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英 ['gɪvɪŋ] 美 ['gɪvɪŋ]

1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


2. I always look for the good things a student does rather than the negative things. It is a basic human need. If a student doesn't do good in speaking English in my class, I will try by other means to get him to open up....either by having a chat with the student or by giving stronger encouragement.


3. She is shown giving birth with baby head coming out of her vagina.

乳房半吊着,她的儿子 Sean Preston 正从她的张开的阴道口诞出。

4. Having too much protective food but neglecting energy giving food or body building food will cause a decrease in energy level or underweight.

摄入多的protective food 而忽略energy-giving 或 body-building 类食物的摄入会使我们过瘦或缺少能量。

5. Suzhou, a set of Roman tile trimming Min Hui stone slabs on a bold series of stainless steel for waist, giving the already bright shiny toilets have added a lot of dazzling brilliance.


6. What has been your experience with random acts of kindness -- whether on the receiving or the giving end?



A family watching a dolphin from their boat were shocked when it dropped them off a cod supper for dinner.


The group were enjoying watching the mammal frolic in the water when it suddenly dived down and caught the cod before placing it near to Lucy Watkins, 14.


The dolphin then then resurfaced and began nudging the fish towards the stunned teenager. Lucy and her grandparents wondered whether they should pick up the fish in case the dolphin wanted it for tea.


But the dolphin then appeared seconds later with his own fish, this time a seabass, and began tucking in. The family gratefully scooped up the cod, which weighed a massive 10lbs, before taking it home to nearby Combe Martin in Devon to cook for their dinner.


Lucy said: 'He definitely wanted me to have his fish. He first dropped it 20ft away but then pushed it to within 5ft of my was watching on the beach and we caused quite a stir when we paddled in with the cod.'


Grandmother Nina added: 'It was as if he was saying to Lucy "Don't worry, now I've got a fish to play with and so have you. This is mine for my tea, you have that one for yours."'


'He was just so playful and content to be around us. Lucy was dangling her fingers in the water and he seemed to be attracted by that.'


'If I hadn't seen it myself I'd never have believed it. My theory is that he was lonely and wanted human company. He was with us for about two hours.'


'It seemed rude to refuse him so we took the fish and had cod and chips for supper. It was massive - I've still got half in the freezer.'


Lucy was paddling off Combe Martin Bay with Mike and Nina, both, 52, when they encountered the dolphin. The animal has become so popular with locals who have christened him Dave.


Nina, a swimming club coach, said the July 25 sighting was the highlight of Lucy's school holidays. She said: 'We feel so privileged to have been there. Lucy loves dolphins and has always wanted to swim with them.


'Well she didn't get to swim with this one, but it is the first time she has seen one out of captivity. With the crystal clear water, it was such an experience.'


A spokesman for Whale and Dolphin Conservation said: 'This is a very interesting account. There are many examples worldwide of dolphins interacting with humans. We would just make our usual appeal for people to generally keep their distance.



英 [ˈpreznt] 美 [ˈprɛznt]


1. At the present, china's export influenced by the financial crisis, the low power, high-value-added products ofwhich the proportion of international trade will comtinue to expand, which will be the direction of china's ecomomic transformation.


2. At present, the method for calculating the tube wall temperature in a furnace chamber is not exact.


3. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist.


4. Champa Dorje boarded the shuttle and said to them, Usually, when we`re out and about they don`t dare present a plea. They don`t know which lama can help them with their problems. At the same time, we don`t like to show ourselves on purpose.


5. At present main products are: methanol, chlorine, methane, trimethyl chlorosilane 1, dimethyl siloxane mixed monomer, zinc chloride, 1-methyl trichlorosilane, dimethyl dichlorosilane, 1-methyl dichlorosilane, six methyl siloxane ring, as well as three mixed silicone intermediates more products and sales, and with some solid silicone teacher manufacturers and downstream products, customers have a long history of cooperative relations and sales foundation.



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