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The ocean covers vast areas of the Earth, teeming with diverse life forms. It regulates climate, supports economies, and offers recreational opportunities. How can humanity better protect this vital resource?以下是阿拉网友分享的“海洋的英文作文【热选8篇】”,供您学习参考,喜欢就分享给大家吧!

海洋的英文作文 篇1:

This essay concentrates on five major causes of marine pollution, which are the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater, waste oil, plastics, heavy metals and aquaculture. The proposed solution to this problem will be prevention and pollution treatment, and eventually, the former one proves to be more effective. Firstly, this essay will present and explain the major causes and effects of marine pollution. Then, different solutions will be suggested in the second part. The final part will evaluate the effectiveness of these solutions and show that prevention may be more successful.

The first main cause of the marine pollution is the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater. Since both the cities and industrial estates are crowded with lots of people, there is more sewage flowing into rivers and then into oceans. Therefore, the quality of seawater gets worse and oxygen content decreases rapidly. Without oxygen, fish living under the sea can not survive. Because of the nutrients in the sewage, seaweed may grow well firstly and eventually die when running out of food. So the wastewater will finally destroy ecological balance for the reason of the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater.

Then waste oil is another significant cause of marine pollution. After leaking from ships, or spilling in accidents, or flowing out of factories, waste oil enters oceans. The total amount of waste oil is surprisingly great. Then the waste oil floats on the water and drifts with winds for it is lighter than water. Several elements in the waste oil are harmful to the living of creatures, especially to the living of seabirds. The oil sticks to the wings of seabirds so they can not fly and die on the sea one after another. It is also poisonous for fish and sea plants. So it is obvious that waste oil may let many creatures to run into danger of dying out.

The third major cause of marine pollution is plastics. Plastics are the main solid pollutants and people treat the oceans like a giant dustbin to pour plastics in. Kusui and Noda’s research showed that in the seashore of Japan, if there are 100 waste items thrown by people, 73 items are plastics, and the plastic litter equals % of the total litter of wastes. In the neighbouring Russia, the statistics are 55 items and % respectively (Islam, 20xx).[1] The plastics can block the propeller of ships, and may cause enormous accident. Plastics floating in the oceans can also cause lack of oxygen and have the similar effects, preventing respiration of creatures, as the sewage does. When the plastics break down in the oceans, they can be toxic to marine plants and animals. Therefore, plastics are not only harmful to ships sailing in the oceans and mankind, but also to other creatures living in the seas.

Heavy metals are the fourth main cause of the environment problem. There are various sorts of heavy metals contained in water from factories. They go into the oceans through rivers or water run-off. Then they are eaten by fish and begin to accumulate in their bodies. When these fish are caught by us human beings, heavy metals enter our bodies and make us ill. Heavy metals can cause serious diseases.

Aquaculture is the final major cause to marine pollution. People usually cultivate fish and other marine life for food. But the foods which they use to feed marine life consequently harm the marine environment where there are people live around. It is because these foods are organic matter and will become rotten in the oceans gradually. The quality of seawater is reduced by this kind of substance and the marine life living in this ocean area and adjacent ocean area will die. Thus, aquaculture will cause harm to the quality of seawater of large areas of oceans.

There are two main solutions to the marine pollution problem. Prevention comes out first. It is suggested that governments should perfect new intendance system of protecting the quality of water that we should make water completely clean before it is discharged to the oceans. It is also necessary to establish laws to keep the conduct of people and enterprises, and develop cooperation among different countries. The second main solution is pollution treatment, which contains setting up treatment plants and planting trees. In Kocasoy, Mutlu, and Alag?z’s study (20xx), [2] these solutions can reduce the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater as well as improve the quality of seawater. Since trees are able to make soil secure and hold back water from running off, they can be planted in the crowded cities and factories which cause marine pollution. Treatment plants are used to cleanse the seawater.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the two solutions, prevention of marine pollution will be more effective to solve the problem. In one hand, prevention is the most essential theme of environmental management. The monitoring of water quality can be put into practice in advance to prevent damage to ocean environment. To improve attitudes of people and enterprises towards pollution will obviously be helpful and it is feasible to bringing these limits to maintain the marine environment in good condition. In the other hand, always firstly polluting the marine environment and then taking counter-measures as treatment is irresponsible behaviour. Although these measures can reduce pollution to some extent, the disastrous

consequences may have already existed, and marine pollution will continually come into being and never end. Consequently, prevention is much better in solving the pollution problem.

This essay considers the main causes and effects of marine pollution. The five causes are the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater, waste oil, plastics, heavy metals and aquaculture. They can destroy the ecological balance, endanger many creatures of dying out, harm ships, human beings and other creatures, cause serious diseases to mankind, and cause harm to the quality of seawater of large areas of oceans. The solutions are prevention and pollution treatment. The prevention of marine pollution is proved to be more effective than pollution treatment because it can basically solve this problem and maintain the marine environment in a good condition. In my opinion, it is a challenge for governments to take proper measures to prevent people continuing polluting behaviour. However, there is still a long way to go in the future.

海洋的英文作文 篇2:

The ocean is a vast and mysterious world that holds countless wonders. It covers more than two-thirds of our planet, and its depths are still largely unexplored.

The beauty of the ocean is breathtaking. The clear blue waters sparkle under the sun, and the waves crash against the shore with a rhythmic sound. There are colorful coral reefs teeming with life. Tropical fish of all shapes and sizes swim among the corals, creating a vivid underwater panorama.

The ocean is also home to majestic creatures like whales, dolphins, and sharks. Whales are the giants of the sea, gracefully swimming through the vast expanse. Dolphins are known for their intelligence and playfulness, often leaping out of the water to delight onlookers. Sharks, although feared by many, play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ocean ecosystem.

The ocean is not only a source of beauty but also of life. It provides food for millions of people around the world. The tides and currents help regulate the Earths climate. However, the ocean is also facing many challenges. Pollution, overfishing, and climate change are threatening its delicate balance.

We must take action to protect the ocean. By reducing waste, supporting sustainable fishing practices, and raising awareness about the importance of the ocean, we can ensure that this amazing world continues to thrive for generations to come.

海洋的英文作文 篇3:

Since childhood, the teacher has taught us that the sea has nurtured our life, and every earth man should contribute his strength to the protection of the marine environment.

As we all know, the ocean is very important to all of us. It occupies 71% of the earths surface area, far from the space, the earth is like a crystal clear blue crystal ball, this is the earth is also known as "water polo" reasons. The destruction of the oceans would therefore affect the entire planet.

During the holidays I most love to the seaside, the light foot on the beach. Soon the water will diffuse to cover a string of footprints, running tired to see the sea, standing on the high rocks overlooking the distant horizon, the sea blue naughty beat the shore, brave bird the shuttle in the surf, hope this moment forever in my mind!

But the latest marine pollution news more and more, when I see the news, I was worried about the sea, for human selfishness shame, anger is human blind pursuit of economic growth caused by the consequences of marine pollution. I am increasingly worried that small life in the sea will be hurt, worried that seabirds lost their homes to live, and that one day people will be punished by nature.

The selfless help us, but we in turn destroy it, this is not the teacher taught us the story of ingratitude? Therefore, we must not forget the contribution of the sea, we should take good care of it, and treat it as a mother, care and care. When we hurt it, we should feel guilty and should make more compensation.

Primary small power is not small, we can start from little things, such as the usual pocket money saved up to protect marine funds, while on holiday to the seaside to pick up trash, can promote the protection of the ocean to the side of the mans knowledge...... Let us take action and dedicate ourselves to the protection of the seas!

海洋的英文作文 篇4:

I am a member of the marine environmental protection team. It is my duty to protect the marine environment and regularly check the marine ecology.

One morning, I and two members of the group as usual sit on patrol boats to the Sea Patrol, when our ship sailed to the coast of New South Wales, Australia Yamuba, seawater test system suddenly issued a "beep beep." The sound of the alarm, I hurried out of the computer monitor image viewing, a look at the screen and I was shocked, usually blue sea disappeared, a layer of white foam accumulation in the sea, with the waves rising and falling, like a great bath bubble bath. The turbidity of foam water toward the beach, rushed against the shore of the vacationers, people fled in panic. What happened? Whats the white one? Why is that? Will there be any danger? A series of questions appeared in my mind. Ill report the danger to the superior and tell us the situation immediately. In order to find out the reason we decided to personally take some foam samples, entered into "cappuccino" of the sea, and my team members are niezhao Khan, I do not know the unknown material much harm to the human body. We wear the blue suit, wearing a long plastic gloves and protective environment, holding two experimental glass bottles, dive under the sea, I found the sea under the sea is deep blue, the water turbidity than usual, only white foam floating on the sea surface, there is nothing to stimulate the taste. We soon picked up the sample and sent a signal to the headquarters waiting for the experts to arrive.

After a careful examination of experts, found that the unknown white foam, is due to a large number of fresh water from the river flows into the ocean, and the ocean pollution (waste plastic products, such as rotten fish and seaweed and so on) the interaction of the formation, in addition, the region is experiencing strong airflow. The formation of huge waves in the sea, the water makes the bubble rapidly upward rotation, and gathered on the shore, the bigger wave bubble more, not particularly harmful to human.

That expert conclusion, our heart is considered hanging down, but my heart is still a widespread concern, now marine ecological situation is not optimistic, the reason is very simple, is that people who do not own endless destruction, there are almost daily reports, the factory and the pollution of the river, the red tide every year rujierzhi. The ocean became cloudy, and even the sea was full of poison. This is one of the most serious and urgent problems in marine environmental protection work today. I hope everyone will consciously defend the ocean and defend our blue land!

海洋的英文作文 篇5:

The sea has always fascinated humans with its magic and mystery. As one stands by the shore and looks out at the endless expanse of water, a sense of wonder fills the heart.

The power of the ocean is undeniable. Huge waves can crash with tremendous force, while gentle tides ebb and flow, creating a soothing rhythm. Storms at sea can be terrifying, yet they also display the raw energy of nature.

Underwater, a whole new world unfolds. Coral reefs are like underwater gardens, filled with an astonishing variety of marine life. Sea anemones sway with the current, while seahorses cling to the coral. Schools of fish dart in and out, creating a beautiful dance.

The ocean is also a place of exploration. Scientists are constantly discovering new species and uncovering the secrets of its depths. It holds clues to our past and perhaps answers to our future.

But we must remember that the ocean is fragile. Our actions on land can have a huge impact on the health of the sea. We need to be responsible stewards of this precious resource. Let us cherish the magic of the sea and work together to protect it.

海洋的英文作文 篇6:

The ocean has a magical allure that draws people from all over the world. Its vast expanse of blue water seems to hold endless possibilities.

Looking out at the ocean, one cant help but be amazed by its size and grandeur. The horizon stretches as far as the eye can see, making us feel small in comparison. The different shades of blue, from light turquoise to deep navy, are a feast for the eyes.

Under the surface, a whole new world unfolds. There are mysterious caves and trenches waiting to be explored. Marine biologists are constantly discovering new species in the ocean depths. The ocean is a place of adventure and discovery.

Moreover, the sound of the waves is therapeutic. It can wash away our stress and worries. Spending time by the ocean allows us to relax and connect with nature. We should cherish this precious gift of nature and work towards keeping the ocean clean and healthy.

海洋的英文作文 篇7:

The ocean is one of the most magnificent wonders of our planet. Covering a large portion of the Earths surface, it holds countless mysteries and beauty.

The ocean is a diverse ecosystem. It is home to an enormous variety of marine life, from tiny plankton to gigantic whales. Colorful fish swim among coral reefs, which are like underwater gardens. The ocean also provides a habitat for unique creatures like sea turtles, octopuses, and dolphins.

The power of the ocean is awe-inspiring. Huge waves crash against the shore, creating a majestic sight. Storms at sea can be extremely fierce, showing the oceans might. At the same time, the ocean is a source of calm and tranquility. The gentle lapping of waves can soothe our souls and make us feel at peace.

The ocean is also crucial for our planet. It regulates the climate by absorbing heat and carbon dioxide. It is a major source of food and resources for millions of people around the world. We must take care of the ocean and protect it from pollution and overfishing so that future generations can also enjoy its beauty and benefits.

海洋的英文作文 篇8:

The ocean is truly a treasure trove of wonders. Its vastness and depth hold countless mysteries waiting to be discovered.

The colors of the ocean are mesmerizing. From the deep blues of the open sea to the turquoise hues of shallow lagoons, it is a palette of beauty. The sunsets over the ocean are especially spectacular, painting the sky and water with warm tones.

Marine life in the ocean is incredibly diverse. There are tiny plankton that form the base of the food chain, to giant squids that lurk in the depths. Sea turtles gracefully swim through the waters, and colorful jellyfish float like ethereal creatures.

The ocean also provides us with valuable resources. It is a source of food, energy, and minerals. However, we must use these resources wisely and sustainably to ensure that the ocean remains healthy.

Protecting the ocean is our responsibility. We can reduce plastic waste, support marine conservation efforts, and educate others about the importance of the ocean. Only by working together can we preserve this magnificent treasure trove for future generations.

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