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How to Help Old People Live Better.

In the last ten years our society is more advanced. Old people also live more happily.

But we just noticed old people's material life. In fact old people's mental life is more important to them. Because old people are very lonely. I have three methods for this question. Firstly, young people should communicate to old people. They should exchange their ideas. Then they can understand each other more easily. The old people may be happier.

Secondly, old people also should understand young people's pressure. They should know why the young people can't talk with them.

Finally, society also should hold some activities for old people. To protect their life more colorful and greater!


Dear John,

I’ve got my plane ticket to New York, I will take Flight CA981 to New York on June 25th. My plane takes off at 10:20 AM from Beijing Airport. It arrives at Shanghai at 12:20 PM and stops for one hour and twenty minutes. Then it continue its flight and lands at Los Angles at 10:50 AM on June 25th. I will have to stay about four hours at Los Angles Airport. Then my plane leaves Los Angles at 14:45 PM. The flight takes five hours and I will finally get to New York at 7:45 in the evening.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.


Li Ping


Dear Harry,

It's a pity that you are not in, so have to leave you a note. There are two posters at the school gate. One is about the movie" Gone with the Wind", which is to be shown at 7 Saturday evening in the school hall. The other is about a lecture on women's liberation, which is to be given by Prof. Betty Power, writer of the book "The Other Half of the Sky", at 7 on Saturday evening in Room 101. I'd like to invite you to either the movie or the lecture, but I wonder which you would prefer. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible.

Wang Hong


The relationship between customer and seller is now becoming more and more important in people's life, with the rapid development of market economy. A good relationship between customer and seller can make buying and selling a happy experience and benefit both buyer and customer.

A good relationship between customer and seller can only exist on the basis of honesty and respect. The seller should be honest to customers introducing the actual advantages and disadvantages of his goods. He mustn't deceive customers, charge too high a price or serve them indifferently. On the part of the customer, he should also respect the seller and be reasonable. Some customers think they are "God" of the sellers, so they often behave coldly or even rudely to them. That's not good manners. As long as one busy of his own will, both sides are equal.

Sometimes problems and mistakes are inevitable. For example, the seller may forget to give his customer the change. If he doesn't do it on purpose, the customer should be considerate and excuse him. On the basis of honesty and kindness, problems can easily be solved.,


Through the changes in the ways of making a living in a family over several generations, the cartoon aims at sounding a warning against man“s wasteful use of natural resources and emphasizing the urgent need to preserve these resources.

Ever since man appeared on the earth, man“s survival has been heavily relied on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from nature, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is turned into furiture. With the development of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate. However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would end up selling sand, as is the case in the cartoon, and the whole world would be in a mess.

Time is running out. It is up to us to take effective measures before the situation gets out of hand.

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