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One day, the elephant in the forest was sick, lying on the bed, “ eh, eh! Its hard! ” keep calling. The little mouse knew, and the Coca Cola opened the flower: I could make a good teasing of the elephant! Hey!

The mouse came quietly to the elephants house, climbed into bed, and went into the elephants nose. &ldquo, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ah, the bad mouse must have gotten into my nose. Ha-ha! ” the mouse was scratching in the elephants nose. No wonder the elephants laugh! The mouse heard these words, the elephant is angry, scratching a strength of the elephant nose, make the elephant laugh, atishoo &ldquo! Ahchoo! ” elephant a few sneeze, put the mouse spray out, mouse see the situation is not good, satuijiupao, the elephant said angrily: “ mouse ah, I want to take you to the forest court! ” after the breath, it drilled back into the bed.

On this day, the elephant brought the mouse to the court, &ldquo, judge, judge, the mouse took advantage of me when I was ill! You say its bad! ” the elephant roared. “ my Lord, I didnt play a trick on the elephant. He got me into his nose! Its nothing to do with me! ” mice lie for themselves out of trouble. “ I can testify for the elephant! ” the little bear said. The judge said, “ what do you use to testify? ” Xiao bear said: “ judge, you see, I took this picture. I went to take a photo that day. I passed the elephants house and heard the elephant laughing and laughing. It was very strange. So she looked at the window and saw that the mouse played tricks on the elephant and took the picture. ” the little bear took out the picture and handed it to the judge. “ well, the mice were pat on the elephants, so I announced: the mice were playing tricks on the elephants and detained for two days! The meeting! ” the elephant can solve the gas. Thank you the bear for testifying, and what about the mouse? The hippopotamus was put in prison by the hippopotamus.

This story teaches us that we should treat good friends well and get along in peace.


Ive seen elephants from the zoo. Ive seen elephants on TV, but Ive never been in contact with the elephants. My wish is to be able to make friends with the elephants and be in close contact. Finally this day, my dream come true!

Today is the fifth day of the trip to Thailand, and we have stepped into the Nong Nooch Village. Im in a great mood today, because Im finally looking forward to an exciting elephant show!

I was restless, waiting for the performance to begin. Finally the show started! I saw a few elephants lined up in a neat way. The elephants used their long noses to shake the hoop hoop, and &ldquo from time to time. They clapped their hands on &rdquo, which seemed to welcome our arrival. Some elephants are also happy to sing “ the song ” come, the sound is so loud that it won the audiences cheers and applause. After jumping out of the dance, the next is the elephant shooting, I have a full belly question: the elephant is really so capable? Is it going to shoot? See! The first player raises a basketball with his nose, raises his front leg, puts the center of gravity back, and raises the body high and is ready to go. Just listening to it, when the whistle sounded, he exhausted all his strength and threw it into the basket. I cant help worrying about it. Its so far away from the basket. Can I throw it in? It seems my worry is superfluous, and the basketball is steadily in the basket. The whole scene was called up. A number of elephants to exit, I quickly picked up the banana ready to treat it. I gingerly handed it to the banana nose in front of it, it is not polite, sucking sound, the hands of the banana is it clever nose to absorb to feed the mouth. I cant help thinking that its nose is so big that its just as clever and amazing as our hands.

The elephant performance is over soon. I want to take a photo with the elephant. I sat in the two elephant nose made “ swing ”, it touched the nose, feeling very rough, uneven, the nose has a long long hair, there is a feeling of ariza. Suddenly, the elephants nose to high, will lift me on the day, sitting above, I looked down at the crowd, both happy and afraid. After a while, the nose of the two elephants fell slowly and put me down. A male elephant has rolled me up with its strong nose, and I like to fly with long wings. Another mother elephant put his nose on my head and stroked it back and forth, and I enjoyed it, warm and comfortable. Then I grabbed the elephant elephants long ivory. Its nose was lifted up high, its mouth opened and its breath was big. I felt all the back turned hot.

My dream came true, and the elephant had a close contact, out of the concert hall, my heart still Meizizi … …


Elephants are the biggest animals on land. They have long noses, and we call the noses trunks. Elephants use their trunks to get food and put the food into their mouths. Elephants have very long and strong teeth. and we call the teeth tusks.

People in some countries teach elephants how to work for man. Elephants use their trunks and tusks to pull trees along and lift heavy logs.

Most of the children like elephants, because they think elephants are kind and friendly.





Elephants are the biggest animals on the are big and have big ears and can walk quietly and help people move heavy things. They are very friendly,kind and always live the number of elephants kill elephants for their must take action to protect them or else they will extinct from the world.
