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n. 警察部门,警方,警察,治安

vt. (警察、军队等)巡查,维护治安,(委员会等)监督,管制

adj. 警察的,有关警察的

变形:过去式: policed; 现在分词:policing; 过去分词:policed;




police须用their等复数代词指代,可受these, most, several, many, dozens of等表示不确切的量词修饰,也可受2以上基数词修饰,但不可用a或one修饰表示单个警察。



The police have caught the murderer.警察已经抓获杀人凶手。

His strange behavior made the police suspicious.他不寻常的举止引起了警察的怀疑。

It's the duty of the police to preserve the public order.维护公共秩序是警察的职责。


1、The mystery hero imme-diately alerted police after spotting a bomb.


2、He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived.


3、Police said permission for the march had not been granted.



police acknowledged that three police vehicles were damaged.警方承认有三辆警车被毁。

police have taken the suspect to the police station.警察把这个嫌疑犯送到了警察局。

police caught an international arms trafficker.警察抓到了一个国际武器贩子。

suspect continues to elude the police.嫌疑犯继续躲避着警察

the police leave, disorder will result.警察一走,就会大乱。

police established that she was innocent.警察查明她是无罪的。

police examined several items of clothing.警方检查了几件衣服。

absence of clues baffled the police.缺乏线索使警察当局受阻。

desperate bandit's firing at the police!那个亡命的匪徒正朝着警察开枪!

sometimes pose difficulties for the police.匪徒有时给警察带来许多麻烦。

'm a great believer in community policing.我十分相信社区治安活动的作用。

police force is 500 below strength.警察的人数尚需五百。

police braced him on the charge.警察当局就这项控告对他严加盘问。

police asked bystanders about the accident.警察向旁观者了解这次事故的情况。

police carted him off to jail.警察把他押到监狱。

16.-阿拉文库§ Police gave chase to the speeding car.警察追赶那辆超速行驶的轿车

reported the closure of the road.警方宣布那条道路禁止通行。

police elicited a confession from him.警察诱他招了供。

was quickly connected to the police.我很快用电话联系上了警察。

dodge was coopered by the police.诡计被警察粉碎了。


police station 派出所;警察局;公安局

police officer n. 警官;警员

police force 警察;警察机关

traffic police 交通警察

police department (美)警察局

police car 警察巡逻车

police office 警察局

riot police 防暴警察

police chief n. 警察局长

local police station 当地警察派出所

go to the police 报案

state police (美)州警察

police power 警察权,治安权;警察部队

police dog 警犬

secret police 秘密警察

security police 秘密警察

metropolitan police 都市警察

military police 宪兵;宪兵队

police state n. 警察国家;极权国家

chief of police 警察局长

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