact, it is the pressure that learning, work, and life bring to each of us that enables us to work harder and move forward!









The pressure on middle school students will naturally pile up in their hearts. Failing the exam, with piles of test papers waiting to be written and knowledge points not yet mastered, a sense of urgency is inevitable. As the middle school entrance exam approaches, one cannot relax, but excessive pressure is not suitable for the 24 days before the exam.

The first way to relieve stress is through hard work. Strive to discover the test points on the exam paper and textbook, learn them, confidently brush through the textbook and face each other, then time check, the improved scores will surprise us, and the pressure will be reduced accordingly. Effort is a magical thing, and the results it brings are even more magical. After being confident, the pressure eventually decreases. I can do it, why is the burden still so heavy on me? Lighter up, then continue. You will definitely achieve satisfactory results in the middle school entrance examination. A good mindset actually determines a small portion of the score.

The future is always predictable. Keep a little expectation in mind to ensure that this expectation is fulfilled, otherwise you will be disappointed. For example, if there is a 60 day summer vacation waiting for you after the high school entrance exam, will you have expectations and move forward because of it? Summer vacation means beauty. It even means "eating, drinking, and having fun", which means the opportunity for a comeback has arrived again. Because of this, move forward. The middle school entrance examination affects the mood of summer vacation. To have a satisfying summer vacation, one must work hard. This expectation will take away some of the pressure, followed by the middle school entrance examination, without stopping.

The middle school entrance examination is not so scary, hard work will earn high scores, and we must learn to alleviate the pressure that has been present in our hearts for a long time. Face the high school entrance examination with a beautiful heart.

Although the burden is heavy, we can lighten it in another form, and there will be gains.

Dont worry about the middle school entrance exam, its just an exam, renamed as "middle school entrance exam". Repeating again, working hard with expectations, will be of great help to the middle school entrance examination.

Relax the pressure and face the upcoming high school entrance examination, you will definitely be able to do it. Live up to expectations and walk towards the exam room.








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