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Everybody is good! ? Standing here, I can not say the excitement, because I am running for class cadre!

Since it is a flower, it must be open; If it is a tree, it will grow into a pillar. If it is a stone, go and pave the road; Since be a class cadre, want to become an outstanding navigator!

The master said, "he is right; he will not do it. He is not right, but he is not. That means "the power of an example is infinite." If I am the captain of the team, I will meet the high standard to ask myself, good study, good work, day day up, strive to be a good role model for the students!

If I am the captain of the team, I will try to be a teacher's assistant, carefully handle the various affairs of the class, actively help the students, to solve the problem, send a warm.

If I were a mid-team leader, will be under the guidance of the teacher organization staff to carry out rich and colorful class team activities, make the class team activities we each student exercise stage to show yourself! Happy family.

As the saying goes, "you don't want to be a marshal!" Yes, it is better to do it than to do it, and always strive to do better! Today, I am a successful participant, and tomorrow I will be a successful participant! Dear teachers and fellows, please give me a chance to exercise. We believe that with our joint efforts, our squadron will be more energetic and prosperous! Believe me, I must be right!


Today, our class held the monitor election。 `And I became the new monitor in my class。 I was very happy, but I was still very nervous now。 When the election began, I was so nervous that I can hear my heart beating heavily。 I tried my best to calm down for a long time。 Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech。 I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech。 Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform。 Thanks for preparing in advance; otherwise, I must be embarrassed。 But the result was what I want。 It’s a happy thing。



This is xxx. Here I feel very much honoured to have a chance to make a speech for running for monitor of our class. 这里,我十分有幸为竞选本班班长一职发表演说。

I am adequate to be in charge of the class, because I am provided with such a capability. 我能够胜任管理本班,因为我具备这种能力。(以下列举“首先…其次。尤其…)

Firstly, …

Besides, …

what’s more, …

I am in duty bound to serve the classmates.为全班同学服务我责无旁贷。

I am sure I can lead the whole class to realize the following matters concerned this semester我相信我能够在本学期带领全班完成如下事宜:(以下列举)

I hope all of you should believe in me and cast a vote for me.希望大家信任我并投我一票。

That’s all. Thank you! 仅此。谢谢!


A Campaign Speech for the Monitor

Good morning, everyone. Im Li Wen. I feel greatly pleasant to compete for our monitor.

As a freshman like all of you, I feel curious and excited about the beginning of new campus life and hope for doing more for our class. This is the reason why I run for the monitor. I have three advantages which make me think that I will be qualified for the role of the monitor at the university. Firstly, I am a responsible, friendly and open-minded person with the warm heart to help others. I regard this personality as the prerequisite condition for a popular leader. Secondly, I ever worked as monitor at high school and my class was honored as "advanced class" during this period of time. Thirdly, I am capable of coordination and organization.

If you vote for me, you will find that you have made a wise choice in the following days. Please believe me that I will not make you disappointed. Thanks for your listening. (172 words)

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