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In almost every big university(大学)in the United States, football is a favorite sport. American football is different. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances(机会)to move the ball ten yards(码). They can carry it or they can throw it. If they move the ball ten yards, they can try to move it another ten yards. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points(点).

It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man with the ball. If he does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball the other team.

Each university wants its own team to win. Many thousands of people come to watch. They all shout for their favorite team.

Young men and women come on the field to help the people shout more. They dance and jump while they shout.

Each team plays ten or eleven games each season.

The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.

1. The passage talks about ___________.

A. football B. how to play football

C. American sports D. American football

2. We can _______ the football in both American football and Chinese football.

A. kick B. throw C. run with D. catch

3. Why is it difficult to move the ball? Because ___________.

A. ten yards is a long way

B. many men on the other team try not to let the ball come near

C. the playing field is very large

D. eleven men have to catch the ball one by one

4. If they _________, the teams will play on January 1.

A. receive six points

B. play eleven games in the season

C. are the best teams

D. move the ball to the end of the field

5. Many people come to watch football and they want their team to win. Which of the following is not their act?

A. Jumping B. Dancing C. Crying D. Shouting

参考答案: 1-5 D A B C C



One day, Xiao Ming was going to take a bus to grandma's house. As soon as he got on the bus, he got into the seat. Fortunately, in a short time, a white haired grandmother came up. Xiao Ming thought, "if I give up my seat, I will have no seat, but if I don't, I don't think I'm a good child. In the past, I always heard that respecting the old and loving the young are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. I think it is also what our contemporary primary school students should do! " So Xiao Ming said to grandma, "grandma, please sit here." Grandma smiled and said, "thank you, little friend." At this time, the conductor, the driver, the uncle and aunt in the car all cast approbation.


Xiao Ming went to grandma's house and told Grandma about it. Grandma also said that Xiao Ming was right. Xiao Ming was happy.


Xiao Ming is such a good boy. We should learn like Xiao Ming!

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