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Yuan Longping, male, Han nationality, Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang Dean County, was born in September 7, 1930 in Beijing, now living in Hunan Changsha. August 1953 to participate in the work, university degree, no party, researcher. [1] Chinese hybrid rice breeding experts, known as Chinas "father of hybrid rice", Chinese Academy of engineering.

Foreign fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, April2006. won the honorary doctorate degreefromMacao University of science and technology in2010. Won the Mahathir prize for Science in2011.

Yuan Longping is a former member of the Standing Committee of the twelve CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee, vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Association for science and technology. Southwestern University College of Agronomy and biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University Professor, honorary president of China Agricultural University Professor, honorary president, honorary president of the Huaihua Vocational and Technical College, Hunan Biological and Electromechanical Polytechnic, FAO, the worlds chief adviser Hua Renjian Kang Food Association honorary chairman, Heilongjiang Yanshou County Economic Development Consultant 。

In January 3,2014, the Yuan Longping team to respond to genetically modified rice research, has not yet been used for practice. Norway members of the nomination China famous hybrid rice breeding expert, India geneticists and human rights activists in Pakistan for the2014Nobel peace prize.


Grandpa Yuan Longping, you are the only great person who satisfies the Chinese people. Let the Chinese people no longer suffer from hunger or die of hunger. You are great, and we should learn from you and your determination to persevere to the end.

Grandpa Yuan Longping, your childhood dream was to feed the Chinese people to the fullest, and your family is very prosperous. You could have attended a great school like that, but your career in hybrid rice led you to attend an agricultural school. After obtaining your graduation certificate, you discovered a very plump hybrid rice plant, which gave you the desire to invent hybrid rice. You have studied hybrid rice in the laboratory for over 20 years. Failure is the mother of success. As long as there is failure, there will always be success. At that time, many people mocked and mocked you, saying that you could not research it out. In the end, you didnt give up because of setbacks, but instead worked hard to develop hybrid rice to feed the Chinese people. The excitement and smile you felt when you developed hybrid rice were all over your face.

After the success of hybrid rice, the world is using hybrid rice to feed the Chinese people. Those foreign people borrowed from Chinas hybrid rice due to food issues. The United States is a very developed country, they have not yet invented hybrid rice, but we in China have actually invented it. When we learned that China first invented hybrid rice, we learned about a hybrid rice invented by an ordinary agricultural teacher in China. At that time, the United States could not believe that an ordinary agricultural teacher in China had invented hybrid rice, so we borrowed from China.

Grandpa Yuan Longping, you have two dreams in your life. One is the "dream of enjoying the cool under the grass." The second is the "dream of hybrid rice covering the world." You have always been working hard to make your dreams come true. As elementary school students, we should learn more from you.



当取得杂交水稻的成功之后,全球都在使用杂交水稻,让中国人民吃饱了饭。那些外国 美国是一个非常发达的国家,他们还没有发明出来杂交水稻,我们中国竟就发明了出来。当得知我们中国先发明出了杂交水稻之后,就打听到了我们中国有一位普通农业教师发明出来的杂交水稻,当时美国并不敢相信我们中国的一位普通农业教师竟发明出来了杂交水稻,就借鉴了我们中国。



"One Congee and one meal is not easy to think about. It is half wisp and half wisp, but it is hard to keep thinking about things." In the past, China could only produce more than 100 kilograms of rice per mu of land, but now, you have turned 100 kilograms into 1000 kilograms! Thank you, Grandpa Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice.

Childlike and lovely you

You are a very cute person. You love freedom, have a violin, and even like to call yourself a post-90s generation. You compare eating watermelons to excavators, eating sugar to crushers, and eating sugarcane to crushers. You also have a Yuan Huahua - a cute little cat just like you. I remember one time you were a bit tired after an interview, but when you heard that a few children wanted to take a photo with you, you immediately stood up and spoke kindly to them. When taking the photo, you even straightened your waist and pressed your hands tightly against your thighs, feeling particularly energetic.

Persistent You

At that time, hybrid rice was a difficult problem for the scientific community to overcome, and many people did not believe that you could make great achievements with your own weak strength. But you always stick to your dream and say, My lifelong wish is to make the world free from hunger. So, whether its the scorching summer or the cold winter, you stay in the fields and study hard. Even if you have eye surgery or a lung infection, you insist on going to the fields every day to observe without interruption.

You who saved the world

The emperor lives up to those who have a heart, and after countless days and nights, hybrid rice has succeeded in China! This means that China has been saved, the world has been saved, and those who are in danger and suffering from hunger have been saved from their pain! At that moment, your name instantly became a household name, and the three words Yuan Longping were deeply engraved in our hearts.

You have two dreams, one is the dream of enjoying the cool under the grass, and the other is the dream of hybrid rice covering the world. And now, "you have entered a dream where the rice ears are taller than sorghum and the grains are bigger than peanuts. The wind blows gently, and you sit under the rice ears to enjoy the cool

Although the colored photos of you in the textbook have turned into black and white, you are still shining brightly in my heart, innocent and lovely. The land is unparalleled, sir for eternity!











Grandpa Yuan Longping is the "father of rice" of our country. But recently, at 1 pm on May 22nd, 2021, Grandpa Yuan Longping passed away.

When Grandpa Yuan Longping was in his twenties, New China had just been established. At that time, the country was in debt to many foreign countries because it had signed many treaties during the Qing Dynasty. So we must develop, many people in rural areas have gone to big cities for development. This has led to a decrease in the number of people in the countryside, and there are no more people in the countryside. Where do the fields come from? And in those years, there were also natural disasters, and many grains did not harvest. This led to famine, and Grandpa Yuan Longping had seen this scene: many people were starving to death.

So Grandpa Yuan Longping had a dream at that time: every rice is as tall as sorghum. Every grain of rice is bigger than a peanut kernel. Is there enough people down here to enjoy the cool? Grandpa Yuan Longping named this dream the "Riverside Cooling Map", so he wanted to participate in the research of the rice industry. I dont want to see people starving again. His wish is to make food available to people around the world.

At that time, he signed up for an agricultural university and after graduation, he became a rural teacher. I go to the fields every day to see those rice grains. I found that some of my love is high, some is full, and some is dry. So he thought, If we combine the advantages of these wheat into a hybrid rice, wouldnt it be perfect?? So he searched for the perfect rice, which was not just for fun. Grandpa Yuan Longping searched for six years to find this one!

Grandpa Yuan Longping finally invented rice that can be grown in seawater. Previously, one acre of land could only hold fifty bags of rice, but now we can hold one thousand bags!

Grandpa Yuan Longping has saved many lives for our motherland!








Yuan Longping (September 7, 1930- May 22, 2021), male, Han nationality, born in Beijing, independent of political parties, from Dean County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Famous agricultural scientists at home and abroad, pioneers and leaders of Chinas hybrid rice industry, close friends of the CPC, outstanding representatives of non party figures, winners of the "Medal of the Republic", former vice chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee, former director of the National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center, and academicians of the CAE Member, are known as the "father of hybrid rice".

Yuan Longping is committed to the research, application, and promotion of hybrid rice technology. He invented the "three-line method" of indica hybrid rice, successfully developed the "two-line method" of hybrid rice, and created a super hybrid rice technology system. And proposed and implemented the "Three Crops, Four High Yields Project", utilizing the technological achievements of super hybrid rice, published 6 Chinese and English monographs, and published more than 60 papers.



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