
网友 分享 时间:



1、 疑问词

How 如何(方式)

how long 多长(时间)答语常用“(For/ about +)时间段”

how far多远(距离)答语常用“(It’s +)数词 +miles/ meters/ kilometers”

how often多久一次(频率)答语常用“Always/ often/ every day/…”或 “次数+时间”等表频率的状语

How soon多快,多久以后,常用在将来时中。答语常用“in +时间段”

how many多少(接可数名词) how much(接不可数名词)

why为什么(原因) what什么 when何时

who谁 whom谁(宾格)(针对宾语提问也可用who) whose谁的

2、 宾语从句要用陈述句语序

3、 Stop sb from doing sth

Stop to do 停下来去做其他事

Stop doing 停止正在做的事

4、 what do you think of/ about…?= how do you like…?


5、 He is 11 years old.

He is an 11-year-old boy.

6、 many students= many of the students

7、 be afraid of sth be afraid to do sth

worry about be worried about 担心

8、 play with sb

9、 come true

10、 have to do sth

11、 he is like a father to me (like像)

12、 leave离开 leave for 出发前往某地

13、 cross 是动词 across是介词

14、 thanks for +n/ V-ing

Thanks for your help/ thanks for helping me.

Thanks for your invitation/ thanks for inviting/ asking me.

Thanks to幸亏,由于,因为

15、 4个花费:

人+spend/ spends/ spent+时间/钱+(in)doing sth/>人+pay/ pays/ paid +钱+for sth

It takes/ took sb +时间+to do sth

物+cost/ costs/ cost +sb +钱

16、 交通方式


①by +交通工具名词(中间无需任何修饰)

By bus/ bike/ car/ taxi/ ship/ boat/ plane/ subway/ train……

②by +交通路线的位置

By land/ water/ sea/ air

③in/>In a/ his/ the car

On a/ his/ the bus/ bike/ship/ train/ horse/ motorbike

④on foot 步行


①take + a/ the +交通工具名词

take a bus/ plane/ ship/ train

ride a bike

②walk/ drive/ ride/ fly to……(后面接here,there,home等地点副词时,省略介词to。)如步行回家:walk home

17、 名词所有格

(1)一般情况加’s Tom’s pen

(2)以s结尾加’ the teachers’ office ten days’ holiday


Mike and John’s desk


Mike’s and John’s desks



newspaper n .报纸

read a newspaper 看报纸

use v.使用;运用

soup n.汤

make soup 做汤

wash v.洗

movie n.电影

go to movies 看电影

just adv. 只是;恰好

eat out 出去吃饭

house n.房子

drink v..喝n.饮料

tea n.茶;茶叶

drink tea 喝茶

tomorrow adv. 在明天 n. 明天;未来

pool n.游泳池;水池

shop v. 购物 n. 商店

supermarket n. 超市

man n.男人;人

race n.竞赛

host n.主人;东道主

study v./n. 学习;研究

state n. 洲

the United States 美国;美利坚合众国

American adj. 美国的;美洲的 n. 美国人;美洲人

dragon n.龙

Dragon Boat Festival端午节

any adj. 任何的,任一的 pron. 任何;任一

other adj. 另外的;其他的 pron. 另外的人(或物)

young adj. 幼小的,年轻的

children n.儿童

miss v.怀念。 思念

wish v. 希望

delicious adj. 可口的,美味的

still adv. 还。仍然

living room 客厅



2. read a newspaper 看报纸

3. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈

4. listen to a CD 听CD

5. a useful book 一本有用的书

6. make soup 做汤

7. wash the dishes 洗碟子

8. go to the movies 去看电影

9. at home 在家

10. eat out 在外面吃

11. drink tea 喝茶

Boat Festival 端午节

13. make zongzi 包粽子

14. watch the boat races 看龙舟比赛

15. the night before the festival 节日前的晚上

16. any other night 任何其他的晚上

17. his host family 他的寄宿家庭

18. read a story to sb 读故事给某人

19. miss sb. 思念某人

miss doing sth 错过做某事

20. wish to do sth希望做某事

wish sb to do sth希望某人做某事

hope to do sth希望做某事

21. no place like home 没有地方像家一样

22. in the United States 在美国

23. study for a test 为一个考试而学习


1.一 What are they doing?


—They’re listening to a CD.


2. That sounds good.


3. Not much,I'm just washing my clothes. What about you?


4. Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents aren't at home. We can eat out.


5. —Are you doing your homework.


—Yes, I am/No,I’m not. I'm cleaning my room.


6. —Are they using the computer?


—Yes, they are/No, they aren’t. They're exercising.


7. Why are Zhu Hui's family watching boat races and making zongzi.


8. So it’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.


9. But there’s still “no place like home. ”


10. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi.



1、 回答why的提问要用because

2、 Kind of 相当于副词,修饰形容词或副词,意为“稍微,有点”,与a little/ bit 相近

A kind of 意为“一种”,some kinds of 意为“几种”,all kinds of 意为“各种各样的”。这里的kind 是“种,类,属”的意思。

3、 Why not =Why don’t you+V原 你为什么不…?

4、 walk on one’s legs/ hands on 意为“用…方式行走”

5、 all day =the whole day整天

6、 来自be/ come from

where do they come from?=where are they from?

7、 more than=over超过 less than 少于

twice three times

9、 be in great danger

of… …之一 +名词复数

11、 get lost

12、 with/ without 有/ 没有 介词

13、 a symbol of

14、 由…制造 be made of能看出原材料

be made from 看不出原材料

be made in+地点 表产地

15、 cut down 砍到



1、 情态动词+V原 can do= be able to do

2、 Play+ the+ 乐器


3、 join 参加社团、组织、团体

4、 4个说的区别:



Talk 谈论 talk about sth talk with sb talk to sb

Tell 告诉,讲述 tell sb (not)to do sth

Tell stories/ jokes

5、 want= would like +(sb)to do sth

6、 4个也的区别:too 肯定句末 (前面加逗号)


Also 行前be 后

As well 口语中(前面不加逗号)

7、 be good at+ V-ing=do well in 擅长于

be good for 对…有益 (be bad for对…有害)

be good to 对…友好 (good 可用friendly,nice,kind替换)

be good with和…相处好=get>8. 特殊疑问句的构成:疑问词+一般疑问句

9、 How/ what about+V-ing …怎么样?(表建议)

10、 感官动词(look, sound, taste, smell, feel)+adj/ like

11、 选择疑问句:回答不能直接用Yes或者No,要从中选择一个回答

12、 students wanted for school show(wanted表示招募,含有被动意义)

13、 show sth to sb=show sb sth

give sth to sb=give sb sth

14、 help sb (to)do sth

Help sb with sth

With sb’s help= with the help of sb

Help>15. be busy doing sth/ be busy with sth

16、 need to do sth

17、 be free= have time

18、 have friends= make friends

19、 call sb at +电话号码

the weekend= on weekends

21、 English-speaking students 说英语的学生(带有连词符,有形容词性质)

22、 do kung fu表演功夫

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