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教学内容:c. work in pairs    d. listen and write


1.能熟练掌握句型“who’s taller than david? whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?”并能灵活进行替换练习。









step 1 warm up

2. sing a song: i wish i was taller

3. free talk.

围绕本单元的b部分单词及句型“who’s…than….?  whose…than…?   as…as…”等句型结合学生实际与生进行闲谈。

step 2 revision

1. listen and repeat.(a部分内容)

2. look and read.



and write.


4. look and say

①出示图片,引导生用“who’s…than…? whose…is…”进行对话。如:who’s taller than david?    gao shan is.  whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?    yours is, i think.


old, young, long, tall, short, fat…

step 3 presentation

1. look and say


如: how many people are there in the photo?  who are they?   who’s older, the man in black or in blue?   who’s younger, the woman in green or in purple?

2. listen to the tape.


3. listen and repeat

4. listen and complete

5. listen and check

6. read the sentences.

step 4 homework

1. listen and read part a.



句型: who’s taller than david? gao shan is.

whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?

yours is. i think.





lesson plan

school:  shanghai shi yan primary school

name:   li jun

book:  oxford english (shanghai edition) 2b unit 1

topic:  farm animals

aims:   letters: nn , nose , oo , orange

language focus:  learn the names and sounds of the letters “nn, oo”。

aids:   letter cards, multi-media, word cards, wall-chart ...etc .

procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-task preparation:1. warming-up:1. sing songs and read rhymes. 2. revision for the alphabets:1.      (multi-media) ps: recite the       (letter cards)ps: read the letter cards in rising tone and falling tone. when they read the capital letters, they stand up. when they read the small letters, they sit down.以“读大写,起立:读小写,坐下”的形式,使学生机械性朗读的过程变得有趣,学生在辨别字母大小写形式的同时,快速反应能力也得到了锻炼。ii. while-task procedure:content 1:letter: nn1.      (multi-media)t: introduce the letter “nn”。1.以多媒体动画使“n,n”走进学生的视野,从而引出新授内容。2.        ps: imitate the pronunciation .t: check. 3.        pa+pb: ask and answer in what letter is it?it's 's big n.(it's small n). 4.        t: show some word cards, such as ‘nurse’, ‘nice’, ‘nose’, ‘night’ and so : ask individuals to think of more words which contain n /n/.: new … 通过限时抢答的形式开展这个活动,尽可能地调动学生的知识库存,活跃他们的思维。content 2:letter: oo1.      (multi-media)t: introduce the letter “oo”   2. ps: imitate the : check. 3. pa->pb->pc : ask and answer in succession . it is o?yes, it is. it's big it o?yes, it is. it's small o. 4. (multi-media)ps: listen to the teacher's pronunciation and figure out the words with the same pronunciation /εu/.


t: conclude that o is pronounced as /εu/.ps->p1 :  look at the screen and read the words oo /εu/ nose…etc. 学生通过听音辨别,将单词与字母连线,自己归纳出字母o不同与其他元音字母的发音。这一活动为学生们提供了主动探究、自主学习的空间。iii. post-task activity:1. do a quick : read the letter cards with music. 2. build up the four letters “nn, oo” with body : practice in pairs or individually to show a p1: look at me. i am np2+3: look at us. we're o.“用自己的身体搭出字母”,使学生得以展开想象的翅膀,尽情展示自己的表演才能,同时以自己感性的体验,巩固了新知识。iv. assignment: the letter cards at home.   to the text .


本课的教学内容主要是字母“nn, oo”本身的发音及单词nose, orange中o的发音。二年级的学生年龄尚小,注意力不容易集中,纯机械化的字母教学很容易使他们感到枯燥乏味,从而渐渐失去对英语学习的兴趣。所以,在教学中,我采用各种形式的操练活动,使学生“动起来”,在“动中学”,“学中用”,避免字母学习的过程枯燥化,机械化。我主要就以下几方面进行了实践,


在新授字母“nn, oo”的教学中,我先是使用多媒体特效引出新授字母,使字母活蹦乱跳地“走”进学生的视野。学生们对生动形象的字母感到既好奇又十分有趣,从而产生了学习的积极性。其次,学生不是等待灌满的“空罐子”,而是语言和思维的积极探索者,他们具备一定的观察能力和归纳能力。在本课中教授字母组合“oo”在单词中的发音时,我尽可能地放手让学生自己观察,总结出发音规律。学生通过听音辨别,总结出字母o在单词中的发音为/εu/。这一活动为学生们提供了主动探究、自主学习的空间。让他们积极参与并自己探索语言的意义和答案。

在复习巩固字母“nn, oo”的环节中,我请学生们“用自己的身体搭出字母”。使学生得以展开想象的翅膀,尽情展示自己的表演才能,同时以自己感性的体验,巩固了新知识。


2b unit1 period 7(上海版牛津英语教案) 来自第一范文网。


lesson plan

school: shanghai shi yan primary school

name: ji junling

book: oxford english (shanghai edition)2b unit 1

topic: on the farm   story(1)  let’s enjoy

aims: : i’ve got…it goes…

: using formulaic expressions to indicate what noises.

language focus: using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions.

aids: pictures, toys, cassette player.

preparation:(pictures&tape)ps: listen, try to remember what they hear on the plays the cassette. students hear the sound and speak : i hear a pig.   通过看、听等感官的运用,刺激学生的各种感官,引起学生对学习内容的兴趣。同时也加深学生对已学知识理解。为新授打好基础。2. questions & answerswhat do you see on the farm? what do you hear on the farm? ask and answer:show the picture of the farm :ask the partner to answer the : answer. :what can you hear on the farm?p2:i can hear a cow. 3. spellinghen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig(words)ps: spell the  procedure::(pictures and the noises)ps: take out the pictures and talk their own : this is a pig. it is big and fat. it has two big ears and a fat body. i like it. 借助图片介绍自己喜爱的农场动物,同时通过模仿动物的声音,让学生在表演中感知英语,从而熟悉了新句型的基本结构和表达方式。 : listen to the tape. read after the tape of the picture 1& students to imitate the animals’ sounds and actions.  hold up a t(阿拉文库★)oy animal and say, ‘i’ve got a … it goes…’ response:  (listen and act)t:show the picture of a farm animal and say the : act this : t: this is a : it goes oink oink.4. a game:  a guessing gamethe pupils work in pairs. one of the pair sees the picture, he/she mime the sound of this animal, the other one should guess what animal it is.iii. post-task activity:1. try to sing a song:old macdonald’s has a farm 为学生提供自主学习的空间,尝试使用所学语言进行口头表达。游戏活动也增进了学生学习英语的热情。game:find your friends. moo, moo, i have got a cow. what have you got? take one of the farm animals. the student may go around the classroom and mime the sounds. stay together as friends if they have the same pictures.v. assignment:talk about the farm may introduce the animals to their family. even play the games with them.巩固课堂学习内容,更完整地介绍动物。




