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One sunny morning, the little squirrel happily went to his grandmother's house to play. As he passed the mole's house, he was attracted by the little flowers in the field. The little flower swayed in the breeze, very lovely.

Just then the Mole came along. "What grows in these fields, Mole?" said the Squirrel in a curious tone. 'Peanuts,' said the Mole triumphantly. 'Are the peanuts nice, Mole? How do you grow them so well?" 'Peanuts are delicious,' said the Mole. The peanuts are thin and meaty. Only by watering, fertilizing, pulling weeds and catching insects every day can they grow so well." The squirrel left without saying anything.

When autumn came, the Mole came to the squirrel's house and said happily, "Brother Squirrel, I have a good harvest of peanuts this year. I have brought some for you to taste." As soon as the Mole left, the squirrel picked up the peanuts and began to eat them with great teeth. "Ah! It's so delicious, so crispy." The squirrel said to himself.

The next spring, squirrels also began to plant peanuts, time went by, peanuts grew up, squirrels every day to the field watering, fertilizing, pulling weeds, catching insects. Look at the green leaves in the sun, like jade, golden flowers released light fragrance. The squirrel was so happy.

In a blink of an eye, it was autumn again. The squirrel with the basket happily came to pick flowers. She was shocked by the sight. There was no peanut on the branch, the flowers fell out, the leaves also fell out, the squirrel said sadly: "I am so hard to kind of peanuts? Was it stolen?" The little squirrel thought: "Perhaps, there are a few grains fell in the soil. So the squirrel broke up the earth to look for it. Accidentally, she found a string of plump peanuts. The little squirrel said: "The original flowers grow in the soil!" The little squirrel took the peanuts back home and happily spent a winter.


Xiao Dong's grandparents like to plant flowers and trees in the yard. Accordingly, can be lively on the balcony, have rose, chrysanthemum, narcissus, azalea, be like spring all the year round. It's a personal wonderland.

In the yard, there is a small artificial pool, which is planted with a lotus, in the small pool, planted a wintersweet tree. It stood erect in the open space to the right of the pool and grew silently. Every time the neighbors visit the small garden, they pass in front of the wintersweet. However, no one has seen a wintersweet, are attracted by other flowers and plants line of sight. Lamei was very sad. Think of yourself as worthless, utterly useless.

One summer, the lotus blossomed, sending out a light fragrance, attracting the neighbors again and again of praise. Every day there are a lot of onlookers came to watch, a lovely girl pointed to the lotus said: "Grandma, grandma, how beautiful lotus ah!" An elderly grandfather also kept nodding his head to praise: "It is so beautiful, this is the most beautiful lotus I have seen in my life!" Lotus heard people's praise, proudly said to lamei: "Everyone says I grow beautiful, you this ugly lamei far away from me, lest in this disgrace."

This winter, a winter winter, winter plum blossom. It is so rare that many people come to see it. Grandpa and grandma, as well as neighbors have put on cotton-padded clothes, braving the cold wind to watch the tree, or standing quietly, not a bit of pride. Lotus saw, and was no longer proud.


One day, the Lion king said that there would be a competition between the United States, starting at 8:50

Pig also want to go to the beauty contest, happened to see a beauty shop on the way, it went in. There was a hen sitting there, all dressed up, and the pig asked her to help him with his beauty. As soon as the pig sat down, the hen asked the pig curiously, "Why do you want to be beautified?" "I'm going to the American contest," said the pig magically. Negative hear, have a bad heart.

Piggy finished grooming, swaggered home, a look at the time is only 8 o 'clock, went back to the room to spray a little perfume. When the time was almost up, the little pig went out. The small animals looked at the pig, scared to flee, disappeared in a blink of an eye. The pig felt very strange and walked on. After a few steps, I saw a little friend. Piglet walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and asked him what he was doing. The child looked back and was scared to shout: "Ghost!" I can't even stop peeing. The child's mother was very angry, staring at the pig, picked up the child and ran away. Piggy was scared and sad. What happened to everyone today? There were only two minutes left. The pig wiped his eyes and ran away to the palace.

The lion king saw the pig, scared to shout: "Ghost ah!" He hid, called the guards and threw the pig out of the palace. The little pig cried sadly. At this time, help pig beauty of the hen swaggered into the palace, the original oneself was picked on, the pig was very angry, waiting for it to come out at the door. A peacock came over, the pig saw, called the peacock to help it to beauty, peacock agreed, finished beauty, pig looked in the mirror, very beautiful. The peacock and the pig walked into the palace. The lion king saw the peacock and gave a thumbs-up.

Finally, the peacock was the first, the pig was the second, and the hen was the last one.


One day the little white rabbit went to pick mushrooms in a basket. The road is also more, feel very tired, rest under a tree for a while, soon fell asleep in a daze.

When it woke up, it was a little dark, it forgot the way home, the little white rabbit was very worried. It walked forward, suddenly met a ferocious eagle, it is the natural enemy of the small white rabbit ah! No matter how small white rabbit run and dodge, eventually did not escape the talons of the eagle, the small white rabbit was caught by the eagle.

At this time the eagle thought: my babies are very hungry, I take the small white rabbit back, let the children a good meal. The rabbit did not struggle, ready to maintain physical strength, and the eagle to do the last fight.

It was completely dark, by the moonlight the little white rabbit looked down in the sky, "ah! That's my home!" The little white rabbit was very excited. With all his strength, with his feet to pedal the old eagle, the eagle did not expect the calculation of the small white rabbit, stomach pain is very severe, a loose foot, the small white rabbit fell down, fell dizzy. Mother rabbit is worried about the small white rabbit has not come home, at home nearby waiting for the small white rabbit! At this time saw the small white rabbit lying on the ground, quickly put it into the house.

When the small white rabbit woke up, it saw his mother, wronged cry. And the situation told the mother, mother caressed the head of the small white rabbit said it was a clever boy. The little white rabbit was praised by his mother and had a sweet smile on his face.


Blue bay, there is a small crab, it has a pair of clips, always bullying others.

Small fish was it clamped straight shouted mother, small turtle was it clamped dare not put out his head, shrimp saw it ran far away.

The little crab saw everyone afraid of it, very proud, looked up to spit bubbles. Suddenly, it found a small iron bar and thought, "Who dares to mess with me? Watch me catch you!"

"Ha ha!" "I've caught a little crab."

Small crab was caught, it regretted to think: before I always bully other children, this time no one to save me, then I have to wait for death. In this crisis, all of a sudden, fish, shrimp, turtle they appeared, fish, shrimp caught a small crab hard to pull back, the turtle bravely rushed

Up, gnawed the rope of the hook, and the little crab was finally saved.

It hung its head in shame and said, "I'm sorry, my friends."

Small fish, shrimp, turtle are happy to say: "as long as you can mend, we are still good friends!"

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