初级中学英语说课稿 【第一篇】
一、 说教材
(一) 教材分析
本单元出自山东教育出版社义务教育课程标准试验教科书八年级上册,第七单元在本册中处于教学的后期位置,但具有重要作用,重点在于培养学生英语交际能力,并结合生活中切实常用的话题:给人们的日常行为提出一定的建议,做出礼貌的道歉行为来展开基本语言内容的教学,并与第八单元的内容具有一定的联系。本单元遵循教材总体特点,采用任务型教学模式,并融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构would you mind doing sth? 进而形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。学生比较容易乐于接受,说课的内容是本单元Section A(1a~1c)部分,本课是单元首篇,以 Would you mind turning down the music? 为主题,本节内容具有词汇量较大,强调综合运用,贴近生活实际等特点。通过本节学习,可增加学生的单词储备量,提高学生综合运用能力,学生将学会用英文表达请求,表示歉意。在获取基础知识,发展基本能力的同时进一步强化学生学以致言,学以致用的英语学习观和合作品质。
(二) 教学目标
让学生掌握其中的重要词汇mind, turn down, not at all等和句式would you mind doing sth? 并能让学生掌握如何运用所学句式提出礼貌请求以及礼貌的向他人道歉。
结合教学目标的要求,我把本课的重点设置为首先使学生掌握mind, not at all, turn down等重点词汇的用法,及课重点句型结构Would you mind doing sth? 并给出正确答语;怎样向别人有礼貌的道歉。
根据本课的内容和学生的实际,本课的难点为让学生掌握向别人提出请求的的句式Would you mind doing? 并给出正确的答语,能够在实际生活中应用。
1 学情分析
2 教学方法
Step1. Lead-in
通过情景设计进行free talk来导入本节课地主要内容。设计的情景时周末邀请一名学生去吃饭,老师使用的句型是Would you like to have dinner with me this Sunday?通过这个问题来调动学生的积极性,引导学生主动表达学生在生活中如何邀请其他同学去海边,去看电影等让学生通过思考这些表达方式来进行自由对话。
Would you like to do sth?
Can/could you please do sh?
How/what about doing sth?
Why don’t you do sth?
Why not do sth?
Let’s do sth.
Shall we do sth?
通过这个情景设计来引出本节课将要学习的用来礼貌的提出请求的句型:would you mind doing sth?
Step2 Pre-listening task
为学生展示课本上的图画,通过相关的问题来引导学生找出主要的动词短语:clean the yard, play baseball, move the bike, turn down the music. 然后通过标题Would you mind turning down the music?带入词组进行反复训练,让学生充分熟练这个结构,同时在这一环节中通过图画中的烦乱画面对学生进行一定的情感教育:对于违反规则的一些事情要礼貌的提出请求。
Step3 Listening –task
活动一:听一遍录音,完成activity1b,通过这遍听力注重would you mind doing?的问句。同时让学生注意前两个问题的不同,总结出这个句型的肯定和否定形式,然后有学生举例进行练习,并将学生的一些例子写在黑板上。
Step4 Pairork
Step5 Groupwork
Step6 Summary and test
Step7 Homework
拓展性作业:Write a letter to your best friend who you want to talk with about his/her problems using the sentence structure.
初中英语说课稿 【第二篇】
Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?说课稿
本单元主要是谈论话题“Things around the house”,其中Section A则围绕学习“询问物品的位置”这个本单元的重点而展开多种任务型的教学活动,使学生学会基本句型“Where’s/ Where’re ~~~? It’s/ They’re on/in/under~~~~.”和 “Yes/No”疑问句,进一步体会和学会运用“Where…? Yes/No”疑问句的用法;学会运用方位介词“on/in/under”来表达物品的位置。通过以上两个方面的学习,使学生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学习策略,识别不同物品的位置。这样既能让学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象来设计自己理想中的房间和对好的生活习惯的重新认识。本单元与第五单元衔接紧密:由本单元“Is/Are …?”的学习过渡到第五单元“Do …?”一般疑问句的学习,最终促进学生综合运用语言能力的提高和形成学生在实践中学会学习的能力,
Where’s my backpack? It’s on/in/under/behind/next to the chair.
Are my books on the chair? Yes,they ,they aren’t.
Is it on/in/under ……? Yes,it ,it isn’t.
(2)学习和掌握有关家具类的单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase ,sofa ,chair ,drawer , plant , bag
(3) 学会三个方位介词的用法:on ,in , under
学习策略:通过work in pairs and work in groups ,听对话贴图,师生之间和学生之间的教学活动,培养学生学习英语的认知策略、元认知策略和交际策略等。
爱因斯坦曾说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 兴趣是学习自觉性的起点,是智慧灵感的源泉。本课的对象是刚进初中不久的七年级新生,有部分学生小学并没有学过英语,他们对英语有着极大的兴趣和好奇心。教师应该抓住这个有利因素,注重对学生学习英语兴趣的培养,保持他们强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲。因此,教师在教学过程中要精心设计各种教学活动,积极采用新颖、丰富多彩的教学手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,用兴趣来激活他们的思维能力,唤起他们的学习注意力,进而充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,让他们积极参与到教学中去,真正成为一堂课的主人。俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”七年级英语教学是整个初中英语教学的基础,让学生迈好英语学习的第一步,对培养学生学习英语的能力和促进学生的个性发展有着很大的帮助。
2、 多媒体辅助教学法
3、 交际法
学习英语,目的在于用英语进行交际。英语要作为交际工具来教,也要作为交际工具来学,做到学用统一。在英语教学中,要使语言形成与学生的生活实际相联系,从而使口语技能发展成运用语言进行交际的能力。要达到这一要求 ,使学生能运用外语进行交际,教师在课堂教学中就要设法结合生活实际,创造交际活动情境,精心设计一些真实的情景,增强学生学习的兴趣,让学生利用所学的语言知识,自由表达自己的思想和见解,提供师生交流、学生与学生交流的机会,让学生在做中学,在实践交流中获得信息,习得英语。在教学中,我遵循这一原则,设计一些比较真实的情景。
4、 任务驱动式教学法
任务驱动式教学方法是指在整个教学过程中,教师不直接讲解教学内容,而是把教学内容分解到精心设计的一系列任务中,通过让学生自己完成任务来学习知识、掌握技能。 这种方法对于培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,激发和维持学生的学习积极性等有着独特的优势。因此,在教学过程中,我所要求学生掌握的内容都是通过一个个任务来进行,由易到难,由简到繁,让学生在不知不觉完成任务的过程中学到知识。
Step1. Revision
1. duty report
2. 复习unit 2所学过的物品名称,为新课学习作铺垫。
Step2. 创设情景,导入新课
1、 游戏法教学单词
活动过程:(1)学生以小组为单位,从课本P19 的图画中寻找家具,规定时间内找得最多并能准确说出家具名称的小组获胜。
语言知识:What’s this ? It’s ------.
2、 直观法教学介词
(1)老师拿出铅笔和铅笔盒,通过不断变换铅笔在铅笔盒的位置,形象直观地引出三个介词: on, in, under
(2)学生拿出自己的铅笔和铅笔盒,跟着老师边说边做动作,通过实践来体会这三个介词的用法。这一过程用chant 的形式来进行,这样既强化了记忆,又避免了机械的死记硬背。
Step 3. 师生互动,学习探究
情景一、Jimmy 是个粗心大意的男孩,他总是把东西乱放。请你帮他把需要的东西找出来。做1B的练习。
Where is /are-----? It’s / They’re--------.
3. 投影出1B的图片,引出本课另一重点句型:
Is the baseball/Are the books -----?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.
活动过程:投影出一所空房子的图片以及各种家具的图片。教师提问:Where is/are-----? 学生以小组为单位进行讨论,并选派代表来猜:Is it /Are they-----?
语言知识:Where is/are-----? Is it /Are they on/in/under-----?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.
语言知识:Where is/are-----? Is it /Are they on/in/under-----?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.
Step5. Homework
初级中学英语说课稿 【第三篇】
让学生推选各组代表组成专家团坐在教室前,选一名同学以记者的身份采访“专家们”,使其把个小组的讨论结果与大家交流共享,其小组成员可 最后按事实丰富、语言准确、表述清晰程度评出最权威专家和最积极后援团,通过这种方式可让学生有很强的集体荣誉感。
初中牛津英语说课稿 【第四篇】
这单元是9B的最后一个单元。以Great people为话题展开学习,该话题很容易引起学生的讨论兴趣。在welcome to the unit 部分,学生已初步学习了一些有关伟人的知识。Reading 是一个单元的核心部分,它承载着众多的教学任务。我将reading部分分作二课时进行教学,第一课时为阅读课,第二课时为语言知识学习课和练习巩固课。根据教材的安排及新课标要求学生通过体验,实践,参与,合作,交流和探究等方式学习和使用英语,真正体现以学习者为中心的教学理念,我详细说说第一课时的教学。基于本课在教材中所处的地位及作用,特制定以下教学目标。
知识目标: 1、To grasp some important language points.
2、To understand English idoms.
能力目标: 1、To guess general meaning from keywords and context.
2、To skim text for overall meaning and scan for details.
情感目标:To learn spirit from great people.
To identify true or false statements based on the reading passage.
To extract relevant information from the reading passage.
通过形象生动的图片及相关资料,调动学生的学习兴趣, 激起学生情感上的共鸣,从而引导学生从整体上理解课文、从细节分析课文,促进学生的。语言能力及其情感等方面整体发展。
一 Skim the text, answer questions:
1、 Why is Neil Armstrong famous?
2、 Are there any aliens on the moon?
3、 What award did he get?
二 Para 1-3: Before he walked on the moon
Neil Armstrong
Date of birth
Place of birth
at 6_____________________
at 15____________________________
at 16 _______________________________
in 1949 _____________________
when he moved to California ___________________
in 1962 ________________________
in 1966 ________________________
三 Para3:Read and complete the passage:
In 1962, he ____ _______ ____become an astronaut.
In 1966, he and David R. Scott _________ ___ join two spacecraft together for the first time in space. But when the spacecraft began spinning ____ _____ ________, Mission Control thought it was _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ______, so they _______ Armstrong ____ cut the flight short, and he succeeded.
四 Para4-5: Walking on the moon
Read and answer some questions:
1、 When did Armstrong land on the moon?
2、 Who did he come to the moon with?
3、 What are the famous words?
4、 How long did they walk on the moon?
5、 What did they collect for further research?
6、 What did the whole world do when Apollo 11 returned?
五 Retell the two paragraphs with the help of the six questions above:
六 Para6-7:Reports about aliens on the moon
Read and judge T or F:
1、 It is said that Armstrong and Aldrin saw alien spacecraft.
2、 The alien spacecraft is very small.
3、 When Armstrong was on the moon, the aliens were very friendly.
七 Para8:Award for Armstrong
is the Medal of Freedom for a US citizen?
2、 What did Armstrong do for people around the world?
八 Read the passage together and fill in the blanks with right words:
Neil Armstrong took his first f_______ at six and received his pilot’s ________(执照) at 16. In 1949, Neil j_______ the navy and worked as a p_______. He was s_________ to be an astronaut in 1962. Four years later, he m__________ to join two spacecraft together in space. On 20th July 1969, he _______(着陆) Apollo 11 on the moon with Aldrin __________(成功)。Neil said ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for m________’。 Armstrong got the highest a_____ that a US c________ can receive. He is the pride of the world.
九 Retell the text
Name: Neil Armstrong
Date of birth: 5th August 1930
Place of birth: Ohio, the USA
Major event: at 6: was interested in flying
at 16: got his student pilot’s licence
In 1949: joined the navy
In 1962: became an astronaut
In 1966: joined 2 spacecraft together for the first time in space.
On 20th July 1969: walked on the moon
Famous words: one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Award: Medal of Freedom
What do you think of him: our pride — make us realize.。.
Homework: the text.
some additional exercises.
初中牛津英语说课稿 【第五篇】
我说课的内容是江苏牛津中学英语教材9A第3单元Teenage problems中的Integrated skills局部。本单元通过青少年中存在的问题和困扰这一主题,引出话题,谈论话题。由于同学对这一话题极感兴趣,我在教学中准备使用多种教学手段设置情景,有效地把单词和句型情景相结合,注重听说训练,使语言点的训练密切联系生活实际,达到灵活运用,学以致用的目的。
a、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组。
c、 能正确地听懂、掌握A板块前半局部听力内容,并能以较好的语音语调流畅地朗读后半局部的课文填空。
a、 以“Teenage problems”为主题和线索组织教学。课前在教室里头稍作安排,背景音乐的选择体现了牛津初中英语板块之间的自由组合,也为后面的教学做了一个提早渗透,这样,同学在轻松愉快的气氛中进入本课的学习,接着我向同学展示课件,引出青少年问题的话题,同时教授新词。由介绍同学自身的问题入手无形中拉近了与同学的距离,使同学备感亲切。
a、 在情境中不时使用新句型,同学不只学会了新的词组,而且不可防止地涉和到了旧知。同时也激发了同学的求知欲,想学更多的有关的词汇来介绍自身的问题,并向他人寻求有效的建议和意见,达到了学中用,用中学的目的,给予他们胜利的乐趣。
b、仍以“Teenage problems”为场景由同学分小组自创小对话进行扮演。要求问到前面所学句型并要求用到本课时所学的交际用语。通过这样的练习形式让同学主体参与,同学的思维处于积极兴奋的状态,有利于提高课堂学习效率。
a、 在小对话扮演告一段落时,自然导入A局部对话教学。然后播放多媒体课件让同学感知课文,为了让同学在听的过程中有所偏重,引起他们的有意注意,让他们带着问题去听。
牛津初中英语说课稿 【第六篇】
这单元是9B的最后一个单元。以Great people为话题展开学习,该话题很容易引起学生的讨论兴趣。在welcome to the unit 部分,学生已初步学习了一些有关伟人的知识。Reading 是一个单元的核心部分,它承载着众多的教学任务。我将reading部分分作二课时进行教学,第一课时为阅读课,第二课时为语言知识学习课和练习巩固课。根据教材的安排及新课标要求学生通过体验,实践,参与,合作,交流和探究等方式学习和使用英语,真正体现以学习者为中心的教学理念,我详细说说第一课时的教学。基于本课在教材中所处的地位及作用,特制定以下教学目标。
知识目标: 1、To grasp some important language points.
2、To understand English idoms.
能力目标: 1、To guess general meaning from keywords and context.
2、To skim text for overall meaning and scan for details.
情感目标:To learn spirit from great people.
To identify true or false statements based on the reading passage.
To extract relevant information from the reading passage.
通过形象生动的图片及相关资料,调动学生的学习兴趣, 激起学生情感上的共鸣,从而引导学生从整体上理解课文、从细节分析课文,促进学生的语言能力及其情感等方面整体发展。
一 Skim the text, answer questions:
1、 Why is Neil Armstrong famous?
2、 Are there any aliens on the moon?
3、 What award did he get?
二 Para 1-3: Before he walked on the moonName
Neil Armstrong
Date of birth
Place of birth
at 6_____________________
at 15____________________________
at 16 _______________________________
in 1949 _____________________
when he moved to California ___________________in 1962 ________________________
in 1966 ________________________
三 Para3:Read and complete the passage:
In 1962, he ____ _______ ____become an astronaut.
In 1966, he and David R. Scott _________ ___ join two spacecraft together for the first time in space. But when the spacecraft began spinning ____ _____ ________, Mission Control thought it was _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ______, so they _______ Armstrong ____ cut the flight short, and he succeeded.
四 Para4-5: Walking on the moon
Read and answer some questions:
1、 When did Armstrong land on the moon?
2、 Who did he come to the moon with?
3、 What are the famous words?
4、 How long did they walk on the moon?
5、 What did they collect for further research?
6、 What did the whole world do when Apollo 11 returned?
五 Retell the two paragraphs with the help of the six questions above:
六 Para6-7:Reports about aliens on the moonRead and judge T or F:
1、 It is said that Armstrong and Aldrin saw alien spacecraft.
2、 The alien spacecraft is very small.
3、 When Armstrong was on the moon, the aliens were very friendly.
七 Para8:Award for Armstrong
is the Medal of Freedom for a US citizen?
2、 What did Armstrong do for people around the world?
八 Read the passage together and fill in the blanks with right words:
Neil Armstrong took his first f_______ at six and received his pilot’s ________(执照) at 16. In 1949, Neil j_______ the navy and worked as a p_______. He was s_________ to be an astronaut in 1962. Four years later, he m__________ to join two spacecraft together in space. On 20th July 1969, he _______(着陆) Apollo 11 on the moon with Aldrin __________(成功)。Neil said ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for m________’。 Armstrong got the highest a_____ that a US c________ can receive. He is the pride of the world.
九 Retell the text
Name: Neil Armstrong
Date of birth: 5th August 1930
Place of birth: Ohio, the USA
Major event: at 6: was interested in flyingat 16: got his student pilot’s licence
In 1949: joined the navy
In 1962: became an astronaut
In 1966: joined 2 spacecraft together for the first time in space.
On 20th July 1969: walked on the moon
Famous words: one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Award: Medal of Freedom
What do you think of him: our pride — make us realize…Homework:
the text.
some additional exercises.
初中英语说课稿 【第七篇】
Lesson 37
这几天不知为什么,手边的东西总是四处乱丢。一天大约二分之一的业余时间基本上都在找东西。因此每天使用频率最高的一句话:”Where is my pen?” “Where is my book?”(我的书在哪里)等等,通常同事们都是用there be 句型+方位介词做回答。今天我说课的内容选自于初一人教版第十单元37课,标题为 Where is it? 由此可见,初中人教版的对话编排几乎都是从生活中实际需要出发,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流。发展他们自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略。本节课侧重于对方位介词的理解与应用。无论是情景对话实际应用还是考试练习,它都占据着非常重要的一席之地。
知识目标: 熟练应用介词 on, in, under, behind, near.及there be 句型。
能力目标: 激发培养学生的学习兴趣,培养观察、记忆、思维、想象及创造能力。掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能。了解文化差异。
德育目标: 乐于为别人提供帮助。
1. 提问,问出主题。我精心设计了四个问题,其共性是简单直接明了。前三个问题都是复习了九单元有关家庭的话题。第四个问题依据地点从小到大的原则问出了很多关于”Where is it?”,并用介词作简单回答。在复习时,教师是位”强化记忆者“。我采取快速地口头提问,要求学生迅速反应。这种复习方法在于培养学生在无法预先准备的真实情况下运用英语的能力。(现场演示第四)
2. 分析讨论。教学大纲的教学目的要求学生了解文化差异,了解英汉之间的文化差异是为了提高学生的学习自觉性。针对这一目标,我设计了第二个环节。提供一张图片,让学生尽可能地用到介词。并提出问题:中英文在表示方位时有何区别与联系?各有什么特点?小组讨论总结,陈述意见。
3. 反复操练。(a)从两组随意抽取两人。一人根据录音听力画图,一人根据图片作文字描述。(出现there be 句型)
(b) 把图片擦掉,每组选出一名学生参加比赛。根据记忆重述图片。(强调there be 句型)
(d)各组总结性发言。(提出there be 句型的小组加双倍的分值)
补充说明:教师做示范。所有内容与介词有关,引导学生用到there be 句型。
4. 编写短剧。 根据已有图片提示。要求学生展开想象,尽可能使用介词及there be 句型。小组内讨论展开。教师作为评分者。评分标准为:1.介词使用率高 2. 想象丰富,幽默诙谐。3. 结尾出人意料。
5. 扩展练习。 以上所学内容着重于对方位介词的理解与应用。在介词中,in,on 的用法很多。小组收集有关in on 的其他用法。并分析以下句子。发现问题,提出问题,自己着手解决问题。
(a) The window is ____ the wall. The map is _____ the wall.
(b) The apple is _____ the tree. The bird is ____the tree.
© There is an apple ____ the radio. I heard the news ____the radio.
(d) There ____ a book and two boxes on the desk. There ___ two boxes and a book on the desk.
6. 知识升华。(a)NBA 组对现场一位教师进行描述,OASER 组进行猜测。依次进行。
7. 作业:第六部分的b部分。
牛津初中英语说课稿共 【第八篇】
Good morning everyone. I’m ____ I’m from____. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Comic strips and welcome to the unit. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一) Status and Function
This is the first lesson of the unit. Such a topic is related to daily life so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening speaking reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二) Teaching aims and Demands
1. Knowledge objects
To learn the vocabulary about the traffic at different times in Beijing.
(1)To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense .
(2)To act out the comic strips .
(3) Moral objects
To get the Ss to love their present life.
(三) Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
To master the words about the traffic at different times in Beijing.
2. Difficult points:
To learn the use of the present perfect tense .
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based“ teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Let the Ss pass ”Observation-Imitation-Practice“ to study language.
3. Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Have a free talk between T and Ss about some changes to our life.
at the pictures in part A on page7 let Ss talk about the different forms of transport in Beijing. Then show them on PPT.
Ss to fill in the blanks and practice reading them again and again.
4 pictures on page6 to the Ss then play the tape. Ss listen carefully and repeat.
out the dialogue in front of the class.
the dialogue and act out the dialogue with the partner.
exercises on PPT then check the answers.
the new words and useful phrases.
off the exercises in workbook. That’s all thank you.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1Reading part A Times have changed. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一)Status and Function
This is the second lesson of the unit. The lesson aims to introduce the changes in Mr Chen’s hometown. Such a topic is related to daily life so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain ”four skills“ request of listening speaking reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二) Teaching aims and Demands
(1)。 To learn the new words and expressions.
(2)To learn and get a better understanding of the passage.
(1)。 To develop the students’ reading skills.
(2)To be able to search some information about Sunshine Town.
(1)。 To get the Ss to love their present life.
(2)。To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
(3)。To build up the Ss’ confidence.
(三) Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
(1)。 To master the new words and expressions.
(2)。To grasp the useful expressions.
2. Difficult points:
(1)。 To understand the specific information and think about related points.
(2)。To retell the main idea of the text.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based” teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
the Ss how to be successful language learners.
the Ss pass “Observation-Imitation-Practice” to study language.
the Ss how to master the conversation and how to communicate with others.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Have a free talk between T and Ss about some changes to our life. T: What changes have taken place in our life Do you want to know the changes to the Sunshine Town Work in pairs say sth about it.
Ss to skim the text quickly on their own and answer some questions.
the answers. And play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then get Ss to do true or false questions.
1. Ask Ss to read the conversation in pairs and do the exercises on PPT.
2. Explain some important language points.
3. Ask some able Ss to retell the passage.
and recite the text.
all the new words and useful language points.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Vocabulary. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一) Status and Function Teaching contentsThis is the fourth lesson of the unit. The lesson aims to introduce about opposites. It’s very easy but It’s important to master the knowledge. From this Ss can also extend their vocabulary. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二) Teaching aims and Demands
(1)To learn the new words.
2 To learn the opposites.
2. Ability objects
To use appropriate adjectives in context to express positive and negative meanings.
3. moral objects
To get the Ss to love their present life.
(三)Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
To understand the word-formation
2. Difficult points:
To know and grasp the negative prefix
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based“ teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Let the Ss pass ”Observation-Imitation-Practice“ to study language.
3. Teach the Ss how to master the suffixes and how to correct the mistakes.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Show some pictures or draw some pictures on the Bb. Get Ss to say the opposites. tall-short
some sentences with pictures or flash on PPT. Underline some adjectives and get Ss tofind out the opposites.
the opposites. Some are regular others are irregular. We add some prefixes like in-un-im- dis-il-ir to form negatives.
and remember the opposites.
Step3. Practice
1Show some exercises on PPT let Ss finish them.
2Finish off the exercises on page12then check the answers.
Step4. Homework
Try to remember all the adjectives and their opposites with right prefixes.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1GrammarAampB. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一)Status and Function Teaching contentsThis is the fifth lesson of the unit. We have learnt about the present perfect tense in period continues to talk about the use of the present perfect tense and the time expressions with the present perfect tense. It’s very important and difficult. From this Ss can also extend their knowledge. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二)Teaching aims and Demands
(1)To learn the use of the present perfect tense.
(2) To learn the spelling of the past participles of some verbs.
(1)To understand the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.
(2) To understand adverbs of time and use them with the present perfect moral objects To get the Ss to love their present life.
(三) Teaching key and Difficult point
use the present perfect tense to talk about events that started in the past and are connected tothe understand adverbs of time and use them with the present perfect tense correctly.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method.
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based” teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
the Ss how to be successful language learners.
the Ss pass “Observation-Imitation-Practice” to study language.
the Ss how to master the grammar and how to use it correctly.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
1. Review the important sentences in reading A . How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town2 When did Mr Chen get married3What has the center the of town becomeStep2. Presentation
the use of the present perfect tense. Help Ss compare the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.
Ss to conclude the structure of the present perfect tense from the model sentences.
Ss how to write the past participles of verbs. Help them conclude the rules.
Step3. Practice
1Do the exercises on PPT to get the Ss to grasp the rules and the structures.
off the exercises in their books.
1. Review grammar A.
the past participles of verbs on page14 in the book.
Revise the present perfect tense we have learnt last class.
Step2. Presentation
some model sentences on PPT.
Ss that we can use adverbs of time with the present perfect tense such as already ever yet never since and for. Ask Ss to learn Part B. Pay attention to the differences between these adverbs of time.
Step3. Practice
Ss to make some sentences with these adverbs in the present perfect tense.
the exercises in PartB.
more exercises to consolidate.
the table on page16 in the book.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Integrated skills. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一)Status and Function
This is the seventh lesson of the unit. It continues to talk about the changes .It puts listening speaking reading and writing together with comprehensive drills. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening speaking reading and writing. It can also improve the Ss’ comprehensive ability of using English. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二)Teaching aims and Demands
(1)。 To master the new words and phrases.
(2)。 To master the important language points.
(1)。 To improve the ability of getting information from listening and reading.
(2) To train the Ss’ abilities of listening speaking reading and writing.
3. moral objects
(1)。 To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
(2)。To build up the Ss’ confidence.
(3) To get the Ss to love their our world.
(三) Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
(1)。 To master the new words and expressions.
(2)。 To master the language points.
2. Difficult points:
(1)。 To improve the ability of getting information from listening and reading.
(2) To train the Ss’ abilities of listening speaking reading and writing.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. “Task-based” teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
the Ss how to be successful language learners.
the Ss pass “Observation-Imitation-Practice” to study language.
the Ss how to improve their “four skills”。 and how to communicate with others.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
There have been many changes in Starlight Town Do you want to know more about the
Show the pictures of Starlight Town’s past and present.
1Talk about its changes.
2 Listen to the tape and complete the list in part A1.
3 Listen again and check the off partA2 according to listening.
Ss talk about the changes between the past and present around their life.
to the tape about Millie and Sandy’s conversation in partB then answer some reading part B again and again then make dialogues like this.
4. Act out the dialogue in front of the class.
Recite the dialogue in part B and practice making a dialogue with the partner.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Main task. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一)Status and Function
This is a very important lesson. It’ a good chance for the Ss to practice writing. Such a topic is related to daily life so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二)Teaching aims and Demands
(1)。 To master the new words and phrases.
(2)。 To learn to select organize and present information.
2. Ability objects
(1)。 To describe and explain the experiences and feelings.
(2) To be able to write a report about changes to your hometown.
3. Moral objects
(1)。 To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
(2)。To build up the Ss’ confidence.
(3) To get the Ss to love their present life.
(三) Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
(10. To master the new words and expressions.
(2)。 To master the language points.
2. Difficult points:
(1)。 To write a report about changes to your hometown.
(2) To use the present perfect tense correctly.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based“ teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1 Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2 Let the Ss pass ”Observation-Imitation-Practice“ to study language.
the Ss how to write a report about changes to their hometown.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Free talk about changes around your life. Do you want to know the changes to Moonlight
1. Show the pictures of Moonlight Town’s past and presentlet Ss say sth about them.
2. To complete part A3 according to part A2 then check the answers. Practise reading it.
1. Use the report in part A3 as a model let Ss say out the changes to their hometown.
2. Let some Ss talk about their hometowns to the whole class.
1. To recite the new words and phrases.
2. To finish off the report.