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Learning aims:

1. Help students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together

2. Write a proposal for saving a building.

Important points & difficult points:

1. Read the article and learn something about the Imperial tombs of China.

of some ways to protect the ancient buildings.

Learning procedures:


I. Remember the following important phrases.

equal to 与…相等 located in 坐落于

home to 是…的家园 4. historic sites 历史遗址

terms of 就…而言 高质量

good condition 处于良好的状态 recent decades近几十年来

well preserved 保存完好 destruction故意的破坏

money in doing投入资金… 12. meet the deadline for如期完成…

up 从事…;占用;拿起

the protection of 在…的保护之下

15. centuries of exposure 几个世纪风吹日晒

given serious attention 受到很大的关注

needed attention to... 引起必要的的关注。

18. over a length of 247 years 历时247年

19. mark the entrance to 标志着…的入口

II. Fast reading

is the main idea of the passage?

Introduction to the imperial tombs.

tomb’s style greatly influenced the other emperors’ ones?

The first Ming emperor’s tomb.

does the fund used for preserving and restoring the historic sites come from?

It comes from the government, international help and tourism

III. Enjoy the following sentences, fill in each blank with a proper word, and then translate them into Chinese orally.

most popular sites of the Imperial Tombs of China are the Ming Tombs, most of which can be found 50 kilometers north-west of Beijing (北京市西北50公里)in a place called Shisanling.

2.Adding to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling(添加了长陵的宏伟和壮丽) is the Ling’en Palace, which is located in(坐落于)the second courtyard.

3. Unlike (不像)other Ming and Qing Tombs, Xiling has three broad stone gates in front of the Great Red Gate that marks the entrance to(标志着…的入口)the tombs, instead of only one.

4.Xiling was built after Dongling was inspected and some geological problems were found there that were believed to be causing() the Manchu rulers’ troubles.

5. Although a number of tombs have survived relatively undamaged(尽管不少陵寝遭受的破坏相对较小), all have suffered at least some damage from centuries of exposure, war, fire and deliberate destruction(蓄意破坏).

6. Not surprisingly(不足为奇), international recognition is part and parcel(主要部分)of preserving and restoring such historic sites as it sends the message to everyone that these sites are extremely important and precious.

IV. Fill in the blanks according to the text

title The imperial tombs

The Ming Imperial tombs The Ming tombs, most of which can be found in shisanling, are the most popular sites of the Imperial tombs.

The sacred way leads to the thirteen tombs and in good condition, at the end of which is changling which is considered as the best preserved of the thirteen tombs.

Ling’en palace adds to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling.

The Qing Imperial tombs The Qing Tombs are similar to the Ming Tombs in terms of architecture and their choice of site.

Dongling, located_in Hebei Province, contains the first imperial tombs of the Manchu rulers, which was built as long as 247 years ,covering/ occupying 78 square kilometers .

West of Beijing sits Xiling ,which has three broad stone gates in front of the Great Red Gate marking the entrance to the tombs.

Preservation and recognition of the tombs The Nanjing Municipal government, which is responsible for the regulation of Xiaoling, has already invested a lot of money in restoring it.

International recognition is part and parcel of preserving and restoring such historic sites.

V. Self-study of important and difficult language points.

1.[原句回放] The tombs, which were built over a length of 247 years, take up 78 square kilometers. 句中 take up的意思是占地, 其还有“拿起;从事…(活动/工作);占用(时间/空间; 继续讲等意思。下列词组中take up的意思分别是

take up arms 拿起武器

take up mountain climbing 喜欢上登山运动

take up engineering 干起了工程设计这一行

take up too much time/space 占用(时间/空间)

take up the story where Sue had left off… 继续,接着说 1)Kathy ________ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls

A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up

2.[原句回放]The Sacred Way, which is sometimes called the Avenue of Animals, leads

to thethirteen tombs and is in good condition. 句中in good condition的意思是保存良好,condition 还有意思 状态,情形,健康状态 . conditions pl (周围的)状况,情况,形势。常用短语:in/out of condition 健康(不)佳, 情况欠佳 on (the) condition that 在…条件下 be in good/bad condition处于好/坏的状态on condition that 只要on this condition以此为条件make it a condition that以……为条件on no condition决不weather conditions 天气状况 working conditions 工作情况 小试牛刀!


The hospital say her condition (= state of health) is improving slowly.

I'll come to the party ________ you don't wear those ridiculous trousers!

A. on the condition that B. on no condition only that case

3.[原句回放]Changling is considered by many as the best preserved of the thirteen tombs.

句中Consider的意思是将…视为, 认为,以为 ,后面常接consider+ sth+ (to be) + n / adj ;consider还有意思 考虑做…,后面常接consider+n/that-clause/doing

[拓展]consideration n [C or U] 考虑,深思; take… into consideration 把 …… 考虑在内

considering prep, conj, adv 就…而论 小试牛刀!


He is currently considered (to be) the best British athlete.

2)________ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.

A. To consider B. Considered C. Considering D. To be considered

3)It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular,and ______ better ones of your own.

B. to introduce C. introducing D. introduced


I. 完成句子

1.就省时和高效而言,这项发明值得推广。(in terms of)

In terms of time saving and high efficiency, the new invention is worthy of being promoted.


Archeologists are buried in doing research on the bronze vases buried underground for several centuries.


Zhangjiajie is among the most impressive nature reserves to be found anywhere.

4.不管城里的还是农村的孩子, 都该受到政府的保护,享有义务教育的权利。(whether…or ;under the protection of)

Children, whether urban or rural, are under the protection of the government to have a compulsory education.

Ⅱ. 单项填空

the public’s awareness of environmental protection is ______ of improving our eco-system.

A. part and parcel B. first of all C. safe and sound D. back and forth

had once been ______ with drug dealings, but evidence found later proved his innocence.

A. accused B. sentenced C. charged

Ming Tombs are located ______ of Beijing in a place called Shisanling.

A. northwest B. in northwest C. on the northwest D. the northwest

on such a hot afternoon, the swimming pool was very busy.

A. Not surprisingly B. Not surprised C. No surprise D. Not surprisingly

have to work very quickly in order to ________.

-I know. I like that. It’s very challenging.

A. mend their ways B. meet their deadlines

C. avoid being fired D. make both ends meet

6. --- Where is your mother working? ---- In a hospital _____ the center of our town.

A. is located in B. located in C. set in D. is set in

7. Shanghai and Nanjing are among the most important cities in China _____ their size and population.

A. in favor of B. in case of C. in honor of D. in terms of

8. Since I decided to take the health expert’s advice, I have ______ jogging in the morning every day.

A. catered to B. taken to C. applied to D. submitted to

9. _ herself with routine office tasks, she had no time to attend to her children.

A. Occupying B. Occupied C. Being occupied D. To be occupied



Writing the Counter Proposal Letter

While there is not a specific formula to writing a successful counter proposal letter, there is a basic structure you can follow for maximum likelihood of success.

First Paragraph: Statement of Interest and Enthusiasm for Job/Company; Key Selling Factors

This paragraph is critical in setting up the tone and direction of the negotiations. Be direct and sincere in expressing your interest for the company, thanking the employer for the job offer. Be sure to follow-up with your key selling points -- how you will make a direct and immediate (or longer-term) impact on the organization.

Second Paragraph: Negotiating Item #1 -- Offer and Counter Proposal

Restate the particular point from the original offer that you wish to negotiate, followed by your counter proposal -- ideally supported through research, a desire to be fairly compensated, or reinforced by the value you will bring to the company.

Third Paragraph: Negotiating Item #2 -- Offer and Counter Proposal

Restate the particular point from the original offer that you wish to negotiate, followed by your counter proposal -- ideally supported through research, a desire to be fairly compensated, or reinforced by the value you will bring to the company.

Fourth Paragraph: Negotiating Item #3 -- Offer and Counter Proposal

Restate the particular point from the original offer that you wish to negotiate, followed by your counter proposal -- ideally supported through research, a desire to be fairly compensated, or reinforced by the value you will bring to the company.


The market has been stagnant for many years, we are now in the design stage, the current product line is in the design stage, the current price and profit is that the current customers are using us, because we have service centers, retailers, manufacturer representatives. However, most of our management is in place and we need a production manager to complete it. The cash available for our team is.




BEC bec (Cambridge Business English certificate) Prevention is better than cure. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Bitter pills may have health effects.

Good medicine tastes bitter. No friend is as loyal as a good book. It should be a few and carefully selected books.

Today, as in the past, a good book will never change. A good book is a best friend. He never betrays us in books and is embalmed by some of the greatest ideas of all times Books can be tasted, some can be swallowed, some need to be chewed and digested bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiweiwei Bebek .


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