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As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has charged drastically in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is __________. Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________.

There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that _________. Secondly,__________.

In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the same time,_______. To sum up ,_________.


开篇句:As the bar chart shows, ____ during the years of ____to____.

扩展句:1、As early as _____.

2、Then _____ years later, ____.

3、And arriving in the year ____, ____.


主题句:Several factors contribute to _____.

扩展句:1、______. (原因1)

2、And ______.(原因2)

3、Furthermore, ______ (原因3)

4、All these result in ____.


结尾句: However, ____ is faced with some problems.

扩展句:1、With _____, ____, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging.

2、So my principle is to pay due attention to ___, but not justto____.


开篇句:As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to1997.

扩展句:1、As early as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line.

2、Then seven years later, the number became three fifths thatof1978.

3、And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to50millions.


主题句:Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population.

扩展句:1、The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. (原因1)

2、And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. (原因2)

3、Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. (原因3)

4、All these result in the great fall of the C the poverty line.


结尾句: However, a further decrease in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some problems.

扩展句:1、With quite few employees being laid off, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging.

2、So my principle is to pay due attention to the newcomers, but not just to care for the poor, say, in remote mountain areas.

As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to 1997. Asearly as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty seven years later, the number became three fifths that of arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to 50 millions.

Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population. The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. All these result in the great fall of the Chinese population below the poverty line.

However, a further decrease in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some problems. With quite few employees being laid off, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. So my principle is to pay due attention to the newcomers, but not just to care for the poor, say, in remote mountain areas.



1. As is revealed in the graph, …

2. As the survey results show, …

3. As we could find out later in this unit, his plan was not quite as he had expected.

4. This table provides several important points of comparison between…


1. The output rose rapidly till it reached … in . Since then, though the growth continued, the momentum has slackened off.

2. Before 1970 the birth rate remained level. Then in 1970 it fell till it reached 30 per thousand.

3. The birth rate in this region rocketed to the highest peak in 1963.

4. Although prices fluctuated between -, overall the trend was downward.

5. The economy went up and down in a zigzag way.

6. After a steady decline for a whole decade, the country’s fertility rate shows signs of leveling off.


1. This table provides several interesting points of comparison between A and B.

2. The two graphs depict the same thing seen in two different ways. The first diagram simply records… The second graph throws a new light on…

3. The key findings taken from the surveys are as follows…

4. If drivers continue to drive more carefully and further strengthen their sense of safety, the rate of accidents can be expected to decline even more dramatically in the year 1991.


1. 3 times as large as 比……大2倍(是……的3倍)

2. 3 times the size of 是……3倍大(比……大2倍)

3. 17 times that of 是……的17倍(比……多16倍)

4. twice as much as 是……的2倍

5. go up by 23% 增长了23%

6. reduce by 18% 减少了18%

7. increased 54% over the last year 比去年增长了54%

8. 16% higher than 比……高出16%

9. more than doubled 超过2倍

10. triple 增至3倍 quadruple 翻两番


1. There have been dramatic changes with respect to 关于……已经发生了急剧的变化

2. Would reflect dramatic changes in 也许反映在……方面的急剧变化

3. To make great strides in 在……方面取得长足的进步

4. On the decline 下降,衰败

5. Profile 变量曲线

6. Per head 每人

7. Determine factors 决定性要素

8. Of the utmost importance 最重要的

9. To make good use of 很好的加以利用

10. To ascend 增加,上升


It is obvious in the graph/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of (接近)X1, Y reaches its peak value of (多少).

What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, (第一个原因). More importantly, (第二个原因). Most important of all, (第三个原因).

From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graph/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).


1. as is shown by the graph/in the table,。(概述图表)


as is shown by the graph,there has been a rapid increase in the population of the country in the past five years.

2. it can be seen from the table that … (得出结论)

shown graph

concluded figures

estimated statistics

a. 从表中所给的统计数字可以看出,从1985年到1990年中国的人均收入迅速提高。

from the statistics given in the table it can be seen that the average personal income of the chinese people increased (grew 、rose) rapidly from 1985 to 1990.

b. 从曲线图可以得出结论,最近5年来中国人口的出生率已经大大下降。

it can be concluded from the graph that there has been a great decline in birth rates in china in the past five years.

3. … amount to … (数量总计)

add up to

come to

sum up to


all the expenses (costs) amount to (= add up to) $ 200.

4. … increase from … to … (数量增减)





a. 这个工厂生产的彩电已由1986年的5000台增加到1990年的21000台。

the number of colour tv sets produced by the factory increased (rose , grew , climbed) from 5000 in 1986 to 21000 in 1990.


the number of paticipants grew up to 300000 persons = increased , reaching 300000 persons).

c. 这个学校的教职工人数已减少到700人。

the number of teaching staff members in this school has decreased to 700 persons.

5.(be)three times as + 形容词+ as 总产量total output 钢的年产量the annual output of

上升17%rise by 17per cent steel

日产量the daily output 导致产量下降result in a

diminished output



When people’s life is getting better and better,more and more people choose to spend their holidays abroad. The year seesa sharp increase in the number of overseas travelers compared with the year, when the number was already much larger than that of the year . It’sa good thing that Chinese tourism is developing very fast. However, reportsabout people’s bad manners flood in. Some are even asked if all Chinese spitand litter everywhere. The poor behavior has done great harm to the image ofChina, which is really shameful.

China has long been regarded as a country withgood manners. Everybody should keep some do’s and don’ts in their mind to guidetheir behavior in public, home and abroad. Win respect for yourself and ourcountry!

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