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The Importance of Selfducation

Selfducation brings success. Though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to selftudy. Here are some suggestions.

First, read outside our class. Every new book one reads will benefit him in one way or another. The more we read, the more we are benefited. As life is short and knowledge is infinite, we should try to read as many books as we can.

Second, improve our memory and reasoning powers. If we read more and more, we can make our memory and reasoning powers improve to some degree. Moreover, we shall be able to write more clearly and correctly.

Third, develop our character. When we have formed the habit of reading, we can put into practice what they have taught and build up a good character.

In a word, if we want to educate ourselves, the most important thing for us to do is to read not only our textbooks, but also any other books that are within our reach.








Were I supposed to introduce one place in my campus for my foreign friend, the first place come up to our mind automatically is the student pavilion.

The reason why I am in favor of it is that student pavilion plays a positive role in improving students studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the place which holds a variety of activities from time to time range from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, speech contests, paintings clubs, etc. All these activities provide opportunities for students to enrich their knowledge and relax themselves.

All in all, student pavilion opens the door for students to develop and enjoy themselves. I am sure if you come to the student pavilion, youll be bound to love it.





Nowadays, more and more undergraduates are pursuing fashion. Some of them even cut down the expenditure on books and meals to satisfy their desire for fashionable items.

The blind following of fashion has had a great influence on college students. First of all, the pursuit of fashion has made many college students get lost. Some of them even fail to focus on their study. Secondly, it is a costly hobby to follow the tide, which will impose great financial burden on their parents.

As far as I am concerned, college students should cherish ambitions rather than become slaves of fashion. As for them, the main task on campus is not to pursue fashion but to study. All in all, undergraduates should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit of fashion.





Its Time to Stop Software Piracy China has often been criticized for the rampant practice of software piracy. Take a look around. We operate on pirated Windows systems, defend PC security with pirated Kaspersky anti-virus programmes, process files with pirated Microsoft Office, draft 3D designs with pirated AutoCAD, refine pictures with pirated Adobe Photoshop, and study English with pirated Kingsofts electronic dictionaries and translators. Its no exaggeration that pirated software is everywhere.

The logic behind the phenomenon is simple and clear: if a pirated copy is available for just a tiny fraction of the normal price, not to speak of many of the free downloads online, who would pay for an authentic copy? Cheaper prices aside, easy access is another important factor. With such a large gathering of pirated upgrades around, who would bother to spend time and money searching the stores for an authorized yet outdated version?

Despite these apparent benefits, the practice of software piracy should be banned, because it represents unfair competition and by nature its a no-win situation. But how? Two approaches are to be taken at the same time: Technically, software developers should enhance their antipiracy engineering, so that cracking the software should be virtually impossible. And legally, the government should also tighten its antipiracy laws and toughen up the penalties, so that violations should be costly.

中国停止软件盗版的时候,经常因为软件盗版的猖獗行为而受到批评。四处看看。我们在盗版Windows系统上操作,用盗版Kaspersky防病毒程序保护PC安全,用盗版Microsoft Office处理文件,用盗版AutoCAD绘制3D设计,用盗版Adobe Photoshop精炼图片,并与盗版Kingsofts电子词典和翻译人员一起学习英语。盗版软件无处不在,这一点也不夸张。




Our English Teacher

Our English teacher, Miss Liang is the best teacher I have so far. She has not only treated us as her younger sisters and brothers, but is also enthusiastic and conscientious in her teaching.

She is thirtyix, but she does not look her age for she is attractive and delicate. In class she is dignified and reserved and after class she plays and jokes with us. She is our friend as well as our teacher.

She is never tired of helping us in our work. She patiently answers our questions all in English. Also, we are required to prepare our lessons before coming to class. Furthermore, no matter how many new words there are in the texts, we are told to look up their meanings in the dictionary. She knows how to help her students to achieve the best result in the limited time.

With Miss Liang as our teacher, all of us have made amazing progress in our English study. She is both our best friend and best teacher. We all like her very much.







As it is necessary for college students to take an active part in social activities,the Student Union decides to organize a social practice during the summer holiday and is now recruiting volunteers.

We will show the plan and the arrangement to all the students who want to join plan is to depart next weekend,when the summer vacation officially ,

our purpose is to supply our service to the Olympic first destination is Nanjing,the world famous city for its beauty and mild ’Il take the train and stay there for

l day,and then we’ll head for the 3-day stay there,we will help the coaches there,SO that the game can go Beijing we will undertake a lot of work,and we

will stay there for about a together,our trip will last about two weeks.

Those interested please contact as either through email(……@)or phone call(12345678).








Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that cant be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it cant buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it cant buy happiness.





It is said that the world without love like the fish without water. I think it is right. Love is of utmost importance to us humans. Love is like the sunshine which makes people feel warm. Love is like the light in the dark which can give people hope and call forth peoples strength and help them step out of their difficulties. In our world, everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love.

I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish school and change her life. In these case/circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed.




If anyone wants to find a job, he or she will have to go through a job interview, which is advantageous to both the interviewer and the interviewee.

In a job interview, the interviewer usually offers detailed information about the job under discussion, such as the nature of the job, the working condition and the payment for the job etc. This may help the interviewee decide whether he really wants the job or not.

For the interviewee, a job interview provides him with a good opportunity to display his merits. He may take the chance to introduce his educational background and exhibit his self- confidence and competence in the job applied. All this will give the interviewer a good impression, which will, in turn, increase his chance of getting the job.





Importance of Education

The prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. Throughout the world whatever advance has been made in science and technology is due to education, which brings forth by scientists and inventors. It is never overdone no matter how one emphasizes the importance of education. There is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor.

Education is as vital to the development of an individual as it is to that of a nation. Of all the elements of success in our careers none is more vital than education. It is not the genius that makes the difference between success and failure. Education is the driving power. In fact, most of the famous people in our times spent many years in studies. Can you name any great men you admire who are not educated persons?

Yet some people are still ignorant of its importance. Some parents, especially in the countryside, think that it is unnecessary to send their children to school. Some other parents are so selfish that they have their children work for money. In consideration of the situation, compulsory education must be enforced to ensure that there will be enough educated young people for the future of our country.



