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Today is fathers day. I remember my father is always so kind to me. Once, we had to clean the classroom. I asked my father to buy me a small bucket. When my father went up the stairs, he slipped and dislocated his bone and ilium. All day, the doctor was doing the operation for my father.

Today is fathers day. In order to thank my father, I give him a massage. I step on his back. I think my father is very hard. I have to stay up late and work overtime every day. I beat his back again. I give him water to drink and help him get things. I think its very glorious to work for him.


People often say that the father loves the mountain, but in my opinion, my father's love for me, and not entirely mountain as severe, sometimes gentle like water.

His father was a culture and virtuous man, although he is not as rich as other parents, but he pay for me absolutely as good as the other children, or even better than they are.

When talking about my father, I can not help but shed tears. His work is very busy at ordinary times, but in any case, greet me every day about study, life, as long as I study has a problem, he will be in your spare time to help me. From school to now, every parent he never absent, he once said: "no matter busy again, the child is always I consider the first"。


Fifty yars ago this spring w plantd kohlrabi togthr in a gardn in Charls City, Iowa.

I didn't know thn that I would rmmbr that day for th rst of my lif. This wk, w'll plant kohlrabi togthr again, prhaps for th last tim but I hop not. I don't undrstand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to m but it is. And th funny thing about it is, wll, I don't know quit how to tll you this, Dad.。.I don't vn lik kohlrabi.。.but I lik planting it with you.

I guss what I'm trying to say, Dad, is what vry son and daughtr wants to say to thir Dad today. Honoring a Fathr on Fathr's Day is about mor than a Dad who brings hom a paychck, shars a dinnr tabl, and attnds school functions, graduations, and wddings. It isn't vn so much about kohlrabi, '54 Chvrolts, and fly-fishing. It's mor about unconditionally loving childrn who ar snotty and stubborn, who know vrything and won't listn to anyon. It's about rspct and sharing and accptanc and tolranc and giving and taking. It's about loving somon mor than words can say, and it's wishing that it nvr had to nd.

I lov you, Dad.



Today is fathers day. I get up secretly and hide in my room to make presents for my father.


I first wrote "happy fathers Day" on the card, then cut it off, then paste it on another card, and put four small erasers on the four corners of the card. When I cut it, I accidentally cut two words back. When my father got up, I carefully gave this gift to him. He took a look at it and said, "Wow, its so beautiful!" I said, "I have two words cut back." Dad said, "it doesnt matter, the mind is the most important!" Dad also said: "your" father "and" Festival "are very well written and well cut."


Im glad to be praised by my father today.