Recently, I read "Robinson Crusoe" this book, it tells a story of the legendary hero Robinson: Despite the opposition of her parents at home, to give up the cause of development, just like sailing, the floating world, but on the first day he set foot on the deck, he began his dangerous and more the fate of the trip...... He worked as a farmer, a slave, and eventually lost his companion to a desert island. But Robinson did not come dazed for death, but with his wisdom and amazing perseverance to survive, even on the island, the goats barley, making pottery, became king of the island. Later, after helping a British captain, thirty-five years after he left home, he came back to his hometown.
How brave Robinson is. He is beginning to the island of despair, he said: "I grieved me this desolate environment, no food, no houses, no clothes, no weapons, no way, no hope for rescued, only death, the beast is not swallow, is by savage...... "But, slowly, he embodies the unique character, full of hope for life, not all day immersed in their own pessimistic design, undivided attention began to arrange their own life, he built a small house; do the table, a small box; after a lamb, a dog; wheat, rice...... In this way, he created his own little kingdom with his own hands.
Robinsons strength not only lets me admire, his optimism spirit also lets me admire very much. When we first arrived at a desert island, Robinson had no assistants, no tools, no experience, so it took a lot of time and effort to do anything. It takes forty-two days to make a block of wood. He did many things in vain, failed, but he never discouraged, disappointed, always summed up the failure of the experience and start again. The hard work gave him a pleasing return, and at last he became a ship, with bread, crockery, houses, none of which had not taken much effort to overcome many difficulties. See here, I can not help but reflect on the past, if I do not succeed, will be discouraged, and then do not. This is wrong, should be like Robinson, summed up the failure of the experience, and start again.
On the road of life, through the naive years, out of the school gate, into the farther road of life, like Robinson drifting, like, led a different life. Drifting is actually life. If the assumption is not left, not through the years of research optimism, how will the real success of Heliocentricity confirmed. If there is no idea of entrepreneurship, there is no use to withstand setbacks in the entrepreneurial heart of entrepreneurship, how can there be so many successful entrepreneurs?. If there were no anti feudal, anti aggression ideas, there were not so many people on the road of thorns, how can we have a splendid China now?....... In science, in economy, in history, did not stop the pace of your head against the idea, with your hand action, with your mind optimistic, to face all......
他因为想出去闯荡江湖,而偷偷离开了父母。他曾多次出海, 并经营了一个庞大的种植园,挣了许多的财产。可是在后来一次出海时,船却不幸遭遇了风暴和海啸。在这次灾难中,大家放下小船, 准备登岸。可是在登岸过程中,又遇到了风暴。只有鲁滨逊幸存了下来。
第二天, 船从离岸较远的礁石上,漂到了离岸较近的礁石上。鲁就去船上把东西都拿下来。拿完之后,船就被风暴打碎了。后来鲁在山洞里安了家,住了下来。 他开垦了几块地, 又开辟了草场,养了几只羊。他用自己的双手创造出了家园,过上了自给自足的生活。 他克服了许多常人无法想象的困难,以惊人的毅力顽强的生活了下来。 他经历了很多了失败,一次次尝试,终于掌握了许多正确的方法,为自己创造了许多用品。有了这些生活用品,他的生活更加充足。
鲁滨逊同时是一位非常善良的人。他养的第一只羊,他没有忍心杀,而是一直养到老。 他救下了星期五,星期五成为他忠诚的仆人和朋友。后面又救下了西班牙人。最终,他的善良得到了很好的回报。
鲁滨逊又花了数年时间,做了一只独木舟,可后来发现,船离河岸太远,只能放在那里做摆设。后来又做了一只独木舟,出海航行。 遇到寒流,险些冲出海去。好在最终又被冲回了岸边。他把独木舟停在一条河流的入口处,徒步走回了家。
从这本书里,我知道了只要坚持不懈,乐观向上, 就一定能取得成功。在任何时候都不能放弃, 相信吧,成功总会来临 !