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1)超越。表示超越的比较结构主要有:better than(胜过,优于),more than+从句(多余,超过),“than +关系代词”的从句(再„„不过),superior to(占优势,比„„胜一筹)。例如: Doing is better than saying. 百说不如一做。 She has talked more than what is necessary. 她说了一些多余的话。 He is a scholar than whom no man ever will be more honest. 他是个再诚实不过的学者了。

2)相等。表示相等的比较结构主要有:as„ as„(如„„一样),as well as(既„„又,和„„一样),the same as„(像„„一样),such/ so„as„(像„„一样),no sooner than„(一„„就„„),no more than(就像,不优于),no less than(就像,不次于),否定代词+more than / else than / other than)(只不过„„而已)。例如: Pompey, as well as Caesar, was a great man. 像恺撒一样,庞培也是一位伟人。 Such a great poet as Homer was proficient not just in literature but also in history. 像荷马那样的诗人,不仅精通文学,还精通历史。

You’re no more capable of speaking French than I am. 你我都不会说法语。

3)差逊。表示差逊的比较结构主要有:inferior to(比„„差,逊于),less than(少于,不到)。例如: She is to some degree inferior to him in literary. 在文学上,她比他稍逊风骚。 It rains less in Jinan than in Hangzhou.



英语中表示递增或递减意义的结构主要有:the+最高级, the+最高级(最„„,最„„),from+原级+to+比较级(越„„越„„),more and more / ever more / growing / increasingly / on the increase(越来越„„, 与日俱增),more than(不仅„„,而且有余),more„, less„.(越„„反而更„„),none the more / not at all (毫无,毫不),no less than(不但„„,而且„„),the more„, the more„(越„„越„„)。例如: He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes. 犯错最少的将军就是最好的将军。 He becomes more and more irritated by her selfish behavior. 他对她的自私的行为越来越恼火。

The reservoir can more than make up for the shortage of rainfall. 水库里的水不仅可补雨水之缺,还绰绰有余。

After hearing her lecture on computers I’m none the wiser. 听了她关于计算机的讲座,我毫无收获。


英语中表示强化式比较的结构主要有:far / much / considerable / appreciably / lots / a lot / a good deal / a great deal +比较级(远比„„得多,远胜于„„),more than +原级(分外,格外),no +比较级(一点儿也没有),still (even) +比较级(更加„„,倍加„„),second to none (比„„毫不逊色)。例如: In a sense, translation is considerably more difficult than composition. 在某种意义上,翻译比写作要难得多。 The Chinese flowering crabapple looks still even more charming against the green leaves. 在绿叶的映衬下,海棠花显得更加娇艳。 The situations in Iraq become no better. 伊拉克的形势一点儿也没好转。 Chinese garden architecture is second to none in artistic style. 中国的园林建筑在艺术风格上不比任何别的国家差。


英语中表示否定式比较的结构主要有:比较级+名词+than +被比较的名词(与其说„„,不如说„„),比较级+ of +名词+than +被比较的名词(与其说„„,不如说„„),more likely than(与其说„„,不如说„„),rather a„ than a„(与其说„„,不如说„„),比较级+ than +原级(„„有余,„„不足),more than +不定式(虽然„„,还不至于„„),比较级+分词+than +分词(没有„„,倒是„„)。例如: It sounds more a lyric than a song. 它与其说是歌词,不如说是一首抒情诗。 He seems more cautious than decisive. 他显得谨慎有余,而果断不足。

I’m wiser than to believe him. 我还没傻到相信他的地步。 The child was more frightened than hurt. 孩子没有受伤,倒是受了些惊吓。


英语中表示选择式比较的结构主要有:had better / best (最好„„,还是„„的好),would rather„ than(与其„„,不如„„),better to„ rather than„(不如),prefer to„ rather than„(宁愿„„,不„„)。例如: You’d better look before you leap.

你最好三思而后行。 Would rather break than bend. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 Better to have a bird in hand than the ten in the air. 十鸟在走,不如一鸟在手。 Prefer to die rather than surrender.



1、on the contrary

On the contrary, I have only just begun.

2、on the other hand

On the other hand, libraries should not refuse the latest information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers.


Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance.

Yet there is no consensus on the development of private cars.


Unlike people and dogs, cats are true carnivores.

6、in contrast

In contrast, science/technology/ education and art/literature/poetry books only account for percent and percent separately.


Conversely, many people have an ordor for pop music.


However, without perseverance, one’s success may be more dependent on luck than anything else.

9、different from

Learning a language is different from learning math.

10、in spite of

In spite of all the above mentioned, I still favor owning a car.


Now although every minute is critical for this young life, his oiperation has been delayed for lack of money.


But when I went home and read it carefully, I found in surprise that a few pages were missing, what’s worse, there are too many misprints.


In conclusion, my idea is that just as there is no distinction between high culture and low culture, so it is inappropriate to say pop music belongs to the “lower” people whereas symphonies in a higher, loftier form of music.


Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while others believe that it is better to learn through personal experience.


Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, studying abroad also confronts one with a series of hardships.


Instead, they should be allowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax and refresh themselves for a new round of work.

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